PoshCode Archive  Artifact [6f478ac1f3]

Artifact 6f478ac1f362f6a090efd8d4a46e9878e12ff6658ab410380fd3cec56d9dce50:

  • File ad-obj-report.ps1 — part of check-in [d542b12359] at 2018-06-10 13:43:39 on branch trunk — i would like group my ad obj report scripts to one file. i started with some functions about users and computers. i have a request to check my code to poit errors and what i could write better. thx for any tip and info! (user: Voytas size: 3872)

# encoding: utf-8
# api: powershell
# title: ad obj report
# description: i would like group my ad obj report scripts to one file. i started with some functions about users and computers. i have a request to check my code to poit errors and what i could write better. thx for any tip and info!
# version: 0.1
# type: module
# author: Voytas
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 4605
# x-archived: 2013-11-14T15:09:13
# x-published: 2013-11-12T19:50:00
#skrypt agregujace rozne raporty o obiektach AD
#author: voytas
#date: 11.2013

if(!(get-module activedirectory)) {
import-module activedirectory
#else {
#write-host "Uwaga: Modu³ AD juz dodany" -BackgroundColor Cyan

$inactivedays = 30
$inactivedayscomp = 30
$comptop = 20
$userdname = "ou=users,dc=domain,dc=local"
$compdname = "ou=comps,dc=domain,dc=local"


function userinactive {
write-host ;
write-host "U¿ytkownicy aktywni i czasem nielogowania d³u¿szymy ni¿ $($inactivedays) dni" -ForegroundColor Magenta
$users=get-aduser `
    -Properties lastlogondate `
    -Filter {enabled -eq $true -and lastlogondate -lt $date -and samaccountname -notlike "*2*" -and samaccountname -notlike "*test*"} `
    -SearchBase $userdname | `
    sort lastlogondate
$users | ft samaccountname, lastlogondate, distinguishedname -AutoSize
write-host "Znalezionych u¿ytkowników: $(($users).count)" -ForegroundColor green
write-host "---------------------------------------------"
write-host ;

function userinactivenotloged {
write-host ;
write-host "U¿ytkownicy aktywni i nigdy niezalogowani" -ForegroundColor Magenta
$users=get-aduser `
    -Properties lastlogondate, lastlogontimestamp,whencreated `
    -Filter {enabled -eq $true -and samaccountname -notlike "*2*" -and samaccountname -notlike "*test*"} `
    -SearchBase $userdname | `
    ? {(!$_.lastlogontimestamp -eq "*")}
$users | sort samaccountname | ft samaccountname, distinguishedname, whencreated -AutoSize
write-host "Znalezionych u¿ytkowników: $(($users).count)" -ForegroundColor green
write-host "---------------------------------------------"
write-host ;

function compinactive {
write-host ;
write-host "Komputery aktywne i czasem nielogowania d³u¿szymy ni¿ $($inactivedays) dni" -ForegroundColor Magenta
$comps=get-adcomputer `
    -Properties lastlogondate `
    -Filter {enabled -eq $true -and lastlogondate -lt $date -and samaccountname -notlike "*template*" -and samaccountname -notlike "*pool*" -and samaccountname -notlike "*thinapp*"} `
    -SearchBase $compdname | `
    sort lastlogondate
$comps | ft samaccountname, lastlogondate, distinguishedname -AutoSize
write-host "Znalezionych komputerów: $(($comps).count)" -ForegroundColor green
write-host "---------------------------------------------"
write-host ;

function compinactivetop {
# komputery top
write-host ;
write-host "Komputery aktywne i czasem nielogowania d³u¿szymy ni¿ $($inactivedays) dni - TOP ($($comptop))" -ForegroundColor Magenta
$comps=get-adcomputer `
    -Properties lastlogondate `
    -Filter {enabled -eq $true -and lastlogondate -lt $date -and samaccountname -notlike "*template*" -and samaccountname -notlike "*pool*" -and samaccountname -notlike "*thinapp*"} `
    -SearchBase $compdname | `
    sort lastlogondate
$comps | `
    select-object -first $comptop | `
    ft samaccountname, lastlogondate, distinguishedname -AutoSize
write-host "Top $($comptop) z komputerów: $(($comps).count)" -ForegroundColor green
write-host "---------------------------------------------"
write-host ;
