# encoding: utf-8
# api: powershell
# title: Get-ComputerAssetInforma
# description: A multi-threaded, windows asset gathering function.
# version: 6.1.7601
# type: function
# author: Zachary Loeber
# license: CC0
# function: Get-ComputerAssetInformation
# x-poshcode-id: 4367
# x-archived: 2013-09-28T03:07:37
# x-published: 2013-08-07T02:54:00
function Get-ComputerAssetInformation
Get inventory data for specified computer systems.
Get inventory data for provided host using wmi. Data proccessing uses multithreading and supports using timeouts
in case of wmi problems. You can optionally include more detailed Drive, Memory, and Network information in the results.
You can view verbose information on each runtime thread in realtime with the -Verbose option.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
Specifies the target computer for data query.
.PARAMETER IncludeMemoryInfo
Include information about the memory arrays and the installed memory within them. (_Memory and _MemoryArray)
.PARAMETER IncludeDiskInfo
Include disk partition and mount point information. (_Disks)
.PARAMETER IncludeNetworkInfo
Include general network configuration for enabled interfaces. (_Network)
.PARAMETER ThrottleLimit
Specifies the maximum number of systems to inventory simultaneously
Specifies the maximum time in second command can run in background before terminating this thread.
.PARAMETER ShowProgress
Show progress bar information
.PARAMETER PromptForCredential
Prompt for remote system credential prior to processing request.
.PARAMETER Credential
Accept alternate credential (ignored if the localhost is processed)
PS > Get-ComputerAssetInformation -ComputerName test1
ComputerName : TEST1
Model : ProLiant DL380 G7
ChassisModel : Rack Mount Unit
OperatingSystem : Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
OSServicePack : 1
OSVersion : 6.1.7601
OSSKU : Enterprise Server Edition
OSArchitecture : x64
SystemArchitecture : x64
PhysicalMemoryTotal : 12.0 GB
PhysicalMemoryFree : 621.7 MB
VirtualMemoryTotal : 24.0 GB
VirtualMemoryFree : 5.7 GB
CPUCores : 24
CPUSockets : 2
SystemTime : 08/04/2013 20:33:47
LastBootTime : 07/16/2013 07:42:01
InstallDate : 07/02/2011 17:52:34
Uptime : 19 days 12 hours 51 minutes
Query and display basic information ablout computer test1
PS > $cred = Get-Credential
PS > $b = Get-ComputerAssetInformation -ComputerName Test1 -Credential $cred -IncludeMemoryInfo
PS > $b | Select MemorySlotsTotal,MemorySlotsUsed | fl
MemorySlotsTotal : 18
MemorySlotsUsed : 6
PS > $b._Memory | Select DeviceLocator,@{n='MemorySize'; e={$_.Capacity/1Gb}}
DeviceLocator MemorySize
------------- ----------
Query information about computer test1 using alternate credentials, including detailed memory information. Return
physical memory slots available and in use. Then display the memory location and size.
Originally posted at: http://learn-powershell.net/2013/05/08/scripting-games-2013-event-2-favorite-and-not-so-favorite/
Extended and further hacked by: Zachary Loeber
Site: http://www.the-little-things.net/
Requires: Powershell 2.0
Info: WMI prefered over CIM as there no speed advantage using cimsessions in multithreading against old systems. Starting
around line 263 you can modify the WMI_<Property>Props arrays to include extra wmi data for each element should you
require information I may have missed. You can also change the default display properties by modifying $defaultProperties.
Keep in mind that including extra elements like the drive space and network information will increase the processing time per
system. You may need to increase the timeout parameter accordingly.
Version History
1.1.0 - 8/3/2013
- Added several parameters
- Removed parameter sets in favor of arrays of custom object as note properties
- Removed ICMP response requirements
- Included more verbose runspace logging
1.0.2 - 8/2/2013
- Split out system and OS architecture (changing how each it determined)
1.0.1 - 8/1/2013
- Updated to include several more bits of information and customization variables
1.0.0 - ???
- Discovered original script on the internet and totally was blown away at how awesome it is.
