PoshCode Archive  Artifact [4abe683cca]

Artifact 4abe683ccad01d2802ce3f438268cffafc1a100fd9efcca4321f48cfd3e69d91:

  • File Copy-MAGig.ps1 — part of check-in [d0a1352ea5] at 2018-06-10 13:29:39 on branch trunk — A script which wraps some magic modes for merging folder trees around Copy-Item. There is ‘no overwrite’ or keep newest version, don’t copy empty folders and some options to control the logging of the operation. It is intended run with PowerShell V2 and V3. I intend to blog about it after intense testing on http://pauerschell.blogspot.de/ (user: Bernd Kriszio size: 4759)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Copy-MAGig
# description: A script which wraps some magic modes for merging folder trees around Copy-Item. There is ‘no overwrite’ or keep newest version, don’t copy empty folders and some options to control the logging of the operation.  It is intended run with PowerShell V2 and V3. I intend to blog about it after intense testing on http://pauerschell.blogspot.de/
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Bernd Kriszio
# license: CC0
# function: Copy-MAGig
# x-poshcode-id: 3706
# x-archived: 2012-10-26T14:45:59
# x-published: 2012-10-20T08:55:00
function Copy-MAGig
        [int]$width = 100,           # used with the -log switch to format the log, 
        [int]$ident = 2,             # dito
        [switch]$log,                # if -verbose had a nice format and its output could be redirected I wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel
        [switch]$summary,            # short log
        [switch]$NoReplace,          # default is that source files overwrite existing files, files not replaced are not logged
        [switch]$keepEmptyFolders,   # default is no empty folder structures [you are not allowed to change this default]
        [switch]$newest              # not yet implemented , but not allowed together with -NoReplace, existing newer destination files are logged 
    # By bernd Kriszio (twitter bernd_k)
    # The promlem with Copy-Item -Rec -Exclude is that -exclude effects only top-level files
    # Copy-Item $src $dest    -Exclude $exclude       -EA silentlycontinue -Recurse:$recurse
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/731752/exclude-list-in-powershell-copy-item-does-not-appear-to-be-working
    $errident = [math]::max($ident - 3, 0)
    $summaryident = [math]::max($ident - 4, 0)
    $src_pattern = "^$($src -replace '\\', '\\' )\\"
        if (Get-Item $src -EA stop)
            if ($summary) {
                "{0,-$summaryident}{1,-$width} {2} => {3}" -f  '', $src , (@{'false'= '   ';'true'= 'rec' }[[string]$Recurse]), $dest
            # nonstandard: I create destination directories on the fly
            [void](New-Item $dest -itemtype directory -EA silentlycontinue )
            Get-ChildItem -Path $src -Force -Rec:$Recurse -exclude $exclude | % {
                $relativePath =  $_.FullName -replace $src_pattern, ''
                if ($_.psIsContainer)
                    if ($Recurse) # non standard: I don't want to copy directories, when not recurse
                        if ((Get-ChildItem $_.FullName |% { if (! $_.PSiscontainer) {$_} }) -or $keepEmptyFolders)
                            [void](New-item $dest\$relativePath -type directory -ea silentlycontinue)
                    $fileExists = Test-Path $dest\$relativePath
                    if ($fileExists -and $newest) {
                        $leavecurrent =  $_.LastWriteTime -le (Get-item $dest\$relativePath).LastWriteTime
                    } else {
                        $leavecurrent = $false
                    #"{0} {1} {2} {3}" -f $fileExists, $NoReplace, ($isnewer -and $newest), $relativePath
                    if ($log)
                        if ($fileExists) {
                            if (! $noreplace) {
                                if ($leavecurrent){
                                    "{0,-$errident}-- {1,-$width} => {2} (dest is current or newer)" -f  '', $_.FullName,  $dest
                                } else {
                                    "{0,-$ident}{1,-$width} => {2}" -f  '', $_.FullName,  $dest

                        } else {
                            "{0,-$ident}{1,-$width} -> {2}" -f  '', $_.FullName,  $dest
                    if ( ! ($fileExists -and ($NoReplace -or $leavecurrent))  )  {
                        try {
                            Copy-Item $_.FullName $dest\$relativePath  -Force
                        } catch {
                            "{0,-$errident}## fail ##  {1}" -f '', $_.Exception.Message

        "{0,-$errident}## fail ##  {1}" -f '', $_.Exception.Message