PoshCode Archive  Artifact [651bdd2441]

Artifact 651bdd2441cb79736cd566015fe28aa6f4cedf61f6f9fc5604a85cc7786088c2:

  • File Get-HPSwitchConfig.ps1 — part of check-in [538b9d86ee] at 2018-06-10 14:03:30 on branch trunk — Used for fetching an HP Procurve switch config via SFTP for backup and revision control. Made this because PCM is no longer free. VERY BASIC ERROR CHECKING, use at own risk. (user: JGrote size: 4481)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-HPSwitchConfig
# description: Used for fetching an HP Procurve switch config via SFTP for backup and revision control. Made this because PCM is no longer free. VERY BASIC ERROR CHECKING, use at own risk.
# version: 0.1
# type: module
# author: JGrote
# license: CC0
# function: get-HPSwitchConfig
# x-poshcode-id: 5888
# x-archived: 2015-06-15T00:53:59
# x-published: 2015-06-09T19:05:00
# UPDATE 06/09/2015 jgrote: Added some try/catch
#Requires -version 3 
#Requires -modules posh-ssh
function get-HPSwitchConfig {

Retrieve configuration from an HP Procurve Switch via SFTP, store, and timestamp it in a repository.

WARNING: Copying config via SFTP has been observed to interrupt the data forwarding on a 2810 switch for a few seconds. ONLY PERFORM OFF HOURS
This requires the POSH-SSH powershell module (https://github.com/darkoperator/Posh-SSH) 
You also need to enable SFTP on the switch via "ip ssh filetransfer" command before this will work.
Also it will not work if you already have 4 concurrent management sessions to your switch as it counts as a management session.
Make sure you don't have any SSH or SFTP sessions open to the switch you are about to pull from, some HP switches don't allow more than 1 SSH session from a host at a time.

.PARAMETER switchHost

DNS Name or IP address of the switch to connect to. If multiple strings are passed by pipeline, this will retrieve the config for each switch

.PARAMETER startupconfig

Retrieves the switch's startup config instead of the running config


Get-HPSwitchConfig -switchhost "switch1"

Retrieve running config from switch

"switch1","switch2","switch3","switch4" | get-hpswitchconfig -startupconfig
Gets the Startup config from 4 different switches

param (
        [PSCredential]$switchCredential = (get-credential -message "Enter Procurve SSH Admin Credentials"),
        [Switch]$StartupConfig, #Gets running config by default
        [int]$timeout = 10,
        [String]$RepositoryPath = "$env:temp\SwitchConfigRepository" # Where to store configs

begin {
    $erroractionpreference = "stop"
    if (-Not (test-path $RepositoryPath)) {throw "Cannot find Output Path $RepositoryPath. Please ensure it exists."}
} #Begin
process { foreach ($switch in $switchHost) { #Unpack array if it is passed as single object

    if ($startupconfig) {$cfgFile = "startup-config"}
    $cfgOutputPath = new-item -ItemType Directory -path "$RepositoryPath\$switchhost" -force

    #If an SFTP session already exists for this host, kill it
    if (get-sftpsession | where {$_.host -match $switch}) {$removedsession=remove-sftpsession (get-sftpsession | where {$_.host -match $switch})}

    #Try to get the config, capture any errors and skip if anything goes wrong. No result implies it worked.
    try {
        $sftpSession = new-sftpsession $switch -credential $switchcredential -connectiontimeout $timeout -operationtimeout $timeout 
        if (-Not $sftpsession.connected) {write-error "Could not connect to $switch. Please check connectivity and credentials.";return}

        get-sftpfile $sftpsession -RemoteFile $cfgFileSourcePath -LocalPath $cfgOutputPath -overwrite 
        if (-Not (test-path $cfgoutputpath\$cfgfile)) {throw "File not downloaded"}
    } #Try
    catch [Exception] {write-error "Error while downloading $switchHost configuration, please ensure you have enabled IP SSH Fileserver and do not have multiple sessions or current SSH/SFTP sessions from this host in other programs";return}
    #Close SFTP Session
    remove-sftpsession $sftpSession
    #Create a copy of the file with the timestamp date, removing colons from UTC sortable time as they aren't valid file characters
    $cfgfilepath = copy-item "$cfgOutputPath\$cfgfile" -destination ("$cfgOutputPath\$cfgfile-" + ((get-date -format s) -replace ':','') + ".hpconfig") -passthru

    #Create a status return object
    $objStatusProps = @{}
        $objStatusProps.Switch = $switch
        $objStatusProps.ConfigFilePath = $cfgfilepath.fullname
    $objStatus = new-object -TypeName PSObject -property $objStatusProps
    return $objStatus

}} #Foreach #Process
