# encoding: utf-8
# api: powershell
# title: BinaryClock
# description: My updated version of my original binary clock.
# version: 2.0
# type: function
# author: Boe Prox
# license: CC0
# function: Start-BinaryClock
# x-poshcode-id: 2819
# x-archived: 2016-05-06T05:19:18
# x-published: 2012-07-24T20:01:00
# More information can be found here:
# http://learn-powershell.net/2011/07/24/powershell-binary-clock-round-2/
# Fixed a bug in code.
Function Start-BinaryClock {
This is a binary clock that lists the time in hours, minutes and seconds
This is a binary clock that lists the time in hours, minutes and seconds.
Key Input Tips:
r: Toggles the resize mode of the clock so you can adjust the size.
d: Toggles the date to hide/show
o: Toggles whether the clock remains on top of windows or not.
+: Increases the opacity of the clock so it is less transparent.
-: Decreases the opacity of the clock so it appears more transparent.
Right-Click to close.
Use left mouse button to drag clock.
Define the color used for the active time (1).
Define the color used for the inactive time (0).
.PARAMETER RandomColor
Default parameter if manual colors are not used. Picks a random color for On and Off colors.
Name: BinaryClock.ps1
Author: Boe Prox
DateCreated: 07/05/2011
Version 2.0
Starts the binary clock using randomly generated colors
Start-BinaryClock -OnColor Red -OffColor Gold -DateColor Black
Starts the binary clock using using specified colors.
DefaultParameterSetName = 'RandomColor'
Param (
[parameter(Mandatory = 'True',ParameterSetName = 'SetColor')]
[String] $OnColor,
[parameter(Mandatory = 'True',ParameterSetName = 'SetColor')]
[String] $OffColor,
[parameter(ParameterSetName = 'RandomColor')]
[parameter(Mandatory = 'True',ParameterSetName = 'SetColor')]
[String] $DateColor
If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'RandomColor') {
[switch]$RandomColor = $True
$Global:rs = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspace()
$rs.ApartmentState = “STA”
$rs.ThreadOptions = “ReuseThread”
$psCmd = {Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore,PresentationFramework,WindowsBase}.GetPowerShell()
$psCmd.Runspace = $rs
#Load Required Assemblies
Add-Type –assemblyName PresentationFramework
Add-Type –assemblyName PresentationCore
Add-Type –assemblyName WindowsBase
If ($RandomColor) {
#On Color
$OnColor = "#{0:X}" -f (Get-Random -min 1 -max 16777215)
Try {
[system.windows.media.brush]$OnColor | Out-Null
Catch {
$OnColor = "White"
#Off Color
$OffColor = "#{0:X}" -f (Get-Random -min 1 -max 16777215)
Try {
[system.windows.media.brush]$OffColor | Out-Null
Catch {
$OffColor = "Black"
#DateColor Color
$DateColor = "#{0:X}" -f (Get-Random -min 1 -max 16777215)
Try {
[system.windows.media.brush]$DateColor | Out-Null
Catch {
$DateColor = "Black"
[xml]$xaml = @"
x:Name='Window' WindowStyle = 'None' WindowStartupLocation = 'CenterScreen' Width = '170' Height = '101' ShowInTaskbar = 'True'
ResizeMode = 'NoResize' Title = 'Clock' AllowsTransparency = 'True' Background = 'Transparent' Opacity = '1' Topmost = 'True'>
<Grid x:Name = 'Grid' HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" ShowGridLines='false' Background = 'Transparent'>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="2"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="5"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="2"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="5"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="2"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="2"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" x:Name = 'DayColumn'/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" x:Name = 'MonthColumn'/>
