# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title:
# description: Powershell script to get Certificate information for all the AD, For this you need AD user list in TXT file and save them.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# license: CC0
# function: get-certinfo
# x-poshcode-id: 4955
# x-archived: 2016-11-05T01:40:43
Function get-certinfo
$myobj = @()
Foreach ($currentuser in get-content c:\temp\username.txt) # "c:\temp\username.txt" is the path of txt file containing AD users
$Cert = Get-ADUser $currentuser -Properties "Certificates"
$tempobj = $cert.Certificates | foreach {New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $_}
if ($cert.Certificates.Handle -eq $null)
$rep = "" | select "Account", "Archived", "Extensions", "FriendlyName", "IssuerName", "NotAfter", "NotBefore", "HasPrivateKey", "PrivateKey", "PublicKey", "RawData", "SerialNumber", "SubjectName", "SignatureAlgorithm", "Thumbprint", "Version", "Handle", "Issuer", "Subject"
$rep."Account" = $currentuser
$Rep."Archived" = "N/A"
$Rep."Extensions" = "N/A"
$Rep."FriendlyName" = "N/A"
$Rep."IssuerName" = "N/A"
$Rep."NotAfter" = "N/A"
$Rep."NotBefore" = "N/A"
$Rep."HasPrivateKey" = "N/A"
$Rep."PrivateKey" = "N/A"
$Rep."PublicKey" = "N/A"
$Rep."RawData" = "N/A"
$Rep."SerialNumber" = "N/A"
$Rep."SubjectName" = "N/A"
$Rep."SignatureAlgorithm" = "N/A"
$Rep."Thumbprint" = "N/A"
$Rep."Version" = "N/A"
$Rep."Handle" = "N/A"
$Rep."Issuer" = "N/A"
$Rep."Subject" = "N/A"
$MyObj += $Rep
$rep = $null
$rep = "" | select "Account", "Archived", "Extensions", "FriendlyName", "IssuerName", "NotAfter", "NotBefore", "HasPrivateKey", "PrivateKey", "PublicKey", "RawData", "SerialNumber", "SubjectName", "SignatureAlgorithm", "Thumbprint", "Version", "Handle", "Issuer", "Subject"
$rep."Account" = $currentuser
$Rep."Archived" = $tempobj."Archived"
$Rep."Extensions" = $tempobj.Extensions
$Rep."FriendlyName" = $tempobj.FriendlyName
$Rep."IssuerName" = $tempobj.IssuerName
$Rep."NotAfter" = $tempobj.NotAfter
$Rep."NotBefore" = $tempobj.NotBefore
$Rep."HasPrivateKey" = $tempobj.HasPrivateKey
$Rep."PrivateKey" = $tempobj.PrivateKey
$Rep."PublicKey" = $tempobj.PublicKey
$Rep."RawData" = $tempobj.RawData
$Rep."SerialNumber" = $tempobj.SerialNumber
$Rep."SubjectName" = $tempobj.SubjectName
$Rep."SignatureAlgorithm" = $tempobj.SignatureAlgorithm
$Rep."Thumbprint" = $tempobj.Thumbprint
$Rep."Version" = $tempobj.Version
$Rep."Handle" = $tempobj.Handle
$Rep."Issuer" = $tempobj.Issuer
$Rep."Subject" = $tempobj.Subject
$MyObj += $Rep
$rep = $null
$myobj | sort | Export-Csv -Path C:\TEMP\certinfo.csv -NoTypeInformation # "c:\temp\certinfo.csv" is the path of output file