PoshCode Archive  Artifact [6ff72ffe6c]

Artifact 6ff72ffe6cfee289d4fcdb6cf15ca89e7f627e60b2d209ca6cd17ebb50694b0b:

  • File Show-ADGroupMembership.ps1 — part of check-in [244e723f83] at 2018-06-10 14:21:40 on branch trunk — This script uses the Quest AD cmdlets to retrieve AD Groups from an LDAP search root and maps their membership (shows nested groups using Doug Finke’s Show-NetMap scripts that leverage the Microsoft Research NetMap project. Improvements or suggestions welcomed! (user: Steven Murawski http size: 1517)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Show-ADGroupMembership
# description: This script uses the Quest AD cmdlets to retrieve AD Groups from an LDAP search root and maps their membership (shows nested groups using Doug Finke’s Show-NetMap scripts that leverage the Microsoft Research NetMap project.  Improvements or suggestions welcomed!
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Steven Murawski http
# license: CC0
# function: New-SourceTarget
# x-poshcode-id: 684
# x-archived: 2009-01-05T17:04:13
# Author: Steven Murawski http://www.mindofroot.com
# This script requires the Show-NetMap script from Doug Finke and the NetMap files 
# These can be found at http://dougfinke.com/blog/?p=465
# Also required are the Quest AD Cmdlets.

#requires -pssnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement

param([string]$SearchRoot= 'yourdomain.local/usersOU')

Function New-SourceTarget ($s,$t) {
	New-Object PSObject |
		Add-Member -pass noteproperty source $s |
		Add-Member -pass noteproperty target $t

$groups = Get-QADGroup -GroupType Security -SearchRoot $SearchRoot

[string[]]$GroupNames = $groups | foreach {$_.name}

$sources = @()

foreach ($group in $groups)
	$name = $group.name
	foreach ($member in $group.members)
		$SubGroupName = $member -replace '^CN=(.+?),OU=.*', '$1'
		if ($GroupNames -contains $SubGroupName)
			$sources += New-SourceTarget $SubGroupName $name

. c:\scripts\powershell\Show-NetMap

$sources | Show-NetMap