# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Demo-v3-Gui.ps1
# description: Very simple, basic script to show how you can utilize v3 syntax to build GUIs with very little code… :) Not useful AT ALL. ;) You can move it around with left mouse button and close with right. :)
# version: 0.5
# author: bielawb
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3900
# x-archived: 2013-04-29T03:41:48
# x-published: 2013-01-14T09:16:00
#requires -version 3
OpacityMask = [Windows.Media.DrawingBrush]@{
Drawing = [Windows.Media.GeometryDrawing]@{
Brush = 'Black'
Geometry = [Windows.Media.EllipseGeometry]@{
radiusX = 123
radiusY = 321
Background = [Windows.Media.LinearGradientBrush]@{
Opacity = 0.5
StartPoint = '0,0.5'
Endpoint = '1,0.5'
GradientStops = & {
$Stopki = New-Object Windows.Media.GradientStopCollection
$Colors = 'Blue', 'Green'
foreach ($i in 0..1) {
Color = $Colors[$i]
Offset = $i
, $Stopki
Width = 800
Height = 400
WindowStyle = 'None'
AllowsTransparency = $true
Effect = [Windows.Media.Effects.DropShadowEffect]@{
BlurRadius = 10
Content = & {
$Stos = [Windows.Controls.StackPanel]@{
VerticalAlignment = 'Center'
HorizontalAlignment = 'Center'
Content = 'PowerShell Rocks!'
FontSize = 80
FontFamily = 'Consolas'
Foreground = 'White'
Effect = [Windows.Media.Effects.DropShadowEffect]@{
BlurRadius = 5
, $Stos
} | foreach {