# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Show-NodeXLMap
# description: Update version of Doug Finke’s Show-NetMap script (http://www.dougfinke.com/blog/?p=465). The NetMap research project has been renamed to NodeXL and is available on Codeplex (http://www.codeplex.com/nodexl). This script is updated to use the new code and adds support for adding color to the map points.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Doug Finke http
# license: CC0
# function: Add-Edge
# x-poshcode-id: 733
# x-archived: 2017-03-12T01:08:25
# x-published: 2009-12-15T14:47:00
# Author: Doug Finke http://www.dougfinke.com/blog/
# Originally Posted: 08/13/08 (Microsoft Research .NetMap and PowerShell)
# http://www.dougfinke.com/blog/?p=465
# Modified by Steven Murawski http://www.mindofroot.com
# Updated to use the new project name "NodeXL"
# Added support for coloring the labels
# By adding a color property to the input objects, the source and target vertices
# will show with that color. If the source vertex already exists, its color will
# not be changed.
# Date: 12/15/2008
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing") | Out-Null
[Reflection.Assembly]::Loadfrom("$pwd\Microsoft.NodeXL.Control.dll") | Out-Null
function Add-Edge($source, $target, $color)
$res=$netMapControl.Graph.Vertices.Find($source, [ref] $sourceVertex)
if ($sourceVertex -eq $null)
$sourceVertex = $netMapControl.Graph.Vertices.Add()
$sourceVertex.Name = $source
$sourceVertex.SetValue("~PVLDPrimaryLabel", $source)
if ($color -ne $null)
$sourceVertex.SetValue("~PVLDPrimaryLabelFillColor", [System.Drawing.Color]::$color )
$res=$netMapControl.Graph.Vertices.Find($target, [ref] $targetVertex)
if ($targetVertex -eq $null)
$targetVertex = $netMapControl.Graph.Vertices.Add()
$targetVertex.Name = $target
$targetVertex.SetValue("~PVLDPrimaryLabel", $target)
if ($color -ne $null)
$targetVertex.SetValue("~PVLDPrimaryLabelFillColor", [System.Drawing.Color]::$color )
$edge=$netMapControl.Graph.Edges.Add($sourceVertex, $targetVertex, $true)
function Show-NodeXLMap($layoutType="circular") {
Begin {
$form = New-Object Windows.Forms.Form
$netMapControl = New-Object Microsoft.NodeXL.Visualization.NodeXLControl
$netMapControl.Dock = "Fill"
$netMapControl.VertexDrawer = new-object Microsoft.NodeXL.Visualization.PerVertexWithLabelDrawer
$netMapControl.EdgeDrawer = new-object Microsoft.NodeXL.Visualization.PerEdgeWithLabelDrawer
Process {
if($_) {
Add-Edge $_.Source $_.Target $_.Color
End {
switch -regex ($layoutType) {
"C" { $Layout = New-Object Microsoft.NodeXL.Visualization.CircleLayout }
"S" { $Layout = New-Object Microsoft.NodeXL.Visualization.SpiralLayout }
"H" { $Layout = New-Object Microsoft.NodeXL.Visualization.SinusoidHorizontalLayout }
"V" { $Layout = New-Object Microsoft.NodeXL.Visualization.SinusoidVerticalLayout }
"G" { $Layout = New-Object Microsoft.NodeXL.Visualization.GridLayout }
"F" { $Layout = New-Object Microsoft.NodeXL.Visualization.FruchtermanReingoldLayout }
"R" { $Layout = New-Object Microsoft.NodeXL.Visualization.RandomLayout }
"Y" { $Layout = New-Object Microsoft.NodeXL.Visualization.SugiyamaLayout }
#$form.Size = New-Object Drawing.Size @(1000, 600)
$form.ShowDialog() | out-null