$ThrottleLimit = 32,
$Timeout = 120,
$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty
# Gather possible local host names and IPs to prevent credential utilization in some cases
Write-Verbose -Message 'Creating local hostname list'
$IPAddresses = [net.dns]::GetHostAddresses($env:COMPUTERNAME) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IpAddressToString
$HostNames = $IPAddresses | ForEach-Object {
try {
} catch {
# We do not care about errors here...
} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty HostName -Unique
$LocalHost = @('', '.', 'localhost', $env:COMPUTERNAME, '::1', '') + $IPAddresses + $HostNames
Write-Verbose -Message 'Creating initial variables'
$runspacetimers = [HashTable]::Synchronized(@{})
$runspaces = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
$bgRunspaceCounter = 0
if ($PromptForCredential)
$Credential = Get-Credential
Write-Verbose -Message 'Creating Initial Session State'
$iss = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateDefault()
foreach ($ExternalVariable in ('runspacetimers', 'Credential', 'LocalHost'))
Write-Verbose -Message "Adding variable $ExternalVariable to initial session state"
$iss.Variables.Add((New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry -ArgumentList $ExternalVariable, (Get-Variable -Name $ExternalVariable -ValueOnly), ''))
Write-Verbose -Message 'Creating runspace pool'
$rp = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $ThrottleLimit, $iss, $Host)
# This is the actual code called for each computer
Write-Verbose -Message 'Defining background runspaces scriptblock'
$ScriptBlock = {
$runspacetimers.$bgRunspaceID = Get-Date
Write-Verbose -Message ('Runspace {0}: Start' -f $ComputerName)
$WMIHast = @{
ComputerName = $ComputerName
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
if (($LocalHost -notcontains $ComputerName) -and ($Credential -ne $null))
$WMIHast.Credential = $Credential
#Due to some bug setting scriptblock directly as value can cause 'NullReferenceException' in v3 host
$ReadableOutput = @{
Name = 'ToString'
MemberType = 'ScriptMethod'
PassThru = $true
Force = $true
Value = [ScriptBlock]::Create(@"
"{0:N1} {1}" -f @(
switch -Regex ([math]::Log(`$this,1024)) {
^0 {
(`$this / 1), ' B'
^1 {
(`$this / 1KB), 'KB'
^2 {
(`$this / 1MB), 'MB'
^3 {
(`$this / 1GB), 'GB'
^4 {
(`$this / 1TB), 'TB'
default {
(`$this / 1PB), 'PB'
#region GeneralInfo
Write-Verbose -Message ('Runspace {0}: General asset information' -f $ComputerName)
## Lookup arrays
$SKUs = @("Undefined","Ultimate Edition","Home Basic Edition","Home Basic Premium Edition","Enterprise Edition",`
"Home Basic N Edition","Business Edition","Standard Server Edition","DatacenterServer Edition","Small Business Server Edition",`
"Enterprise Server Edition","Starter Edition","Datacenter Server Core Edition","Standard Server Core Edition",`
"Enterprise ServerCoreEdition","Enterprise Server Edition for Itanium-Based Systems","Business N Edition","Web Server Edition",`
"Cluster Server Edition","Home Server Edition","Storage Express Server Edition","Storage Standard Server Edition",`
"Storage Workgroup Server Edition","Storage Enterprise Server Edition","Server For Small Business Edition","Small Business Server Premium Edition")
$ChassisModels = @("PlaceHolder","Maybe Virtual Machine","Unknown","Desktop","Thin Desktop","Pizza Box","Mini Tower","Full Tower","Portable",`
