PoshCode Archive  Artifact [6610de495e]

Artifact 6610de495e6227003b60278773ab45224b326c2e092a69e997dc758de608dc9d:

  • File where-property.ps1 — part of check-in [38929b1aef] at 2018-06-10 13:12:30 on branch trunk — different examples of how you can access properties with a custom where function (user: karl prosser size: 3610)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: where-property
# description: different examples of how you can access properties with a custom where function
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: karl prosser
# license: CC0
# function: where-property
# x-poshcode-id: 2571
# x-archived: 2012-11-30T21:29:48
# x-published: 2012-03-19T14:49:00
function where-property([string] $PropertyName,[string]$SubProperty , $is,$isnot,$contains,$in,$SelectProperty)  

 process {
    $useprop = $SelectProperty
  Function _outobj {
    if ($useprop ) 
        , $_.$useprop
        , $_
    if ($is) 
           if ($_.$Propertyname -eq $is) { _outobj}
    elseif ($isnot) 
            if ($_.$Propertyname -ne $is) { _outobj} 
                if ($subproperty)
                    foreach ($prop in  $_.$propertyname )
                      if ($prop)
                         $foundmatch = $false
                         $subpropertyvalue = $prop.$subproperty
                         if ($subpropertyvalue -contains $contains ) { $foundmatch = $true }
                         if ($foundmatch) { _outobj } 
                    if ($_.$Propertyname -contains $contains) { _outobj}            
             if ($subproperty)
                    foreach ($prop in  $_.$propertyname )
                      if ($prop)
                         $foundmatch = $false        
                         #{  "RpcSs","AppID" -contains $_.servicesdependedon.name }                 
                         if ($in -contains $prop.$subproperty ) 
                             $foundmatch = $true 
                         if ($foundmatch) { _outobj } 
                    if ($in -contains $_.$Propertyname ) { _outobj}            
            #if ($in -contains $_.$Propertyname) { _outobj}
set-alias ?. where-property
set-alias and. where-property
set-alias and-property where-property

#get-processes with a specific name
gps | where-property processname -is svchost
#get-processes all but a specific name
gps | where-property processname -isnot svchost
#get-processes with the processname in a specific list
gps | where-property processname -in iexplore,chrome
#get verbs in a specific group
get-verb | where-property group -in common

#get-commands that have a specific named parameter
 get-command | where-property parameters -subproperty keys  -contains Begin 
#and using an a lias to this for the and since it seems more HUMAN to say where X and Y, rather than Where x where y 
 get-command | where-property parameters -subproperty keys  -contains Name |  and-property commandtype -is alias

#get displayname of services that depend other services appid,rpcss
get-service | where-property ServicesDependedOn -SubProperty name -in AppID,rpcss | and-property status -is running -SelectProperty Displayname