<RowDefinition Height = '*'/>
<RowDefinition Height = '2'/>
<RowDefinition Height = '*'/>
<RowDefinition Height = '2'/>
<RowDefinition Height = '*'/>
<RowDefinition Height = '2'/>
<RowDefinition Height = '*'/>
<RowDefinition Height = '2'/>
<RowDefinition x:Name = 'timerow' Height = '0'/>
<Ellipse Grid.Row = '0' Grid.Column = '0' Fill = 'Transparent'/>
<Ellipse Grid.Row = '2' Grid.Column = '0' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse x:Name = 'HourA0' Grid.Row = '6' Grid.Column = '0' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse x:Name = 'HourA1' Grid.Row = '4' Grid.Column = '0' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse x:Name = 'HourB0' Grid.Row = '6' Grid.Column = '2' Fill = 'Transparent'/>
<Ellipse x:Name = 'HourB1' Grid.Row = '4' Grid.Column = '2' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse x:Name = 'HourB2' Grid.Row = '2' Grid.Column = '2' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse x:Name = 'HourB3' Grid.Row = '0' Grid.Column = '2' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse Grid.Row = '0' Grid.Column = '4' Fill = 'Transparent'/>
<Ellipse x:Name = 'MinuteA0' Grid.Row = '6' Grid.Column = '4' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse x:Name = 'MinuteA1' Grid.Row = '4' Grid.Column = '4' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse x:Name = 'MinuteA2' Grid.Row = '2' Grid.Column = '4' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse x:Name = 'MinuteB0' Grid.Row = '6' Grid.Column = '6' Fill = 'Transparent'/>
<Ellipse x:Name = 'MinuteB1' Grid.Row = '4' Grid.Column = '6' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse x:Name = 'MinuteB2' Grid.Row = '2' Grid.Column = '6' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse x:Name = 'MinuteB3' Grid.Row = '0' Grid.Column = '6' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse Grid.Row = '0' Grid.Column = '8' Fill = 'Transparent'/>
<Ellipse x:Name = 'SecondA0' Grid.Row = '6' Grid.Column = '8' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse x:Name = 'SecondA1' Grid.Row = '4' Grid.Column = '8' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse x:Name = 'SecondA2' Grid.Row = '2' Grid.Column = '8' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse x:Name = 'SecondB0' Grid.Row = '6' Grid.Column = '10' Fill = 'Transparent'/>
<Ellipse x:Name = 'SecondB1' Grid.Row = '4' Grid.Column = '10' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse x:Name = 'SecondB2' Grid.Row = '2' Grid.Column = '10' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Ellipse x:Name = 'SecondB3' Grid.Row = '0' Grid.Column = '10' Fill = 'Transparent' />
<Viewbox VerticalAlignment = 'Stretch' HorizontalAlignment = 'Stretch' Grid.Column = '12' Grid.RowSpan = '7'
StretchDirection = 'Both' Stretch = 'Fill'>
<TextBlock x:Name = 'DayLabel' VerticalAlignment = 'Stretch' HorizontalAlignment = 'Stretch'
FontWeight = 'Bold'>
<RotateTransform Angle="90" />
<Viewbox VerticalAlignment = 'Stretch' HorizontalAlignment = 'Stretch' Grid.Column = '13' Grid.RowSpan = '7'
StretchDirection = 'Both' Stretch = 'Fill'>
<TextBlock x:Name = 'MonthLabel' VerticalAlignment = 'Stretch' HorizontalAlignment = 'Stretch'
FontWeight = 'Bold'>
<RotateTransform Angle="90" />
$reader=(New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml)
$Global:Window=[Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load( $reader )
$Global:DayLabel = $Global:window.FindName("DayLabel")
$Global:MonthLabel = $Global:window.FindName("MonthLabel")
$Global:DayColumn = $Global:window.FindName("DayColumn")
$Global:MonthColumn = $Global:window.FindName("MonthColumn")
