# encoding: ascii
# api: xml
# title: New-XML
# description: This is a first stab at creating a little DSL to generate XML. Note that I used System.Linq.XML (and output an XDocument) instead of the old XmlDocument… This means you have to have .Net 3.5 (LINQ) installed. It also means that if you want to be able to use the output via PowerShell’s magic XML dot-notation, you have to cast it to XmlDocument, just write: [xml]$xml = New-XML ...
# version: 1.1
# type: function
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: New-Xml
# x-poshcode-id: 5348
# x-archived: 2017-01-03T12:18:05
# x-published: 2017-08-02T03:44:00
### A first stab at the worlds simplest DSL:
### How to generate XML from PowerShell, in code instead of string-substitution
$xlr8r = [type]::gettype("System.Management.Automation.TypeAccelerators")
$xlinq = [Reflection.Assembly]::Load("System.Xml.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089")
$xlinq.GetTypes() | ? { $_.IsPublic -and !$_.IsSerializable -and $_.Name -ne "Extensions" } | % {
$xlr8r::Add( $_.Name, $_.FullName )
function New-Xml {
New-Object XDocument (New-Object XDeclaration "1.0","utf-8","no"),(
New-Object XElement $(
# foreach($ns in $namespace){
# $name,$url = $ns -split ":",2
# New-Object XAttribute ([XNamespace]::Xmlns + $name),$url
# }
while($args) {
$attrib, $value, $args = $args
if($attrib -is [ScriptBlock]) {
} elseif ( $value -is [ScriptBlock] -and "-Content".StartsWith($attrib)) {
} elseif ( $value -is [XNamespace]) {
New-Object XAttribute ([XNamespace]::Xmlns + $attrib.TrimStart("-")),$value
} else {
New-Object XAttribute $attrib.TrimStart("-"), $value
function New-Element {
New-Object XElement $(
while($args) {
$attrib, $value, $args = $args
if($attrib -is [ScriptBlock]) {
} elseif ( $value -is [ScriptBlock] -and "-Content".StartsWith($attrib)) {
} elseif ( $value -is [XNamespace]) {
New-Object XAttribute ([XNamespace]::Xmlns + $attrib.TrimStart("-")),$value
} else {
New-Object XAttribute $attrib.TrimStart("-"), $value
Set-Alias xe New-Element
# [XNamespace]$dc = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1"
# $xml = New-Xml rss -dc $dc -atom $atom -content $content -version "2.0" {
# xe channel {
# xe title {"Test RSS Feed"}
# xe link {"http`://HuddledMasses.org"}
# xe description {"An RSS Feed generated simply to demonstrate my XML DSL"}
# xe ($dc + "language") {"en"}
# xe ($dc + "creator") {"Jaykul@HuddledMasses.org"}
# xe ($dc + "rights") {"Copyright 2009, CC-BY"}
# xe ($dc + "date") {(Get-Date -f u) -replace " ","T"}
# xe item {
# xe title {"The First Item"}
# xe link {"htt`p://huddledmasses.org/new-site-new-layout-lost-posts/"}
# xe guid -isPermaLink true {"http`://huddledmasses.org/new-site-new-layout-lost-posts/"}
# xe description {"Ema Lazarus' Poem"}
# xe pubDate {(Get-Date 10/31/2003 -f u) -replace " ","T"}
# }
# }
# }
# $xml.ToString()
####### OUTPUT: (NOTE: I added the space in the http: to paste it here -- those aren't in the output)
# <rss xmlns:dc="http ://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1" version="2.0">
# <channel>
# <title>Test RSS Feed</title>
# <link>http ://HuddledMasses.org</link>
# <description>An RSS Feed generated simply to demonstrate my XML DSL</description>
# <dc:language>en</dc:language>
# <dc:creator>Jaykul@HuddledMasses.org</dc:creator>
# <dc:rights>Copyright 2009, CC-BY</dc:rights>
# <dc:date>2009-07-26T00:50:08Z</dc:date>
# <item>
# <title>The First Item</title>
# <link>http ://huddledmasses.org/new-site-new-layout-lost-posts/</link>
# <guid isPermaLink="true">http ://huddledmasses.org/new-site-new-layout-lost-posts/</guid>
# <description>Ema Lazarus' Poem</description>
# <pubDate>2003-10-31T00:00:00Z</pubDate>
# </item>
# </channel>
# </rss>