# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Example use of PowerMapi
# description: This shows a nice example/primer of using PowerMapi which is a module for PowerShell that provides direct access to MAPI.
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: PowerMapi
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 6704
# x-archived: 2017-01-24T08:54:49
# x-published: 2017-01-20T00:13:00
# PowerMapi can be found at: http://powermapi.com
## This script will search a PST file and a Mailbox for all items that have either the text 'How to' in the subject,
## a zip file attachment, or with the word 'download' present in the body more than 3 times.
## for any items found, it will save them to the file system as xml and then will delete them.
## get a mapi session to work with.
$profile = "Outlook"
$sess = new-MapiSession $profile
## we'll work first against the mailbox in the profile
$store = get-MapiStore -GetPrimaryStore
## we'll only be concerned with the Inbox
## get-MapiFolder can get to the standard folders regardless of name, great for non-English languages.
## or, the same could be done by using a path value: //inbox
$inbox = get-MapiFolder $store Inbox
## here we'll execute the search for the items and store the results
## the search string uses the -has operator for the subject which means the text 'how to' can appear anywhere in the subject
## the -ew operator means 'Ends With'
## and the -match operator means to use a .NET regular expression pattern
$found = search-MapiItems $inbox "PR_SUBJECT -has how to -or attach(PR_ATTACH_FILENAME -ew .zip) -or PR_BODY -match download{4,}"
## now, for each item found, export it out as an xml file.
foreach ($item in $found) {
$mItem = get-MapiItem $inbox $item
export-MapiXML $mItem "c:\exported\folder\$($item.Subject).xml"
## now that it's been exported, delete the item
remove-MapiItem $inbox $item
## it's always good to clean up handles and resource when done...
## now lets open a PST file and do the same thing
## we'll reuse the same session and add a PST file to our session
$pstStore = open-MapiPST $sess "c:\path\to\file.pst"
## similar option as before, but this time we'll get a specific folder
$folder = get-MapiFolder $pstStore //stuff/2016
## search the folder
$items = search-MapiItems $folder "PR_SUBJECT -has how to -or attach(PR_ATTACH_FILENAME -ew .zip) -or PR_BODY -match download{4,}"
## now, for each item found, export it out as an xml file.
foreach ($item in $found) {
$mItem = get-MapiItem $inbox $item
export-MapiXML $mItem "c:\exported\folder\$($item.Subject).xml"
## now that it's been exported, delete the item
remove-MapiItem $inbox $item
## clean up
## close and logoff the session
remove-MapiSession $sess