# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: GPRS Online log
# description: Scan the System Event log for all GPRS online activity – PCMCIA, USB, mobile phone, etc. A Balloon Tip will also be issued when the SIM card is about to expire (Needs an icon file to be named ‘exclamation.ico’ for this feature to work).
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Archdeacon
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 1469
# x-archived: 2009-11-13T08:19:14
# Get-GprsTime.ps1(V 1008)
# Check the total connect time of any GPRS devices from a specified date.
# Use the -Verbose switch for some extra information if desired. A default value
# can be set with the -Monthly switch but can be temporarily overridden with any
# -Start value and deleted by entering an invalid date. Now uses .NET Parse to
# use any culture date input. Switches -M and -S cannot be used together.
# A Balloon prompt will be issued in the Notification area for the 5 days
# before the nominal month end, and a suitable Icon (exclamation.ico) file needs
# to be available in the $PWD directory for this to work.
# NOTE: this can effectively be suppressed by using a value higher than the SIM
# card term, ie something like -Account 90 for a 30 day card which will override
# the default setting. Use -Today to check only today's usage.
# Use 'Set-Alias Get-GprsTime -Account 30' to set value permanently to 30 days.
# Examples:
# .\Get-GprsTime.ps1 -Monthly 4/8/2009
# .\Get-GprsTime.ps1 -Start 12/07/2009 -Account 100 -Verbose
# .\Get-GprsTime.ps1 -m 5/9/2009
# .\Get-GprsTime.ps1 10/4/2009 -v
# .\Get-GprsTime.ps1 -v
# .\Get-GprsTime.ps1 -Today
# .\Get-GprsTime.ps1
# The author can be contacted at www.SeaStarDevelopment.Bravehost.com and the
# 'exclamation.ico' file is included in the Gprs100x.zip download there.
Param ([String] $start,
[String] $monthly,
[Int] $account = 0, #Start warning prompt 5 days before month end.
[Switch] $today,
[Switch] $verbose,
[Switch] $debug)
Trap [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
[Int]$line = $error[0].InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
If ($line -eq 165) {
Write-Warning "[$name] Current GPRS variable has been deleted."
$monthly = ""
Else {
Write-Warning "[$name] Date is missing or invalid $SCRIPT:form"
Exit 1
$name = $myInvocation.MyCommand
$newLine = "[$name] The switches -Start and -Monthly can only be used separately."
If ($debug) {
$DebugPreference = 'Continue'
If ($start -and $monthly) {
Write-Warning "$newLine"
Exit 1
$SCRIPT:form = ""
#In certain cases Culture & UICulture can be different and have been known to
# return conflicting results regarding '-is [DateTime]' queries, etc.
If ($Host.CurrentCulture -eq $Host.CurrentUICulture) {
$SCRIPT:form = '-Use format mm/dd/year'
[Int]$culture = "{0:%d}" -f [DateTime] "6/5/2009" #Returns local day.
If ($culture -eq 6) {
$SCRIPT:form = '-Use format dd/mm/year'
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$WarningPreference = 'Continue'
$conn = $disc = $default = $print = $null
$timeNow = [DateTime]::Now
$total = $timeNow - $timeNow #Set initial value to 00:00:00.
$insert = "since"
If ($verbose) {
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
Function CreditMsg ($value, $value2) {
$value = [Math]::Abs($value)
$prefix = "CURRENT"
[DateTime] $creditDT = $value2
$creditDT = $creditDT.AddDays($value) #Add the -Account days.
$thisDay = "{0:M/d/yyyy}" -f [DateTime]::Now #Force US format.
#If we use '$number = $creditDT - (Get-Date)' instead of the line below we
#can sometimes get a value of 1 returned instead 2, hence the above lines.
$number = $creditDT - [DateTime] $thisDay
[String] $credit = $creditDT
$credit = $credit.Replace('00:00:00','') #Remove any trailing time.
$credit = "{0:d}" -f [DateTime]$credit
Switch($number.Days) {
1 {$prefix = "($value days) will expire tomorrow"; break}
0 {$prefix = "($value days) will expire today"; break}
-1 {$prefix = "($value days) expired yesterday"; break}
{($_ -lt 0)} {$prefix = "($value days) expired on $credit"; break}
{($_ -le 5)} {$prefix = "($value days) will expire on $credit"}
Default {$prefix = "CURRENT"} #Only come here if over 5 days.