$Global:TimeRow = $Global:window.FindName("TimeRow")
$Global:Grid = $Global:window.FindName("Grid")
#Key Events
Switch ($_.Key) {
{'Add','OemPlus' -contains $_} {
If ($Window.Opacity -lt 1) {
$Window.Opacity = $Window.Opacity + .1
{'Subtract','OemMinus' -contains $_} {
If ($Window.Opacity -gt .2) {
$Window.Opacity = $Window.Opacity - .1
"r" {
If ($Window.ResizeMode -eq 'NoResize') {
$Window.ResizeMode = 'CanResizeWithGrip'
Else {
$Window.ResizeMode = 'NoResize'
"d" {
Switch ($MonthLabel.visibility) {
'Collapsed' {$MonthLabel.visibility = 'Visible';$DayLabel.Visibility = 'Visible'}
'Visible' {$MonthLabel.visibility = 'Collapsed ';$DayLabel.Visibility = 'Collapsed '}
"o" {
If ($Window.TopMost) {
$Window.TopMost = $False
Else {
$Window.TopMost = $True
$update = {
$DayLabel.Text = "$(((Get-Date).ToLongDateString() -split ',')[0] -split '')"
$DayLabel.Foreground = $DateColor
$MonthLabel.Text = Get-Date -u "%B %d %G"
$MonthLabel.Foreground = $DateColor
$hourA,$hourB = [string](Get-Date -f HH) -split "" | Where {$_}
$minuteA,$minuteB = [string](Get-Date -f mm) -split "" | Where {$_}
$secondA,$secondB = [string](Get-Date -f ss) -split "" | Where {$_}
$hourAdock = $grid.children | Where {$_.Name -like "hourA*"}
$minuteAdock = $grid.children | Where {$_.Name -like "minuteA*"}
$secondAdock = $grid.children | Where {$_.Name -like "secondA*"}
$hourBdock = $grid.children | Where {$_.Name -like "hourB*"}
$minuteBdock = $grid.children | Where {$_.Name -like "minuteB*"}
$secondBdock = $grid.children | Where {$_.Name -like "secondB*"}
[array]$splittime = ([convert]::ToString($houra,2)) -split"" | Where {$_}
$i = 0
ForEach ($hdock in $hourAdock) {
Write-Verbose "i: $($i)"
Write-Verbose "split: $($splittime[$i])"
If ($splittime[$i] -eq "1") {
$hdock.Fill = $OnColor
Else {
$hdock.Fill = $OffColor
$i = 0
[array]$splittime = ([convert]::ToString($hourb,2)) -split"" | Where {$_}
$i = 0
ForEach ($hdock in $hourBdock) {
Write-Verbose "i: $($i)"
Write-Verbose "split: $($splittime[$i])"
If ($splittime[$i] -eq "1") {
$hdock.Fill = $OnColor
Else {
$hdock.Fill = $OffColor
$i = 0
[array]$splittime = ([convert]::ToString($minutea,2)) -split"" | Where {$_}
$i = 0
ForEach ($hdock in $minuteAdock) {
Write-Verbose "i: $($i)"
Write-Verbose "split: $($splittime[$i])"
If ($splittime[$i] -eq "1") {
$hdock.Fill = $OnColor
Else {
$hdock.Fill = $OffColor
$i = 0
[array]$splittime = ([convert]::ToString($minuteb,2)) -split"" | Where {$_}
$i = 0
ForEach ($hdock in $minuteBdock) {
Write-Verbose "i: $($i)"
Write-Verbose "split: $($splittime[$i])"
If ($splittime[$i] -eq "1") {
$hdock.Fill = $OnColor
Else {
$hdock.Fill = $OffColor
$i = 0
[array]$splittime = ([convert]::ToString($seconda,2)) -split"" | Where {$_}
$i = 0
ForEach ($hdock in $secondAdock) {
Write-Verbose "i: $($i)"
Write-Verbose "split: $($splittime[$i])"
If ($splittime[$i] -eq "1") {
$hdock.Fill = $OnColor
Else {
$hdock.Fill = $OffColor
$i = 0
[array]$splittime = ([convert]::ToString($secondb,2)) -split"" | Where {$_}
$i = 0
ForEach ($hdock in $secondBdock) {
Write-Verbose "i: $($i)"
Write-Verbose "split: $($splittime[$i])"
If ($splittime[$i] -eq "1") {
$hdock.Fill = $OnColor
Else {
$hdock.Fill = $OffColor
$i = 0
If ($_.Key -eq "F5") {
#Timer Event
#Create Timer object
Write-Verbose "Creating timer object"
$Global:timer = new-object System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer
Write-Verbose "Adding interval to timer object"
$timer.Interval = [TimeSpan]"0:0:.10"
#Add event per tick
Write-Verbose "Adding Tick Event to timer object"
Write-Verbose "Updating Window"
#Start timer
Write-Verbose "Starting Timer"
If (-NOT $timer.IsEnabled) {
$window.Showdialog() | Out-Null
}).BeginInvoke() | out-null