"Laptop","Notebook","Hand Held","Docking Station","All in One","Sub Notebook","Space-Saving","Lunch Box","Main System Chassis",`
"Lunch Box","SubChassis","Bus Expansion Chassis","Peripheral Chassis","Storage Chassis" ,"Rack Mount Unit","Sealed-Case PC")
# Modify this variable to change your default set of display properties
$defaultProperties = @('ComputerName','Model','ChassisModel','OperatingSystem','OSServicePack','OSVersion','OSSKU','OSArchitecture', `
'SystemArchitecture','PhysicalMemoryTotal','PhysicalMemoryFree','VirtualMemoryTotal','VirtualMemoryFree', `
# WMI Properties
$WMI_OSProps = @('BuildNumber','Version','SerialNumber','ServicePackMajorVersion','CSDVersion','SystemDrive',`
$WMI_ProcProps = @('Name','Description','MaxClockSpeed','CurrentClockSpeed','AddressWidth','NumberOfCores','NumberOfLogicalProcessors', `
$WMI_CompProps = @('DNSHostName','Domain','Manufacturer','Model','NumberOfLogicalProcessors','NumberOfProcessors','PrimaryOwnerContact', `
$WMI_ChassisProps = @('ChassisTypes','Manufacturer','SerialNumber','Tag','SKU')
# WMI data
$wmi_compsystem = Get-WmiObject @WMIHast -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | select $WMI_CompProps
$wmi_os = Get-WmiObject @WMIHast -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | select $WMI_OSProps
$wmi_proc = Get-WmiObject @WMIHast -Class Win32_Processor | select $WMI_ProcProps
$wmi_chassis = Get-WmiObject @WMIHast -Class Win32_SystemEnclosure | select $WMI_ChassisProps
## Calculated properties
# CPU count
if (@($wmi_proc)[0].NumberOfCores) #Modern OS
$Sockets = @($wmi_proc).Count
$Cores = ($wmi_proc | Measure-Object -Property NumberOfLogicalProcessors -Sum).Sum
else #Legacy OS
$Sockets = @($wmi_proc | Select-Object -Property SocketDesignation -Unique).Count
$Cores = @($wmi_proc).Count
# OperatingSystemSKU is not availble in 2003 and XP
if ($wmi_os.OperatingSystemSKU -ne $null)
$OS_SKU = $SKUs[$wmi_os.OperatingSystemSKU]
$OS_SKU = 'Not Available'
$System_Time = ([wmi]'').ConvertToDateTime($wmi_os.LocalDateTime).tostring("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
$OS_LastBoot = ([wmi]'').ConvertToDateTime($wmi_os.LastBootUptime).tostring("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
$OS_InstallDate = ([wmi]'').ConvertToDateTime($wmi_os.InstallDate).tostring("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
$Uptime = New-TimeSpan -Start $OS_LastBoot -End $System_Time
$ResultProperty = @{
### Defaults
'PSComputerName' = $ComputerName
'Model' = $wmi_compsystem.Model
'ChassisModel' = $ChassisModels[$wmi_chassis.ChassisTypes[0]]
'ComputerName' = $wmi_compsystem.DNSHostName
'OperatingSystem' = $wmi_os.Caption
'OSServicePack' = $wmi_os.ServicePackMajorVersion
'OSVersion' = $wmi_os.Version
'OSArchitecture' = "x$($wmi_proc.AddressWidth[0])"
'SystemArchitecture' = "x$($wmi_proc.DataWidth[0])"
'PhysicalMemoryTotal' = ($wmi_os.TotalVisibleMemorySize * 1024) | Add-Member @ReadableOutput
'PhysicalMemoryFree' = ($wmi_os.FreePhysicalMemory * 1024) | Add-Member @ReadableOutput
'VirtualMemoryTotal' = ($wmi_os.TotalVirtualMemorySize * 1024) | Add-Member @ReadableOutput
'VirtualMemoryFree' = ($wmi_os.FreeVirtualMemory * 1024) | Add-Member @ReadableOutput
'CPUCores' = $Cores
'CPUSockets' = $Sockets
'LastBootTime' = $OS_LastBoot
'InstallDate' = $OS_InstallDate
'SystemTime' = $System_Time
'Uptime' = "$($Uptime.days) days $($Uptime.hours) hours $($Uptime.minutes) minutes"
'_OS' = $wmi_os
'_System' = $wmi_compsystem
'_Processor' = $wmi_proc
