# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Sybase Error Log Check
# description: Description
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Victor Flores
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3076
# x-archived: 2011-12-04T06:34:40
# x-published: 2011-12-01T12:26:00
# =======
# This script is to check the Sybase ASE Server errorlog for certain strings indicating errors and other issues
# a DBA should know about, and mails the results to a list of recipients. When the server is running, the
# script will figure out the errorlog filename itself, though you can also specify the file name explicitly.
# This script can be run as a daily ‘Scheduled Task’ job, so that the DBA receives a list of all new suspect errorlog
# messages by email every day. By default, an email will always be sent after each run of this script, even
# when no error messages have been found.
# Description
# ===========
# This script is to check the Sybase ASE Server errorlog for certain strings indicating errors and other issues
# a DBA should know about, and mails the results to a list of recipients. When the server is running, the
# script will figure out the errorlog filename itself, though you can also specify the file name explicitly.
# This script can be run as a daily 'Scheduled Task' job, so that the DBA receives a list of all new suspect errorlog
# messages by email every day. By default, an email will always be sent after each run of this script, even
# when no error messages have been found. #
# The script will look for the following strings in the Sybase error log:
# String Pattern To Search: "error","warning","severity","fail","full", "couldn","not found","not valid","invalid",
# "threshold","unmirror","mirror","deadlock", "allow","NO_LOG","logsegment","syslogs
# Alternate String Pattern To Search: "error","warning"
# Usage: Job Should Be Scheduled Hourly
# powershell -command G:\YourScriptDirectory\SybaseErrorLogCheck.ps1 >G:\SCRIPTDirectory\Scripts\SybErrLog.Err
# Note: Enter Command string above when creating a Scheduled Task
# Author: Victor Flores
# Date Written: 05/01/2011
# Date Revised:
# Program: SybaseErrorLogCheck.ps1
# Email: rattler69@gmail.com
# Language: Powershell V2
# Copyright Note and Disclaimer
# This software is provided "as is"; there is no warranty of any kind. While this software is believed to work
# accurately, it may not work correctly and/or reliably in a production environment. In no event shall
# Victor Flores be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this software.
# Change Log:
# Date Programmer Change(s)
################### This program is written in Windows Powershell Version 2
################### Install Powershell V2 and configure powershell to allow you to run scripts
################### Log Files used in the execution of the SybaseErrorLogCheck.ps1 program
################### Change to your script directory
del G:\YourScriptDirectory\ErrorsFound.log
del G:\YourScriptDirectory\errlogfile.txt
################### Email Function to Email Error Log Results to The Sybase DBA's
################### Usage: Change Recieving Account in $mailmesssage.To.Add
################### Change $SMTPClient. To reference your sending SMTP Server
################### Change $SMTPClient.Credentials to reference your sending email acct
################### Change $SMTPClient.Credentials to reference your sending email password
function EmailResults
$mailmessage = New-Object system.net.mail.mailmessage
$mailmessage.from = ("YourDBASendingAccount@YourCompanyEmailServer,com")
$mailmessage.Subject = $Subject
$mailmessage.Body = $EmailBody
$mailmessage.IsBodyHTML = $true
$SMTPClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient("YourCompanySMTPServer.com", 25)
$SMTPClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("YourDBASendingAccount@YourCompanyEmailServer.com", "password")
################### Sybase Error Log Filtering. Logs can be filetered by Days or Hours
################### Alternate Log Filter in Days
#####$today = Get-Date
#####$daysback = New-Timespan -days 17
#####$cutoff = $today - $daysback
################### Alternate Log Filter in Hours
$hoursback = New-Timespan -hours 12
$cutoff = $today - $hoursback
################### Parsing Thru Sybase Error Log For Errors
################### Sybase Error Log Location: E:\sybase\ASE-15_0\install\cbstest.log
$LogFileByDate = Get-Content E:\sybase\ASE-15_0\install\cbstest.log | Foreach-Object { $elements = $_.Split("`t");`
$rv = 1 | Select-Object date, message;$rv.date = if($elements[0] -notmatch "^\d\d:\d{5}:\d{5}:\d{4}/\d\d/\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d"){$elements >> G:\YourScriptDirectory\errlogfile.txt;"UNKNOWN"}else{ [DateTime]($elements[0].SubString(15,10))}`
#$rv.Date = [DateTime]($elements[0].SubString(15,10));`
$rv.Message = $elements[1]; $elements } | Where-Object { $rv.Date -gt $cutoff }
################### Errors Encountered in Sybase Error Log Output file based on date filter
################### File Created in your script directory
$LogFileByDate| out-file G:\YourScriptDirectory\LogFileByDate.txt
$ErrorsFound= Select-String -Path G:\YourScriptDirectory\LogFileByDate.txt -pattern "error","warning","severity",`
"fail","full", "couldn","not found","not valid","invalid", "threshold","unmirror",`
"mirror","deadlock", "allow","NO_LOG","logsegment","syslogs"
################### Errors Found in Your Sybase Error Log
$ErrorsFound | out-file G:\YourScriptDirectory\ErrorsFound.log
################### Errors Found in Your Sybase Error Log Emailed to DBA
################### Change Subject Line to Something of your liking
$EmailBody = (gc G:\YourScriptDirectory\ErrorsFound.log | out-string)
$Subject = 'Sybase Error Log Report for YourSybaseServerName - Sybase Errors Have Been Encountered on YourSybaseServerName'
if ($emailbody.Length -gt 0)
EmailResults $Subject $Body