# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: New-StoredProcFunction
# description: Create functions that wrap chosen stored procedures and surface their input parameters as function parameters. Output parameters are returned in a custom object with a property name for each output parameter.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Steven Murawski
# license: CC0
# function: Invoke-SQLQuery
# x-poshcode-id: 1011
# x-archived: 2012-08-17T13:17:41
# x-published: 2009-04-08T20:00:00
# New-StoredProcFunction.ps1
# Steven Murawski
# http://blog.usepowershell.com
# 04/08/2009
# Replaced the parsing of the stored procedure text and use Information_Schema.Parameters to get the parameter information
# Thanks to Chad Miller for the idea.
# Example: ./New-StoredProcFunction.ps1 'Data Source=MySqlServer;Database=Northwind;User=AnythingButSa;Password=abc123' sp_createnewcustomer
# Example 'sp_createnewcustomer | ./New-StoredProcFunction.ps1 'Data Source=MySqlServer;Database=Northwind;User=AnythingButSa;Password=abc123'
param($ConnectionString, [String[]]$StoredProc= $null)
if ($StoredProc.count -gt 0)
$StoredProc | ./New-StoredProcFunction $ConnectionString
function Invoke-SQLQuery()
param ($ConnectionString, $Query)
$connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $connectionString
$command = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand $query,$connection
$adapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter $command
$dataset = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
[void] $adapter.Fill($dataSet)
$dataSet.Tables | ForEach-Object {$_.Rows}
function Get-FunctionParameter()
param($FunctionName, $ConnectionString)
$query = @"
SELECT parameter_Name, data_type, character_maximum_length, parameter_mode
WHERE specific_NAME LIKE '$FunctionName'
$Rows = Invoke-SQLQuery $ConnectionString $Query
foreach ($Row in $Rows)
$Parameter = "" | Select-Object Name, DataType, Length, IsOutput
$Parameter.Name = $row.parameter_Name
$Parameter.DataType = $Row.data_type
$Parameter.Length = $Row.character_maximum_length
$Parameter.IsOutput = if ($Row.parameter_mode -eq 'INOUT'){$true} else {$false}
if ($_ -ne $null)
$FunctionName = $_
$Parameters = Get-FunctionParameter $FunctionName $ConnectionString
[String[]]$InputParamNames = $Parameters | where {-not $_.IsOutput} | ForEach-Object {$_.Name -replace '@' }
[String[]]$OutputParameterNames = $Parameters | Where-Object {$_.IsOutput} | ForEach-Object {$_.Name -replace '@'}
$ScriptText = ' '
if ($InputParamNames.count -gt 0)
$OFS = ', $'
$ScriptText += 'param (${0})' -f $InputParamNames
$ScriptText += "`n"
$OFS = ', '
$BodyTemplate = @'
$connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection('{0}')
$command = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand('{1}', $connection)
$command.CommandType = [System.Data.CommandType]::StoredProcedure
$ScriptText += $BodyTemplate -f $ConnectionString, $FunctionName
if ( ($Parameters -ne $null) -or ($Parameters.count -gt 1) )
if ($OutputParameterNames.count -gt 0)
$ReturnText = ""
$CommandOutput = "" | select $OutputParameterNames
#Add the parameters
foreach ($param in $Parameters)
if ($param.length -isnot [DBNull])
$ParamTemplate = '$command.Parameters.Add("{0}", "{1}", {2}) | out-null '
$ScriptText += "`n"
$ScriptText += $ParamTemplate -f $param.name, $param.datatype, $param.length
$ParamTemplate = '$command.Parameters.Add("{0}", "{1}") | out-null '
$ScriptText += "`n"
$ScriptText += $ParamTemplate -f $param.name, $param.datatype
if ($param.IsOutput)
$ScriptText += "`n"
$ScriptText += '$command.Parameters["{0}"].Direction = [System.Data.ParameterDirection]::Output ' -f $param.Name
$ReturnText += "`n"
$ReturnText += '$CommandOutput.{1} = $command.Parameters["{0}"].Value' -f $param.name, ($param.name -replace '@')
$ScriptText += "`n"
$ScriptText += '$command.Parameters["{0}"].Value = ${1} ' -f $param.name, ($param.name -replace '@')
$ScriptText += "`n"
$ScriptText += @'
$connection.Open() | out-null
$command.ExecuteNonQuery() | out-null
if ($OutputParameterNames.count -gt 0)
$ScriptText += $ReturnText
$ScriptText += @'
$connection.Close() | out-null
return $CommandOutput
Set-Item -Path function:global:$FunctionName -Value $scripttext