'_Chassis' = $wmi_chassis
#endregion GeneralInfo
#region Memory
if ($IncludeMemoryInfo)
Write-Verbose -Message ('Runspace {0}: Memory information' -f $ComputerName)
$WMI_MemProps = @('BankLabel','DeviceLocator','Capacity','PartNumber','Speed','Tag')
$WMI_MemArrayProps = @('Tag','MemoryDevices','MaxCapacity')
$wmi_memory = Get-WmiObject @WMIHast -Class Win32_PhysicalMemory | select $WMI_MemProps
$wmi_memoryarray = Get-WmiObject @WMIHast -Class Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray | select $WMI_MemArrayProps
# Memory Calcs
$Memory_Slotstotal = 0
$Memory_SlotsUsed = (@($wmi_memory)).Count
@($wmi_memoryarray) | % {$Memory_Slotstotal = $Memory_Slotstotal + $_.MemoryDevices}
# Add to the existing property set
$ResultProperty.MemorySlotsTotal = $Memory_Slotstotal
$ResultProperty.MemorySlotsUsed = $Memory_SlotsUsed
$ResultProperty._MemoryArray = $wmi_memoryarray
$ResultProperty._Memory = $wmi_memory
#endregion Memory
#region Network
if ($IncludeNetworkInfo)
Write-Verbose -Message ('Runspace {0}: Network information' -f $ComputerName)
$WMI_NetProps = @('Index','IpAddress','IpSubnet','MACAddress','DefaultIPGateway','Description', `
'IPEnabled','InterfaceIndex','DHCPEnabled','DHCPServer', `
'DNSDomain','DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder','DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled ', `
'WinsPrimaryServer', 'WinsSecondaryServer')
$wmi_net = Get-WmiObject @WMIHast -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled='True'" | `
select $WMI_NetProps
$ResultProperty._Network = $wmi_net
#endregion Network
#region Disk
if ($IncludeDiskInfo)
Write-Verbose -Message ('Runspace {0}: Disk information' -f $ComputerName)
$WMI_DiskPartProps = @('DiskIndex','Index','Name','DriveLetter','Caption','Capacity','FreeSpace','SerialNumber')
$WMI_DiskVolProps = @('Name','DriveLetter','Caption','Capacity','FreeSpace','SerialNumber')
$WMI_DiskMountProps = @('Name','Label','Caption','Capacity','FreeSpace','Compressed','PageFilePresent','SerialNumber')
# WMI data
$wmi_diskdrives = Get-WmiObject @WMIHast -Class Win32_DiskDrive | select $WMI_DiskDriveProps
#$wmi_diskvolumes = Get-WmiObject @WMIHast -Class Win32_Volume -Filter "DriveLetter IS NOT NULL" | select $WMI_DiskVolProps
$wmi_mountpoints = Get-WmiObject @WMIHast -Class Win32_Volume -Filter "DriveType=3 AND DriveLetter IS NULL" | select $WMI_DiskMountProps
$AllDisks = @()
foreach ($diskdrive in $wmi_diskdrives)
$partitionquery = "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID=`"$($diskdrive.DeviceID.replace('\','\\'))`"} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition"
$partitions = @(Get-WmiObject @WMIHast -Query $partitionquery)
foreach ($partition in $partitions)
$logicaldiskquery = "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID=`"$($partition.DeviceID)`"} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition"
$logicaldisks = @(Get-WmiObject @WMIHast -Query $logicaldiskquery)
foreach ($logicaldisk in $logicaldisks)
$diskprops = @{
Disk = $diskdrive.Name
Model = $diskdrive.Model
Partition = $partition.Name
Description = $partition.Description
PrimaryPartition = $partition.PrimaryPartition
VolumeName = $logicaldisk.VolumeName
Drive = $logicaldisk.Name
DiskSize = $logicaldisk.Size | Add-Member @ReadableOutput
FreeSpace = $logicaldisk.FreeSpace | Add-Member @ReadableOutput
PercentageFree = [math]::round((($logicaldisk.FreeSpace/$logicaldisk.Size)*100), 2)
DiskType = 'Partition'
