# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: playlist.com music cache
# description: a script to download playlist.com music to a local cache directory for when your internet connection is spotty.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: karl prosser
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 1437
# x-archived: 2011-01-18T22:34:21
function calculateurl ([string]$source)
$encoded = ([byte[]]([regex]::matches($source,'\w{2}') |% {"0x$_"}))
$a = 0
$sbox = 0..255
$seed = "sdf883jsdf22";
$mykey = 0..255 | % { ([byte[]] ($seed.tochararray()))[$_ % $seed.length] }
0..255 | % {$a = ($a + $sbox[$_] + $mykey[$_]) % 256;$b = $sbox[$_];$sbox[$_] = $sbox[$a];$sbox[$a] = $b;}
$a = $b = 0;$output = "";
$encoded | % {$a = ($a + 1) % 256;$b = ($b + $sbox[$a]) % 256;$e = $sbox[$a];$sbox[$a] = $sbox[$b];$sbox[$b] = $e;
$h = ($sbox[$a] + $sbox[$b]) % 256; $d = $sbox[$h]; $_ -bxor $d } | % { $output += [char]$_ }
#function to cache a playlist.com playlist locally.
function cacheplaylist([string]$path,[string]$playlistnumber)
([xml](new-object system.net.webclient).downloadstring("http://pl.playlist.com/pl.php?playlist=$([int]($playlistnumber/256))")).playlist.tracklist.track | % {
try { $a= $_.tracktitle;$a;(new-object system.net.webclient).downloadfile((calculateurl $_.location),"$path\$a.mp3");"$a downloaded" } catch {"$a failed" } }
cacheplaylist c:\musiccache 2952517899