Return $prefix
Function Interval ([String] $value) {
Switch($value) {
{ $_ -match '^00:00:\d+(.*)$' } {$suffix = "seconds"; break}
{ $_ -match '^00:\d+:\d+(.*)$'} {$suffix = "minutes"; break}
Default {$suffix = " hours"}
Return $suffix
Function CheckSetting ($value) {
If ($value) {
$print = $default.ToShortDateString() #Correct for local culture.
Else {
$print = "(Value not set)"
Return $print
#The Script effectively starts here.............................................
$getGprs = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("GPRS","User")
#First check for GPRS variable and change from US date format to current locale.
If ([DateTime]::TryParse($getGprs, [Ref]$timeNow)) { #No error as date is valid.
$default = "{0:d}" -f [datetime]$getGprs
$default = [DateTime]::Parse($default)
$checkYear = "{0:yyyy}" -f $default
$checkMonth = "{0:%M}" -f $default
$dayCount = [DateTime]::DaysInMonth($checkYear,$checkMonth) #Range 28-31.
If($account -eq 0) {
$account = $dayCount
$summary = "$($dayCount.ToString()) days"
Else {
$summary = "$($account.Tostring()) days"
$text = CreditMsg $account $getGprs #Check if within 5 days of expiry date.
If (($text -ne "CURRENT") -and (Test-Path "$pwd\exclamation.ico") ) {
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
$objNotifyIcon = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon
$objNotifyIcon.Icon = "$pwd\exclamation.ico"
$objNotifyIcon.BalloonTipIcon = "Info"
$objNotifyIcon.BalloonTipTitle = "GPRS online account"
$objNotifyIcon.BalloonTipText = "Credit $text"
$objNotifyIcon.Visible = $True
Else {
$summary = "(Days not set)"
If ((!$today) -and (!$monthly) -and (!$start)) {
Write-Warning("Monthly date is either invalid or not set.")
Exit 1
If ($start) {
$start = [DateTime]::Parse($start) #Trigger TRAP if invalid!
[DateTime]$limit = $start
$convert = "{0:D}" -f $limit
$print = CheckSetting $default
If ($monthly) {
$start = [DateTime]::Parse($monthly) #Trigger TRAP if invalid!
Write-Output "Setting GPRS (monthly) environment variable to: $monthly"
$gprs = [String]$start.Replace('00:00:00','')
[DateTime] $limit = $start #Change to required US date format.
$convert = "{0:D}" -f $limit
$print = $limit.ToShortDateString()
$summary = "(Days undetermined)" #Will show next time around.
If ($today) {
$verBosePreference = 'Continue' #Show VERBOSE by default.
[DateTime] $limit = (Get-Date)
$convert = "{0:D}" -f $limit
$limit = $limit.Date #Override any start date if using -Today input.
$insert = "for today"
$print = CheckSetting $default
If ((!$today) -and (!$monthly) -and (!$start)) {
If ($default) {
$monthly = $default
[DateTime] $limit = $monthly
$convert = "{0:D}" -f $limit
$print = CheckSetting $default
Write-Verbose "All records $($insert.Replace('for ','')) - $convert"
Write-Verbose "Script activation - User [$($env:UserName)] Computer [$($env:ComputerName)]"
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "Calculating total connect time of all GPRS modem devices..."
#We cannot proceed beyond here without a valid $limit value.
Write-Debug "Using - [Search date] $($limit.ToShortDateString()) [Account] $summary [GPRS Monthly] $print"
$lines = Get-EventLog system | Where-Object {($_.TimeGenerated -ge $limit) -and `
($_.EventID -eq 20159 -or $_.EventID -eq 20158)}
If ($lines) {
Write-Verbose "A total of $([Math]::Truncate($lines.Count/2)) online sessions extracted from the System Event Log."
Else {
Write-Output "(There are no events indicated in the System Event Log)"
$lines | ForEach-Object {
$source = $_.Source
If ($_.EventID -eq 20159) { #Event 20159 is Disconnect.
$disc = $_.TimeGenerated
Else { #Event 20158 is Connect.
$conn = $_.TimeGenerated
} #We are only interested in matching pairs of DISC/CONN...
If ($disc -ne $null -and $conn -ne $null -and $disc -gt $conn) {
$diff = $disc - $conn
$total += $diff
$convDisc = "{0:G}" -f $disc
$convConn = "{0:G}" -f $conn
$period = Interval $diff
Write-Verbose "Disconnect at $convDisc. Online - $diff $period"
Write-Verbose " Connect at $convConn."
} #End ForEach
If (!$source) {
$source = '(Undetermined)'
Write-Verbose "Using local event source - System Event Log [$source]"
$period = Interval $total
Write-Output "Total online usage $insert $convert is $total $($period.Trim())."
Write-Output ""