# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Set-RemoteService
# description: The Function Set-RemoteService will set the State and StartMode for the Service on the Remote Machine.
# version: 3.0
# type: function
# author: DexterPOSH
# license: CC0
# function: Get-ServerUptime
# x-poshcode-id: 5056
# x-archived: 2014-04-12T03:30:18
# x-published: 2014-04-07T04:38:00
# It will also interpret the WMI return codes if any and display a warning (Other than Return Code 0 for success)
# Note – Can pass alternate credentials too (requires Min PowerShell v3)
# Fixed a typo in the WMIHash splatting variable
Function Get-ServerUptime {
gets ServerUptime Info
Uses Win32_ComputerSystem to get the LastBootUptime from Remote Machine.
Creates a PSObject and writes it to pipeline
You can pipe the computer names, take it from a text file or pass objects with ComputerName property
PS C:\> Get-ServerUptime -ComputerName DeterDC -Verbose
VERBOSE: Starting the Function...Checking if ErrorFile exists
VERBOSE: ErrorFile exists & logging time to it - C:\Users\DexterPOSH\Desktop\UpTimeError.txt
VERBOSE: Checking if DeterDC is online
VERBOSE: DeterDC is online
ComputerName Uptime LastReboot
------------ ------ ----------
DeterDC 137 Days 7 Hours 4 Min 46 sec 11/19/2013 11:11:15 AM
VERBOSE: Ending the Function
Original Script : Bhargav Shukla MSFT
Url _ http://blogs.technet.com/b/bshukla/archive/2010/12/09/powershell-script-to-report-uptime.aspx
Modified by - DexterPOSH
Blog Url - http://dexterposgh.blogspot.com
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
#Requires -version 3.0
# Specify the ComputerNames (Default is the local machine)
helpmessage="Enter the ComputerNames to check uptime on",
# Error Log file , Default path User Desktop\UpTimeError.txt
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,helpmessage="Enter the Startup Type of the Service to be set")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,helpmessage="Enter the Credentials to Use")]
[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credentials = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty
Write-Verbose -Message "Starting the Function...Checking if ErrorFile exists"
#CReate the Errofile ...it will log Offline machines, Machines with issues
if (!(Test-Path -Path $ErrorFile -PathType Leaf))
Write-Verbose -Message "Creating ErrorFile & logging time to it - $ErrorFile"
New-Item -Path $ErrorFile -ItemType file | Out-Null
Add-Content -Value "$("#"*40)$(Get-Date)$("#"*40)" -Path $ErrorFile
Write-Verbose -Message " ErrorFile exists & logging time to it - $ErrorFile"
Add-Content -Value "$("#"*40)$(Get-Date)$("#"*40)" -Path $ErrorFile
foreach ($computer in $computername )
#Create the WMI Hash here
$WMIHash = @{
ComputerName = $Computer
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Query= "SELECT LastBootUpTime FROM Win32_OperatingSystem"
#Remove Credentials if the machine is local
if ($Computer -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME)
$WMIHash.Credential = $Credentials
Write-Verbose -Message "Checking if $Computer is online"
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -Count 2 -Quiet)
Write-Verbose -message "$Computer is online"
$wmi = Get-WmiObject @WMIHash
$uptime = (Get-Date) - $($wmi.ConvertToDateTime($wmi.LastBootUpTime))
$hash = [ordered]@{ComputerName="$computer";
Uptime=$("{0} Days {1} Hours {2} Min {3} sec" -f $uptime.days,$uptime.hours,$uptime.Minutes,$uptime.Seconds )
LastReboot= $($wmi.ConvertToDateTime($wmi.LastBootUpTime)) }
$Object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $hash
Write-Output -InputObject $Object
Write-Warning -Message " $computer :: $_.exception"
Add-Content -Value "$computer :: $_.exception" -Path $ErrorFile
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "$computer is Offline " #Write-host is not adviced as you can't capture it
#can better log this into a file using
Add-Content -Value "$computer :: Offline" -Path $ErrorFile
Write-Verbose -Message "Ending the Function"