SerialNumber = $diskdrive.SerialNumber
$AllDisks += New-Object psobject -Property $diskprops
# Mount points are wierd so we do them seperate.
foreach ($mountpoint in $wmi_mountpoints)
$diskprops = @{
Disk = $mountpoint.Name
Model = ''
Partition = ''
Description = $mountpoint.Caption
PrimaryPartition = ''
VolumeName = ''
VolumeSerialNumber = ''
Drive = [Regex]::Match($mountpoint.Caption, "^.:\\").Value
DiskSize = $mountpoint.Capacity | Add-Member @ReadableOutput
FreeSpace = $mountpoint.FreeSpace | Add-Member @ReadableOutput
PercentageFree = [math]::round((($mountpoint.FreeSpace/$mountpoint.Capacity)*100), 2)
DiskType = 'MountPoint'
SerialNumber = $mountpoint.SerialNumber
$AllDisks += New-Object psobject -Property $diskprops
$ResultProperty._Disks = $AllDisks
#endregion Disk
# Final output
$ResultObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ResultProperty
# Setup the default properties for output
$defaultDisplayPropertySet = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet(�DefaultDisplayPropertySet�,[string[]]$defaultProperties)
$PSStandardMembers = [System.Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]@($defaultDisplayPropertySet)
$ResultObject | Add-Member MemberSet PSStandardMembers $PSStandardMembers
Write-Output -InputObject $ResultObject
Write-Warning -Message ('{0}: {1}' -f $ComputerName, $_.Exception.Message)
Write-Verbose -Message ('Runspace {0}: End' -f $ComputerName)
function Get-Result
$More = $false
foreach ($runspace in $runspaces)
$StartTime = $runspacetimers.($runspace.ID)
if ($runspace.Handle.isCompleted)
Write-Verbose -Message ('Thread done for {0}' -f $runspace.IObject)
$runspace.PowerShell = $null
$runspace.Handle = $null
elseif ($runspace.Handle -ne $null)
$More = $true
if ($Timeout -and $StartTime)
if ((New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime).TotalSeconds -ge $Timeout -and $runspace.PowerShell)
Write-Warning -Message ('Timeout {0}' -f $runspace.IObject)
$runspace.PowerShell = $null
$runspace.Handle = $null
if ($More -and $PSBoundParameters['Wait'])
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
foreach ($threat in $runspaces.Clone())
if ( -not $threat.handle)
Write-Verbose -Message ('Removing {0} from runspaces' -f $threat.IObject)
if ($ShowProgress)
$ProgressSplatting = @{
Activity = 'Getting asset info'
Status = '{0} of {1} total threads done' -f ($bgRunspaceCounter - $runspaces.Count), $bgRunspaceCounter
PercentComplete = ($bgRunspaceCounter - $runspaces.Count) / $bgRunspaceCounter * 100
Write-Progress @ProgressSplatting
while ($More -and $PSBoundParameters['Wait'])
foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName)
#$psCMD = [System.Management.Automation.PowerShell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddParameter('bgRunspaceID',$bgRunspaceCounter).AddParameter('ComputerName',$Computer).AddParameter('IncludeMemoryInfo',$IncludeMemoryInfo).AddParameter('IncludeDiskInfo',$IncludeDiskInfo).AddParameter('IncludeNetworkInfo',$IncludeNetworkInfo).AddParameter('Verbose',$Verbose)
$psCMD = [System.Management.Automation.PowerShell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock)
$null = $psCMD.AddParameter('bgRunspaceID',$bgRunspaceCounter)
$null = $psCMD.AddParameter('ComputerName',$Computer)
$null = $psCMD.AddParameter('IncludeMemoryInfo',$IncludeMemoryInfo)
$null = $psCMD.AddParameter('IncludeDiskInfo',$IncludeDiskInfo)
$null = $psCMD.AddParameter('IncludeNetworkInfo',$IncludeNetworkInfo)
$null = $psCMD.AddParameter('Verbose',$VerbosePreference) # Passthrough the hidden verbose option so write-verbose works within the runspaces
$psCMD.RunspacePool = $rp
Write-Verbose -Message ('Starting {0}' -f $Computer)
Handle = $psCMD.BeginInvoke()
PowerShell = $psCMD
IObject = $Computer
ID = $bgRunspaceCounter
Get-Result -Wait
if ($ShowProgress)
Write-Progress -Activity 'Getting asset info' -Status 'Done' -Completed
Write-Verbose -Message "Closing runspace pool"