PoshCode Archive  Artifact [57eabf4d26]

Artifact 57eabf4d265c98f1ffd75d66f9060756d273ae394220789ce87e96e1539555b8:

  • File New-PInvoke.ps1 — part of check-in [b5c07fcaea] at 2018-06-10 12:57:01 on branch trunk — A fixed version of the New-PInvoke function that’s in the Windows 7 resource kit (PowerShellPack) PSCodeGen module. This one has correct documentation, and also generates a (global) PowerShell wrapper function so you can call it easily. (user: Joel Bennett size: 2279)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: New-PInvoke
# description: A fixed version of the New-PInvoke function that’s in the Windows 7 resource kit (PowerShellPack) PSCodeGen module.  This one has correct documentation, and also generates a (global) PowerShell wrapper function so you can call it easily.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: New-PInvoke
# x-poshcode-id: 1408
# x-archived: 2015-05-08T00:32:32
# x-published: 2010-10-20T10:13:00
function New-PInvoke
        Generate a powershell function alias to a Win32|C api function
        Creates C# code to access a C function, and exposes it via a powershell function
        New-PInvoke -Library User32.dll -Signature "int GetSystemMetrics(uint Metric)"
    .Parameter Library
        A C Library containing code to invoke
    .Parameter Signature
        The C# signature of the external method
    .Parameter OutputText
        If Set, retuns the source code for the pinvoke method.
        If not, compiles the type. 
        HelpMessage="The C Library Containing the Function, i.e. User32")]
        HelpMessage="The Signature of the Method, i.e.: int GetSystemMetrics(uint Metric)")]
    process {
        if ($Library -notlike "*.dll*") {
        if ($signature -notlike "*;") {
        if ($signature -notlike "public static extern*") {
            $signature = "public static extern $signature"
        $name = $($signature -replace "^.*?\s(\w+)\(.*$",'$1')
        $MemberDefinition = "[DllImport(`"$Library`")]`n$Signature"
        if (-not $OutputText) {
            $type = Add-Type -PassThru -Name "PInvoke$(Get-Random)" -MemberDefinition $MemberDefinition
            iex "New-Item Function:Global:$name -Value { [$($type.FullName)]::$name.Invoke( `$args ) }"
        } else {