PoshCode Archive  Artifact [56ee297526]

Artifact 56ee297526cf57b5048044fed1121d609f05b80fb24deb596c520426ac827d94:

  • File Set-account-password.ps1 — part of check-in [c5a9a67edc] at 2018-06-10 13:09:35 on branch trunk — This script will allow you to set the password for an account on a local or remote machine/s. A report is then generated when done along with an error log. Scripts accepts pipeling input for the computer/s. If any errors are encountered, a log will be generated as well. (user: geraldo size: 7210)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Set account password
# description: This script will allow you to set the password for an account on a local or remote machine/s.  A report is then generated when done along with an error log. Scripts accepts pipeling input for the computer/s. If any errors are encountered, a log will be generated as well.
# version: 1.0
# type: function
# author: geraldo
# license: CC0
# function: Set-Password
# x-poshcode-id: 2396
# x-archived: 2010-12-10T22:10:19
Function Set-Password {
#requires -version 2.0

    Allows the changing of the local account password on a local or remote machine.
    Allows the changing of the local account password on a local or remote machine.
.Parameter computer
    Computer that the password will be changed on.  Supports a single computer or collection of computers and can be processed 
    through the pipeline.
.Parameter user
    Account that will have the password changed.    
    Set-Password -computer 'server' -user 'Administrator'
    User will be prompted to type in the password for Administrator prior to being changed on 'server'  
    Set-Password -computer @('server','server2') -user 'Administrator'
    User will be prompted to type in the password for Administrator prior to being changed on 'server' and 'server2'
    @('server','server2') | Set-Password -user 'Administrator'
    User will be prompted to type in the password for Administrator prior to being changed on 'server' and 'server2'   
    Set-Password -computer (Get-Content hosts.txt) -user 'Administrator'
    User will be prompted to type in the password for Administrator prior to being changed on 'server' and 'server2'       

 NAME:      Set-Password
 VERSION:   1.0
 AUTHOR:    Boe Prox
 Date:      26 August 2010


    SupportsShouldProcess = $True,
    ConfirmImpact = 'low',
	DefaultParameterSetName = 'server'
Param (    
     HelpMessage="List of servers")]
     HelpMessage="Account to change password")]
Begin {
    Write-Verbose "Building container for report"
    $arrlist = @()
    Write-Verbose "Prompting for password"
    $password = Read-Host "Type password -- VERIFY BEFORE CLICKING RETURN!!!"
    Write-Verbose "Checking for existence of error log and clearing contents"
    $errorlog = "passwordchangeerrors.txt"
    If ([system.io.file]::exists($errorlog)) {
        Clear-content $errorlog
Process {
    #Iterate through computer list
    ForEach ($c in $computer) {
        $temp = New-Object PSobject
        Try {
            Write-Verbose "Testing Connection to $($c)"
            Test-Connection -comp $c -count 1 -ea stop | out-null
            #Verify account exists before attempting password change
            Write-Verbose "Verifying that $($user) exists on $($computer)"
            $colusers = ([ADSI]("WinNT://$c,computer")).children | ? {$_.psbase.schemaClassName -eq "User"} | Select -expand Name
            If ($colusers -contains $user) {
                Write-Host -foregroundcolor Green "Changing password on $c..."
                $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
                Try {
                    #Make connection to remote/local computer and user account
                    $account = [adsi]("WinNT://"+$c+"/$user, user")
                    #Change password on user account
                    If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($($user))) {
                        $account.psbase.invoke("SetPassword", $password)
                    Write-Verbose "Adding information to report"    
                    $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty TimeStamp "$(get-date)"                   
                    $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty Server $c
                    $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty Account $user
                    $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty Status "Password Changed"    
                    $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty Notes ""
                Catch {
                    $errorflag = $True
                    Write-Verbose "Writing errors to $($errorlog)"
                    "$(get-date) :: Server:$($c) :: $($error[0].exception)" | Out-File -append $errorlog 
                    Write-Verbose "Adding information to report"         
                    $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty TimeStamp "$(get-date)" 
                    $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty Server $c
                    $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty Account $user
                    $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty Status "Error Changing Password"
                    $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty Notes $error[0]                
        Else {
            $errorflag = $True
            Write-Verbose "Writing errors to $($errorlog)"
            "$(get-date) :: Server:$($c) :: $($user) does not exist!)" | Out-File -append  $errorlog
            Write-Verbose "Adding information to report"                   
            $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty TimeStamp "$(get-date)" 
            $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty Server $c
            $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty Account $user
            $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty Status "Unable to change password"
            $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty Notes  "Username does not exist"             
        Catch {
            $errorflag = $True
            Write-Verbose "Writing errors to $($errorlog)"
            "$(get-date) :: Server:$($c) :: $($error[0].exception)" | Out-File -append  $errorlog
            Write-Verbose "Adding information to report"           
            $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty TimeStamp "$(get-date)"            
            $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty Server $c
            $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty Account $user
            $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty Status "Error Connecting to computer"
            $temp | Add-Member NoteProperty Notes $error[0]
        Finally {
            #Merge temp report with main report
            Write-Verbose "Merging report"
            $arrlist += $temp
End {  
    #Generate report to screen
    Write-Verbose "Generating report"          
    If ($errorflag) {
        Write-Host -fore Yellow "Errors were reported during run, please look at $($pwd)\$($errorlog) for more details."
    Write-Verbose "Removing password from variable `$password"    
    $password = $Null        