PoshCode Archive  Artifact [6809c0c3eb]

Artifact 6809c0c3ebb4894061bd117ab3b694f0dd4ef98c7458b787371d447764d2b16c:

  • File PowerShell-CMatrix.ps1 — part of check-in [ea7e54f7e8] at 2018-06-10 13:29:37 on branch trunk — A pure console screen saver in the vein of the popular CMatrix x-term screensaver. PowerShell 2.0 module, see blog post: http://goo.gl/5QkI5 (user: Oisin Grehan size: 10752)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: PowerShell CMatrix
# description: A pure console screen saver in the vein of the popular CMatrix x-term screensaver. PowerShell 2.0 module, see blog post: http://goo.gl/5QkI5
# version: 0.1
# type: module
# author: Oisin Grehan 
# license: CC0
# function: New-Size
# x-poshcode-id: 3695
# x-archived: 2016-11-05T01:13:26
# x-published: 2012-10-16T23:52:00
Set-StrictMode -off

# Module: PowerShell Console ScreenSaver Version 0.1
# Author: Oisin Grehan ( http://www.nivot.org )
# A PowerShell CMatrix-style screen saver for true-console hosts.
# This will not work in Micrisoft's ISE, Quest's PowerGUI or other graphical hosts.
# It should work fine in PowerShell+ from Idera which is a true console.

if ($host.ui.rawui.windowsize -eq $null) {
    write-warning "Sorry, I only work in a true console host like powershell.exe."

# Console Utility Functions

function New-Size {
    param([int]$width, [int]$height)
    new-object System.Management.Automation.Host.Size $width,$height

function New-Rectangle {
    $rect = new-object System.Management.Automation.Host.Rectangle
    $rect.left= $left
    $rect.top = $top
    $rect.right =$right
    $rect.bottom = $bottom

function New-Coordinate {
    param([int]$x, [int]$y)
    new-object System.Management.Automation.Host.Coordinates $x, $y

function Get-BufferCell {
    param([int]$x, [int]$y)
    $rect = new-rectangle $x $y $x $y
    [System.Management.Automation.Host.buffercell[,]]$cells = $host.ui.RawUI.GetBufferContents($rect)    

function Set-BufferCell {
    $rect = new-rectangle $x $y $x $y
    # return previous
    get-buffercell $x $y

    # use "fill" overload with single cell rect    
    $host.ui.rawui.SetBufferContents($rect, $cell)

function New-BufferCell {
        [consolecolor]$ForeGroundColor = $(get-buffercell 0 0).foregroundcolor,
        [consolecolor]$BackGroundColor = $(get-buffercell 0 0).backgroundcolor,
        [System.Management.Automation.Host.BufferCellType]$BufferCellType = "Complete"
    $cell = new-object System.Management.Automation.Host.BufferCell
    $cell.Character = $Character
    $cell.ForegroundColor = $foregroundcolor
    $cell.BackgroundColor = $backgroundcolor
    $cell.BufferCellType = $buffercelltype

function log {
    [diagnostics.debug]::WriteLine($message, "PS ScreenSaver")

# Main entry point for starting the animation

function Start-CMatrix {
        [int]$maxcolumns = 8,
        [int]$frameWait = 100

    $script:winsize = $host.ui.rawui.WindowSize
    $script:columns = @{} # key: xpos; value; column
    $script:framenum = 0
    $prevbg = $host.ui.rawui.BackgroundColor
    $host.ui.rawui.BackgroundColor = "black"
    $done = $false        
    while (-not $done) {

        Write-FrameBuffer -maxcolumns $maxcolumns

        sleep -milli $frameWait
        $done = $host.ui.rawui.KeyAvailable        
    $host.ui.rawui.BackgroundColor = $prevbg

# TODO: actually write into buffercell[,] framebuffer
function Write-FrameBuffer {

    # do we need a new column?
    if ($columns.count -lt $maxcolumns) {
        # incur staggering of columns with get-random
        # by only adding a new one 50% of the time
        if ((get-random -min 0 -max 10) -lt 5) {
            # search for a column not current animating
            do { 
                $x = get-random -min 0 -max ($winsize.width - 1)
            } while ($columns.containskey($x))
            $columns.add($x, (new-column $x))

