PoshCode Archive  Artifact [797d7afc5e]

Artifact 797d7afc5eec4c96006cae41e154b9eff54299363cee3929abec91b941acb063:

  • File Convert-BounceToX500.ps1 — part of check-in [05f9d5cfda] at 2018-06-10 14:00:51 on branch trunk — Modification on several other methods, but this one doesn’t load any assemblies and will convert any +xx sequence to their ASCII equivalent. (user: Dan Jeuch size: 1475)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Convert-BounceToX500
# description: Modification on several other methods, but this one doesn’t load any assemblies and will convert any +xx sequence to their ASCII equivalent.
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Dan Jeuch
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 5760
# x-archived: 2015-03-15T15:01:47
# x-published: 2015-03-02T00:00:00
#  Convert Bounce to X500
#  Convert URL Encoded address in a Bounce message to an X500 address
#  that can be added as an alias to the mail-enabled object
#.Parameter bounceAddress
#  URL Encoded bounce message address#
#  Convert-BounceToX500 "IMCEAEX-_O=CONTOSO_OU=First+20Administrative+20Group_cn=Recipients_cn=john+5Fjacob+2Esmith@contoso.com"
#  "IMCEAEX-_O=CONTOSO_OU=First+20Administrative+20Group_cn=Recipients_cn=john+5Fjacob+2Esmith@contoso.com"|Convert-BounceToX500

	if($_) {$bounceAddress = $_}
	$bounceAddress = $bounceAddress -replace "^IMCEAEX-","" -replace "/","\/" -replace "_","/" -replace "@.*$",""
	# The following replaces all "+xx" strings with their ASCII equivalent
	While ($bounceAddress -match "\+([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])")
		$bounceAddress=$bounceAddress -replace ("\$($matches[0])",[char][byte][convert]::ToInt16($matches[1],16))