PoshCode Archive  Artifact [78c377d90a]

Artifact 78c377d90a3c7ca411141b7a05c971c058496ce82f7ce842302180500c36ef60:

  • File HuddledTricks.ps1 — part of check-in [b818615f78] at 2018-06-10 14:24:59 on branch trunk — A simple trick to show and hide windows — and an extra bonus trick ;) (user: Joel Bennett size: 6361)

# encoding: ascii
# api: csharp
# title: HuddledTricks
# description: A simple trick to show and hide windows — and an extra bonus trick ;)
# version: 0.1
# type: class
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: Hide-Window
# x-poshcode-id: 845
# x-archived: 2009-02-05T17:48:33
#Requires -version 2.0
## Stupid PowerShell Tricks
## Usage:
## ps Notepad | Hide-App
## Hide-App -Name PowerShell; Wiggle-Mouse 75 100
add-type @"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class Tricks {
   private static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);

	public static void ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd) { ShowWindowAsync(hWnd,5); }
	public static void HideWindow(IntPtr hWnd) { ShowWindowAsync(hWnd,0); }

$dictionary = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2]
$list = [System.Collections.Generic.List``1]
$string = [String]
$intPtr = [IntPtr]

$intPtrList = $list.AssemblyQualifiedName -replace "1,","1[[$($intPtr.AssemblyQualifiedName)]],"
$windows = new-object ($dictionary.AssemblyQualifiedName -replace "2,","2[[$($string.AssemblyQualifiedName)],[$intPtrList]],")

function Hide-Window {
   Hide a window
   Hide a window by handle or by process name. Hidden windows are gone: they don't show up in alt+tab, or on the taskbar, and they're invisible. The only way to get them back is with ShowWindow.
   Windows hidden by Hide-Window are pushed onto a stack so they can be retrieved by Show-Window. Since they're invisible, they're very hard to find otherwise.
   See also Show-Window
.PARAMETER WindowHandle
   The window handle to a specific window we want to hide.
   The name of a running process whos windows you want to hide.
   Get-Process PowerShell | Hide-Window; Sleep 5; Show-Window
   Hides the PowerShell window(s) for 5 seconds
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
	(Push-Window $WindowHandle $Name) | ForEach-Object { [Tricks]::HideWindow( $_ ) }

function Show-Window {
   Show a window
   Show a window by handle or by process name. If you call it without any parameters, will show all hidden windows.
   See also Hide-Window
.PARAMETER WindowHandle
   The window handle to a specific window we want to show.
   The name of a running process whos windows you want to show.
   Get-Process PowerShell | Hide-Window; Sleep 5; Show-Window
   Hides the PowerShell window(s) for 5 seconds

[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
	(Pop-Window $WindowHandle $Name) | ForEach-Object { [Tricks]::ShowWindow( $_ ) }

FUNCTION Push-Window {
	PARAM ([IntPtr]$Handle,[String]$ProcessName)
	[IntPtr[]]$Handles = @($Handle)
	if(!$ProcessName) { $ProcessName = "--Unknown--" }
	if(!$Windows.ContainsKey($ProcessName)) {
		$windows.Add($ProcessName, (New-Object $intPtrList))
	if($Handle -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) {
		[IntPtr[]]$Handles = @(Get-Process $ProcessName | % { $_.MainWindowHandle } )
	write-output $Handles

FUNCTION Pop-Window {
	PARAM ([IntPtr]$Handle,[String]$ProcessName)
	[IntPtr[]]$Handles = @($Handle)
	if(!$ProcessName) { $ProcessName = "--Unknown--" }
	if(($Handle -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) -and $windows[$ProcessName] ) {
		write-output $windows[$ProcessName]
		$Null = $windows[$ProcessName].Clear()
	} elseif($Handle -ne [IntPtr]::Zero){
		$Null = $windows[$ProcessName].Remove( $Handle )

	write-output $Handles

Add-Type -Assembly System.Windows.Forms
function Wiggle-Mouse {
   Wiggle the mouse until you Ctrl+Break to stop the script.
   Wiggle-Mouse randomly moves the mouse by a few pixels every few milliseconds until you stop the script.
.PARAMETER Variation
   The maximum distance to move the mosue in any direction.  Values that are too small aren't noticeable, and values that are too big make the user "loose" the mouse and they have no idea what happened.
   The name of a running process whos windows you want to hide.
   Get-Process PowerShell | Hide-Window; Wiggle-Mouse -Duration 5;  Get-Process PowerShell | Show-Window
   Hides the PowerShell window and wiggle the mouse for five seconds ... :D
   if(!$Duration) { Write-Host "Ctrl+C to stop wiggling :)" }
	$screen = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::VirtualScreen
	$random = new-object Random
   $Duration *= -1000
	While($Duration -le 0) {
		[Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position ="$(
			$random.Next(	[Math]::Max( $screen.Left, ([System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X - $Variation) ), 
								[Math]::Min( $screen.Right, ([System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X + $Variation) )	)
			$random.Next(	[Math]::Max( $screen.Top, ([System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y - $Variation) ), 
								[Math]::Min( $screen.Bottom, ([System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y + $Variation) )	)
		sleep -milli $Sleep
      $Duration += $Sleep

Export-ModuleMember Show-Window, Hide-Window, Wiggle-Mouse