# TODO: setbuffercontent with buffercell[,] framebuffer
function Show-FrameBuffer {
    # loop through each active column and animate a single step/frame
    foreach ($entry in $columns.getenumerator()) {
        $column = $entry.value
        # if column has finished animating, add to the "remove" pile
        if (-not $column.step()) {            
            $completed += $entry.key
    # cannot remove from collection while enumerating, so do it here
    foreach ($key in $completed) {

function New-Column {
    # return a new module that represents the column of letters and its state
    # we also pass in a reference to the main screensaver module to be able to
    # access our console framebuffer functions.
    new-module -ascustomobject -name "col_$x" -script {
        $script:xpos = $startx
        $script:ylimit = $host.ui.rawui.WindowSize.Height

        [int]$script:head = 1
        [int]$script:fade = 0
        [int]$script:fadelen = [math]::Abs($ylimit / 3)
        $script:fadelen += (get-random -min 0 -max $fadelen)
        function Step {
            # reached the bottom yet?
            if ($head -lt $ylimit) {

                & $parentModule Set-BufferCell $xpos $head (
                    & $parentModule New-BufferCell -Character `
                        ([char](get-random -min 65 -max 122)) -Fore white) > $null
                & $parentModule Set-BufferCell $xpos ($head - 1) (
                    & $parentModule New-BufferCell -Character `
                        ([char](get-random -min 65 -max 122)) -Fore green) > $null
            # time to start rendering the darker green "tail?"
            if ($head -gt $fadelen) {

                & $parentModule Set-BufferCell $xpos $fade (
                    & $parentModule New-BufferCell -Character `
                        ([char](get-random -min 65 -max 122)) -Fore darkgreen) > $null
            # are we done animating?
            if ($fade -lt $ylimit) {
                return $true
        Export-ModuleMember -function Step
    } -args $x, $executioncontext.sessionstate.module

function Start-ScreenSaver {
    # feel free to tweak maxcolumns and frame delay
    # currently 8 columns with 50ms wait
    Start-CMatrix -max 8 -frame 50

function Register-Timer {

    # prevent prompt from reregistering if explicit disable
    if ($_ssdisabled) {
    if (-not (Test-Path variable:global:_ssjob)) {
        # register our counter job
        $global:_ssjob = Register-ObjectEvent $_sstimer elapsed -action {
            $global:_sssrcid = $event.sourceidentifier
            # hit timeout yet?
            if ($_sscount -eq $_sstimeout) {
                # disable this event (prevent choppiness)
                Unregister-Event -sourceidentifier $_sssrcid
                Remove-Variable _ssjob -scope Global
                sleep -seconds 1
                # start ss


function Enable-ScreenSaver {
    if (-not $_ssdisabled) {
        write-warning "Screensaver is not disabled."
    $global:_ssdisabled = $false    

function Disable-ScreenSaver {

    if ((Test-Path variable:global:_ssjob)) {

        $global:_ssdisabled = $true
        Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $_sssrcid        
        Remove-Variable _ssjob -Scope global        

    } else {
        write-warning "Screen saver is not enabled."

function Get-ScreenSaverTimeout {
    new-timespan -seconds $global:_sstimeout

function Set-ScreenSaverTimeout {
        [parameter(position=0, mandatory=$true, parametersetname="int")]
        [parameter(position=0, mandatory=$true, parametersetname="timespan")]
    if ($pscmdlet.parametersetname -eq "int") {
        $timespan = new-timespan -seconds $Seconds
    if ($timespan.totalseconds -lt 1) {
        throw "Timeout must be greater than 0 seconds."
    $global:_sstimeout = $timespan.totalseconds

# Eventing / Timer Hooks, clean up and Prompt injection

# timeout
[int]$global:_sstimeout = 180 # default 3 minutes

# tick count
[int]$global:_sscount = 0

# modify current prompt function to reset ticks counter to 0 and
# to reregister timer, while saving for later on module onload

$self = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module
$function:global:prompt = $self.NewBoundScriptBlock(
        ("{0}`n`$global:_sscount = 0`nRegister-Timer" `
            -f ($global:_ssprompt = gc function:prompt))))

# configure our timer
$global:_sstimer = new-object system.timers.timer
$_sstimer.Interval = 1000 # tick once a second
$_sstimer.AutoReset = $true

# we start out disabled - use enable-screensaver
$global:_ssdisabled = $true

# arrange clean up on module remove
$ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.OnRemove = { 
    # restore prompt
    $function:global:prompt = [scriptblock]::Create($_ssprompt)
    # kill off eventing subscriber, if one exists
    if ($_sssrcid) {
        Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $_sssrcid
    # clean up timer
    # clear out globals
    remove-variable _ss* -scope global

Export-ModuleMember -function Start-ScreenSaver, Get-ScreenSaverTimeout, `
    Set-ScreenSaverTimeout, Enable-ScreenSaver, Disable-ScreenSaver