# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Windows Server Backup
# description: Windows Server Backup Script. Backs up to NAS location, include facility for rotation and email notification
# version: 3.0
# type: script
# author: James Day
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 4587
# x-archived: 2014-11-15T21:27:41
# x-published: 2014-11-06T11:19:00
Author: James Day
Created: 31st October 2013
Original script source taken from http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/WSB-Backup-network-email-9793e315
Full Credit goes to the Original author Augagneur Alexandre. Without your initial script I wouldn't have got this far.
Tested on Server 2012 using Powershell version 3.0
#Initialize WSB cmdlets
Import-Module WindowsServerBackup
#Files server
$Nas = "\\NAS"
#Root folder
$HomeBkpDir = ($Nas+"\BACKUP")
#Backup folder
$Filename = Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd_hhmmss
#Number of backup to retain (value "0" disable rotation)
$MaxBackup = 2
#List uncritical volumes
$Volumes = Get-WBVolume -AllVolumes | Where-Object { $_.Property -notlike "Critical*" }
#Function to compare the number of folders to retain with
#$MaxBackup (Not called if $MaxBackup equals 0)
function Rotation()
#List all backup folders
$Backups = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $HomeBkpDir | Sort-Object -property Name)
#Number of backups folders
$NbrBackups = $Backups.count
$i = 0
#Delete oldest backup folders
while ($NbrBackups -ge $MaxBackup)
#The orignal script included the -force switch when calling remove-item but this gave me errors YMMV
$($Backups[$i].fullname) | Remove-Item -Recurse
$NbrBackups -= 1
#Function to send email notification
function EmailNotification()
Start-Sleep -Seconds 120
#Sender email
$from = "backup@example.com"
#Receipt email
$to = "postmaster@example.com"
#SMTP Server
$smtpserver = "server"
#Mail subject
$Subject = $env:computername+": Backup report of "+(Get-Date)
#Prepare Mail content
$report = get-wbjob -previous 1
$success = $report.SuccessLogPath
$Failure = $report.FailureLogPath
$body = "Success and Failure logs are attached"
#Sends the message
Send-MailMessage -to $to -from $from -subject $Subject -body $body -attachments $success,$failure -smtpserver $smtpserver
#Execute rotation if enabled
if ($MaxBackup -ne 0)
#Backup folder creation
New-Item ($HomeBkpDir+"\"+$Filename) -Type Directory | Out-Null
$WBPolicy = New-WBPolicy
#Enable BareMetal functionnality (system state included)
Add-WBBareMetalRecovery -Policy $WBPolicy | Out-Null
#Add backup target
$BackupLocation = New-WBBackupTarget -network ($HomeBkpDir+"\"+$Filename)
Add-WBBackupTarget -Policy $WBPolicy -Target $BackupLocation -force | Out-Null
#Add uncritical volumes
if ($Volumes -ne $null)
Add-WBVolume -Policy $WBPolicy -Volume $Volumes | Out-null
#Make this a full VSS backup as opposed to a copy backup. This will truncate Exchange logs etc...
Set-WBVssBackupOptions -policy $WBPolicy -vssfullbackup | Out-null
#Displays the backup settings prior to running the job.
#Runs the backup task.
Start-WBBackup -Policy $WBPolicy
#Call email notification function