PoshCode Archive  Artifact [5749d38741]

Artifact 5749d387410d72a550731c1253e14044e0606fdc41f492822fb6f5e3d3e278ea:

  • File Get-MacAddressOui.ps1 — part of check-in [65ef5c4898] at 2018-06-10 13:17:28 on branch trunk — The Get-MacAddressOui function retrieves the MAC address OUI reference list maintained by the IEEE standards website and (user: Rich Kusak size: 2606)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-MacAddressOui
# description: The Get-MacAddressOui function retrieves the MAC address OUI reference list maintained by the IEEE standards website and
# version:
# type: function
# author: Rich Kusak 
# license: CC0
# function: Get-MacAddressOui
# x-poshcode-id: 2946
# x-archived: 2016-11-08T15:50:15
# x-published: 2011-09-06T17:12:00
# returns the name of the company to which the MAC address OUI is assigned.
function Get-MacAddressOui {
		Gets a MAC address OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier).

		The Get-MacAddressOui function retrieves the MAC address OUI reference list maintained by the IEEE standards website and
		returns the name of the company to which the MAC address OUI is assigned.

	.PARAMETER MacAddress
		Specifies the MAC address for which the OUI should be retrieved.

		Get-MacAddressOui 00:02:B3:FF:FF:FF
		Returns the MAC address OUI and the company assigned that idenifier.



		Name: Get-MacAddressOui
		Author: Rich Kusak (rkusak@hotmail.com)
		Created: 2011-09-01
		LastEdit: 2011-09-06 19:09




	param (
		[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
			# Builds regex patterns for the 4 MAC address hex formats
			$patterns = @(':', '-', $null) | ForEach {"^([0-9a-f]{2}$_){5}([0-9a-f]{2})$"}
			$patterns += '^([0-9a-f]{4}\.){2}([0-9a-f]{4})$'

			if ($_ -match ($patterns -join '|')) {$true} else {
				throw "The argument '$_' does not match a valid MAC address format."
	begin {
		$uri = 'http://standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/oui/oui.txt'
		$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
		try {
			Write-Debug "Performing operation 'DownloadString' on target '$uri'."
			$ouiReference = $webClient.DownloadString($uri)
		} catch {
			throw $_
		$properties = 'MacAddress', 'OUI', 'Company'

	} # begin
	process {
		$oui = ($MacAddress -replace '\W').Remove(6)
		$regex = "($oui)\s*\(base 16\)\s*(.+)"
		New-Object PSObject -Property @{
			'MacAddress' = $MacAddress
			'OUI' = $oui
			'Company' = [regex]::Match($ouiReference, $regex, 'IgnoreCase').Groups[2].Value
		} | Select $properties
	} # process
} # function Get-MacAddressOui