PoshCode Archive  Artifact [60438ce10b]

Artifact 60438ce10bad1ba2a145b7ae86a9a29e263a90f09cb204f0f7ac6f8133de7cad:

  • File HELP.ps1 — part of check-in [e542d76397] at 2018-06-10 14:05:12 on branch trunk — I need help using the greater than and less than symbol, and it needs to compare two different variables within the code. (user: Steven Leise size: 7274)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: HELP
# description: I need help using the greater than and less than symbol, and it needs to compare two different variables within the code.
# version: 2.0
# type: script
# author: Steven Leise
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 5974
# x-archived: 2016-05-17T07:06:47
# x-published: 2016-08-12T14:29:00
# For example, the $number is any random number between 1-100, When one enters in a number to guess, I need it to say “Sorry your guess was too low. You are getting warm” if the players guess was -20 away from the random $number. Down below I have the code I am using now and its not working so well. I have tried numerous numbers or different ways, and I need some help. Thanks
# *************************************************************************
# Script Name: GuessMyNumber.ps1 (The Guess My Number Game)
# Version:     2.0
# Author:      Steven Leise
# Date:        July 31, 2015
# Description: This PowerShell script challenges the player to attempt
#              to guess a randomly generated number in the range of 
#              1 to 100 in as few guesses as possible.
# *************************************************************************

#Clear the Windows command console screen

#Define variables used in this script
$number = 0       #Keeps track of the game's secret number
$noOfGuesses = 0  #Keeps track of the number of guesses made
$playGame = "Yes" #Controls when to quit the game
$randomNo = New-Object System.random #This variable stores a random object
$status = "Play"  #Controls the current round of play
$guess = 0        #Stores the player's guess
$reply = ""       #Stores the player's response when asked to play again

#Display the game's opening screen
Write-Host "`n`n`n`n`t     W E L C O M E   T O   T H E   G U E S S   M Y"
Write-Host "`n`n`n`t`t`tN U M B E R   G A M E"
Write-Host "`n`n`n`t`t`tBy Steven Leise"
Write-Host "`n`n`t`If you would like to quit at any time enter the letter Q"
Write-Host "`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n Press Enter to continue."

#Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key

#Loop until the player decides to quit the game
while ($playGame -ne "No") {

#Generate the game's random number (between 1 - 100)
$number = $randomNo.Next(1, 101)

#Clear the Windows command console screen
  #Loop until the player guesses the secret number
  while ($status -ne "Stop") {

    #Prompt the player to guess a number
    while ($guess -eq "") {

      Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen
      #Collect the player's guess
      $guess = Read-Host " Enter a number between 1 and 100"


    #Keep track of the number of guesses made so far

    if($guess -eq "Q") { #The player decided to quit this game
        Write-Host "`n`n"
        Write-Host " Game is now over, thanks for playing Guess My Number!"
        Write-Host "`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n"
        Write-Host " Press ENTER to view game stats and quit the game."
        Read-Host #Pause for the player
        $playGame = "No" #Variable to indicate game is over
        Write-Host "`n Game Statistics"
        Write-Host " ------------------------------------------------------------"
        Write-Host "`n You guessed $noOfGuesses times.`n"
        Write-Host " ------------------------------------------------------------"
        Write-Host "`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n Press Enter to continue."

  #Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key

  #Clear the Windows command console screen



   @@ if ($guess -clt  ($number -20)) {  #The player's guess was too low

      Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen
      Write-Host "`n Sorry. Your guess was too low. You are getting warm. Press Enter to" `
        "guess again."
      $guess = ""  #Reset the player's guess
      Read-Host  #Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key

    @@elseif ($guess -clt ($number - 10)) {  #The player's guess was too low

      Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen
      Write-Host "`n Sorry. Your guess was too high. You are getting hot. Press Enter to" `
        "guess again."
      $guess = ""  #Reset the player's guess
      Read-Host  #Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key


   @@ elseif ($guess -gt ($number + 20)) {  #The player's guess was too high

      Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen
      Write-Host "`n Sorry. Your guess was too high. You are getting warmer. Press Enter to" `
        "guess again."
      $guess = ""  #Reset the player's guess
      Read-Host  #Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key

  @@elseif ($guess -gt ($number + 10)) {  #The player's guess was too high

      Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen
      Write-Host "`n Sorry. Your guess was too high. You are getting hot. Press Enter to" `
        "guess again."
      $guess = ""  #Reset the player's guess
      Read-Host  #Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key


    else {  #The player has guessed the game's secret number

      Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen
      Write-Host "`n Congratulations. You guessed my number! Press Enter" `
        "to continue."
      $status = "Stop"  #Reset the player's guess
      Read-Host  #Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key



  #Clear the Windows command console screen

#Display the game's opening screen
  Write-Host "`n Game Statistics"
  Write-Host " ------------------------------------------------------------"
  Write-Host "`n The secret number was: $number."
  Write-Host "`n You guessed it in $noOfGuesses guesses.`n"
  Write-Host " ------------------------------------------------------------"
  Write-Host "`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n`n Press Enter to continue."

  #Pause the game until the player presses the Enter key

  #Clear the Windows command console screen

  $reply = ""  #Stores the player's response when asked to play again

  #Prompt the player to play another round
  while ($reply -eq "") {

    Clear-Host  #Clear the Windows command console screen


    #Collect the player's answer
    $reply = Read-Host " Would you like to play again? (Y/N) "

    #Validate player input, allowing only Y and N as acceptable responses
    if (($reply -ne "Y") -and ($reply -ne "N")) {

      $reply = ""  #Reset the variable to its default value



  #The player has elected to play again
  if ($reply -eq "Y") {

    #Reset variables to their default values
    $number = 0
    $noOfGuesses = 0
    $status = "Play"
    $guess = 0

  else {   #The player has decided to quit playing

    $playGame = "No"  #Modify variable indicating that it is time to 
                      #terminate game play



#Clear the Windows command console screen