# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Balance-Datastores.ps1
# description: Requires mGet-DatastoreList.ps1
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: monahancj
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3523
# x-archived: 2015-03-08T13:58:50
# x-published: 2015-07-17T07:13:00
# Balances datastores by picking a VM from the most full datastore and svMotioning it to the least full datastore. It runs once, so you have to run it as many times as you feel necessary, either manually or in a loop with some sort of exit condition. The exit condition could be 10 times, most full % is with 10% of the least full %, until it’s Tuesday, or something else. There are some variables you want to set for your environment. For example, we limit the number of VMs on a datastore to 15 in production and 20 in QA/Dev. You may want something different.
-Change number of DSTs to is selection of $DSTMostFree to be variable. Also add in logic to select DSTs with lower VMCounts.
Total DSTs Select DSTs
---------- -----------
<5 1
5-20 3
>20 5
-For $DSTLeastFree add in logic to select DSTs with higher VMCounts.
#Parameter- Name of the VMware cluster to work in
Write-Output "`n$(Get-Date)- Script started"
# Validate parameter input
If ( ($Action -ne "Move") -and ($Action -ne "Report") ) {
Write-Output "$(Get-Date)- Valid values for the parameter ""Action"" are either ""Move"" or ""Report"""
Write-Output "$(Get-Date)- Script aborted`n"
$IsClusterNameInvalid = $true
Get-Cluster | % { If ($_.Name -eq $Cluster) {$IsClusterNameInvalid = $false} }
If ($IsClusterNameInvalid) {
Write-Host "Error- Invalid Cluster Name" -Background Yellow -Foreground Red
Write-Host "Valid cluster names for this Virtual Center server."
Write-Host "---------------------------------------------------"
Get-Cluster | Sort
Write-Output "$(Get-Date)- Script aborted`n"
# Prep
$ScriptDir = "\\vmscripthost201\repo"
. $ScriptDir\Get-mDataStoreList.ps1
If ($Cluster -match "Prod") { $DatastoreNumVMsLimit = 15 } Else { $DatastoreNumVMsLimit = 20 }
$FreeSpacePercentMoveThreshold = 25
# Get the list of valid datastores and pick the one with the least free space.
$DSTs = Get-mDataStoreList $Cluster
$DSTInfoAll = $DSTs | Select-Object Name,@{n="CapacityGB";e={[int](($_.CapacityMB/1024))}},@{n="FreeSpaceGB";e={[int](($_.FreeSpaceMB/1024))}},@{n="FreeSpacePercent";e={[int](($_.FreeSpaceMB/$_.CapacityMB*100))}},@{n="ProvisionedGB";e={[int](($_.ExtensionData.Summary.Capacity - $_.ExtensionData.Summary.Freespace + $_.ExtensionData.Summary.Uncommitted)/1024/1024/1024)}},@{n="ProvisionedPercent";e={[int](($_.ExtensionData.Summary.Capacity - $_.ExtensionData.Summary.Freespace + $_.ExtensionData.Summary.Uncommitted)/$_.ExtensionData.Summary.Capacity*100)}},@{n="VMCount";e={(Get-VM -Datastore $_ | Measure-Object).Count}}
If ($DSTInfoAll | Where-Object { $_.FreeSpacePercent -lt $FreeSpacePercentMoveThreshold } )
{ $DSTInfoLeastCandidates = $DSTInfoAll | Where-Object { $_.FreeSpacePercent -lt 25 } }
ElseIf ($DSTInfoAll | Where-Object { $_.VMCount -gt $DatastoreNumVMsLimit } )
{ $DSTInfoLeastCandidates = $DSTInfoAll | Where-Object { $_.VMCount -gt $DatastoreNumVMsLimit } }
{ $DSTInfoLeastCandidates = $DSTInfoAll }
$DSTLeastFree = $DSTInfoLeastCandidates | Sort-Object FreespacePercent | Select-Object -First 3 | Sort-Object ProvisionedPercent | Select-Object -Last 1
$DSTMostFree = $DSTInfoAll | Where-Object { $_.VMCount -lt $DatastoreNumVMsLimit } | Sort FreeSpacePercent | Select-Object -Last 3 | Sort-Object ProvisionedPercent | Select-Object -First 1
#$DSTInfo | ft -a
#$DSTLeastFree | ft -a
#$DSTMostFree | ft -a
# Get all the VMs on the datastore with the least free space and having less than 16GB of RAM. VMs with high RAM are more likely to fail svMotion.
# $SourceVMsInitial = Get-VM -Datastore $DSTLeastFree.Name | Where-Object { $_.MemoryMB -le 16384 } | Sort-Object UsedSpaceGB
# cjm 110719- Removing the above restriction to 16GB VMs or lower because there are too many with more than that.
$SourceVMsInitial = Get-VM -Datastore $DSTLeastFree.Name | Sort-Object UsedSpaceGB
# Remove any VMs that are in the exclusions text file.
$SourceVMsNotExcludeded = $SourceVMsInitial | ForEach-Object {
$vmtemp = $_.Name
$match = $false
Get-Content $ScriptDir\StaticInfo\sVMotion_ExcludeList.txt | ForEach-Object {
If ($vmtemp -eq $_) { $match = $true }
If ($match -eq $false) { $vmtemp }
$SourceVMs = $SourceVMsNotExcludeded | Where-Object { $_.MemoryMB -le 32768 }
# Pick the VM
$SourceVMCount = ($SourceVMs | Measure-Object).Count
$SourceVMIndex = [int]($SourceVMCount/2)
$SourceVMToMove = $SourceVMs[$SourceVMIndex]
If ($Action -eq "Report" ) { Write-Output "+++++++ Reporting only +++++++" }
$DSTLeastFree | Format-Table -AutoSize
$DSTMostFree | Format-Table -AutoSize
Get-VM $SourceVMToMove | Select Name,PowerState,VMHost,ResourcePool,NumCpu,MemoryMB,@{n="ProvisionedSpaceGB";e={[int]($_.ProvisionedSpaceGB)}},@{n="UsedSpaceGB";e={[int]($_.UsedSpaceGB)}} | Format-Table -AutoSize
If ($Action -eq "Move" ) {
# svMotion the VM
Write-Output "$(Get-Date)- *** Moving $($SourceVMToMove) from $(($DSTLeastFree).Name) to $(($DSTMostFree).Name)"
Move-VM -VM $SourceVMToMove -Datastore ($DSTMostFree).Name -Confirm:$false | Format-Table -AutoSize
Write-Output "$(Get-Date)- Script finished`n"