# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: FormsLib.ps1
# description: FormsLib.ps1
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# license: CC0
# function: ConvertTo-HashTable
# x-poshcode-id: 625
# x-archived: 2008-10-05T17:16:18
# contains some helper functions to create and modify Form controls in a PowerShell script
# FormsLib.ps1
# contains some helper functions to create and modify Form controls
# in a PowerShell script used by RoboGUI.ps1
# /\/\o\/\/
# http://thePowerShellGuy.com
Function ConvertTo-HashTable ([string]$StringValue) {
invoke-expression ("@$StringValue".replace(',',';'))
Function ConvertTo-Point ([string]$StringValue) {
ConvertTo-HashTable $StringValue |
% {New-Object System.Drawing.Point([int]($_.x),[int]($_.y))}
Function ConvertTo-Size ([string]$StringValue) {
ConvertTo-HashTable $StringValue |
% {New-Object System.Drawing.Size([int]($_.Width),[int]($_.Height))}
filter get-PropertyList {
$o = $_ ; $_ | gm -MemberType Property |
select name,
Function Get-ControlFormat {
Param (
$properties = ('Text','Size','Location','Dock','Anchor'),
$properties += $ExtraProperties
"Set-ControlFormat `$$($Control.name) ``"
$Control | get-PropertyList |
Where {$Properties -contains $_.name} |
Foreach {
" -$($_.name) '$($_.Value)'``"
Function Set-ControlFormat {
Param (
foreach ($arg in $args) {
if ($arg.startswith('-')) {
$Property = $arg.trim('-')
[void] $foreach.MoveNext()
Switch ($Property) {
'Location' { $Control.Location = ConvertTo-Point $foreach.current ; break}
'Size' { $Control.Size = ConvertTo-Size $foreach.current ; break}
Default {$Control."$Property" = $foreach.current}
Function get-FormControls ($psObject) {
$form = new-object Windows.Forms.Form
$form.Size = new-object Drawing.Size @(600,600)
$controls = @("form")
$psObject.Controls |% {$controls += $_.name}
$CB = new-object Windows.Forms.Combobox
$cb.Size = new-object Drawing.Size @(500,21)
$PG = new-object Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid
$PG.Size = new-object Drawing.Size @(500,500)
$PG.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(50 , 50)
$form.text = "$psObject"
$PG.selectedobject = $psObject.PsObject.baseobject
$cb.text = 'form'
if ( $this.SelectedItem -eq 'Form') {
$PG.selectedobject = $psObject.PsObject.baseobject
} Else {
$PG.selectedobject = $psObject.Controls["$($this.SelectedItem)"].PsObject.baseobject