# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Test if file is writable
# description: Function to test if a file is writable. Uses the .openwrite() method to test and returns a boolean.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: JimbobNet
# license: CC0
# function: get-IsWritable
# x-poshcode-id: 2235
# x-archived: 2015-08-23T05:35:49
# x-published: 2011-09-16T06:54:00
# Supports -verbose parameter and inline help.
# Path can be provided as a string or as an object to the file.
# Pipeline input is supported. e.g. $bar | get-IsWriteable
function get-IsWritable(){
Command tests if a file is present and writable.
Command to test if a file is writeable. Returns true if file can be opened for write access.
get-IsWritable -path $foo
Test if file $foo is accesible for write access.
$bar | get-IsWriteable
Test if each file object in $bar is accesible for write access.
.Parameter Path
Psobject containing the path or object of the file to test for write access.
Write-Verbose "Test if file $path is writeable"
if (Test-Path -Path $path -PathType Leaf){
Write-Verbose "File is present"
$target = Get-Item $path -Force
Write-Verbose "File is readable"
Write-Verbose "Trying to openwrite"
$writestream = $target.Openwrite()
Write-Verbose "Openwrite succeded"
$writestream.Close() | Out-Null
Write-Verbose "Closing file"
Remove-Variable -Name writestream
Write-Verbose "File is writable"
Write-Output $true
Write-Verbose "Openwrite failed"
Write-Verbose "File is not writable"
Write-Output $false
Write-Verbose "Tidying up"
Remove-Variable -Name target
Write-Verbose "File $path does not exist or is a directory"
Write-Output $false