PoshCode Archive  Artifact [50c42ada65]

Artifact 50c42ada65ed3918892d22ec571eb71117383ee64a032da9de9f1a214cc88e39:

  • File Convert-MacAddress.ps1 — part of check-in [aa9ba264a0] at 2018-06-10 13:17:30 on branch trunk — The Convert-MacAddress function takes a valid hex MAC address and converts it to another valid hex format. (user: Rich Kusak size: 3030)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Convert-MacAddress
# description: The Convert-MacAddress function takes a valid hex MAC address and converts it to another valid hex format.
# version:
# type: function
# author: Rich Kusak
# license: CC0
# function: Convert-MacAddress
# x-poshcode-id: 2948
# x-archived: 2016-11-21T18:27:25
# x-published: 2011-09-08T13:26:00
# Valid formats include the colon, dash, and dot delimiters as well as a raw address with no delimiter.
function Convert-MacAddress {
		Converts a MAC address from one valid format to another.

		The Convert-MacAddress function takes a valid hex MAC address and converts it to another valid hex format.
		Valid formats include the colon, dash, and dot delimiters as well as a raw address with no delimiter.

	.PARAMETER MacAddress
		Specifies the MAC address to be converted.

	.PARAMETER Delimiter
		Specifies a valid MAC address delimiting character. The format specified by the delimiter determines the conversion of the input string.
		Default value: ':'

		Convert-MacAddress 012345abcdef
		Converts the MAC address '012345abcdef' to '01:23:45:ab:cd:ef'.

		Convert-MacAddress 0123.45ab.cdef
		Converts the MAC address '0123.45ab.cdef' to '01:23:45:ab:cd:ef'.
		Convert-MacAddress 01:23:45:ab:cd:ef -Delimiter .
		Converts the MAC address '01:23:45:ab:cd:ef' to '0123.45ab.cdef'.

		Convert-MacAddress 01:23:45:ab:cd:ef -Delimiter ""
		Converts the dotted MAC address '01:23:45:ab:cd:ef' to '012345abcdef'.



		Name: Convert-MacAddress
		Author: Rich Kusak
		Created: 2011-08-28
		LastEdit: 2011-08-29 10:02



	param (
		[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
			$patterns = @(
			if ($_ -match ($patterns -join '|')) {$true} else {
				throw "The argument '$_' does not match a valid MAC address format."
		[ValidateSet(':', '-', '.', $null)]
		[string]$Delimiter = ':'
	process {

		$rawAddress = $MacAddress -replace '\W'
		switch ($Delimiter) {
			{$_ -match ':|-'} {
				for ($i = 2 ; $i -le 14 ; $i += 3) {
					$result = $rawAddress = $rawAddress.Insert($i, $_)

			'.' {
				for ($i = 4 ; $i -le 9 ; $i += 5) {
					$result = $rawAddress = $rawAddress.Insert($i, $_)
			default {
				$result = $rawAddress
		} # switch
	} # process
} # function Convert-MacAddress