PoshCode Archive  Artifact [5448a41407]

Artifact 5448a41407f7e98ac3cc69ca4dc7c51e2d26ff27b6448e35ae250ff52041bf55:

  • File Get-FailingDrive.ps1 — part of check-in [602ebb2ada] at 2018-06-10 13:16:58 on branch trunk — Get-FailingDrive works with SMART to determine if your hard drive may be failing. If it determines that the hard drive might be failing, a warning is displayed along with a collection of information about the potentially failing drive. See my blog post for more details: (user: Boe Prox size: 4524)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-FailingDrive
# description: Get-FailingDrive works with SMART to determine if your hard drive may be failing. If it determines that the hard drive might be failing, a warning is displayed along with a collection of information about the potentially failing drive. See my blog post for more details:
# version: 1.0
# type: function
# author: Boe Prox
# license: CC0
# function: Get-FailingDrive
# x-poshcode-id: 2921
# x-archived: 2016-04-30T05:10:59
# x-published: 2012-08-20T19:55:00
# http://learn-powershell.net/2011/08/20/checking-for-failing-hard-drives-using-s-m-a-r-t-and-powershell/
Function Get-FailingDrive {
    Checks for any potentially failing drives and reports back drive information.
    Checks for any potentially failing drives and reports back drive information. This only works
    against local hard drives using SMART technology. Reason values and their meanings can be found
    here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T#Known_ATA_S.M.A.R.T._attributes
    Remote or local computer to check for possible failed hard drive.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Provide alternate credential to perform query.

    Author: Boe Prox
    Version: 1.0

    WARNING: ST9320320AS ATA Device may fail!

    MediaType       : Fixed hard disk media
    InterFace       : IDE
    DriveName       : ST9320320AS ATA Device
    Reason          : 1
    SerialNumber    : 202020202020202020202020533531584e5a4d50
    FailureImminent : True
    Command ran against the local computer to check for potential failed hard drive.
    Param (
    Begin {
        $queryhash = @{}
        $BadDriveHash = @{}
    Process {
        ForEach ($Computer in $Computername) {
            If ($PSBoundParameters['Computer']) {
                $queryhash['Computername'] = $Computer
                $BadDriveHash['Computername'] = $Computer
            } Else {
                $queryhash['Computername'] = $Env:Computername
                $BadDriveHash['Computername'] = $Env:Computername            
            If ($PSBoundParameters['Credential']) {
                $queryhash['Credential'] = $Credential
                $BadDriveHash['Credential'] = $Credential
            Write-Verbose "Creating SplatTable"
            $queryhash['NameSpace'] = 'root\wmi'
            $queryhash['Class'] = 'MSStorageDriver_FailurePredictStatus'
            $queryhash['Filter'] = "PredictFailure='False'"
            $queryhash['ErrorAction'] = 'Stop'
            $BadDriveHash['Class'] = 'win32_diskdrive'
            $BadDriveHash['ErrorAction'] = 'Stop'
            [regex]$regex = "(?<DriveName>\w+\\[A-Za-z0-9_]*)\w+"
            Try {
                Write-Verbose "Checking for failed drives"
                Get-WmiObject @queryhash | ForEach {
                    $drive = $regex.Matches($_.InstanceName) | ForEach {$_.Groups['DriveName'].value}
                    Write-Verbose "Gathering more information about failing drive"
                    $BadDrive = gwmi @BadDriveHash | Where {$_.PNPDeviceID -like "$drive*"}
                    If ($BadDrive) {
                        Write-Warning "$($BadDriveHash['Computername']): $($BadDrive.Model) may fail!"
                        New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                            DriveName = $BadDrive.Model
                            FailureImminent  = $_.PredictFailure
                            Reason = $_.Reason
                            MediaType = $BadDrive.MediaType
                            SerialNumber = $BadDrive.SerialNumber
                            InterFace = $BadDrive.InterfaceType
                            Partitions = $BadDrive.Partitions
                            Size = $BadDrive.Size
                            Computer = $BadDriveHash['Computername']
            } Catch {
                Write-Warning "$($Error[0])"