PoshCode Archive  Artifact [79d3e42ba5]

Artifact 79d3e42ba5b36de6ef36a4b5ea7e766dae7375fa10784ddaf34292dd15358701:

  • File Invoke-JQuery.ps1 — part of check-in [f7ddb7c5fb] at 2018-06-10 13:09:00 on branch trunk — Invokes JQuery (or plain Javascript) commands via InternetExplorer.Application COM object,after initial injection of JQuery reference in header section. (user: unknown size: 2798)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: 
# description: Invokes JQuery (or plain Javascript) commands via InternetExplorer.Application COM object,after initial injection of JQuery reference in header section. 
# version: 1.4.2
# type: function
# license: CC0
# function: Invoke-JQuery
# x-poshcode-id: 2350
# x-archived: 2017-03-29T13:59:16
# Useful to utilize JQuery selectors and functions for IE automation.
function Invoke-JQuery
        	Function to Invoke JQuery commands via IE COM
	Invokes JQuery (or plain Javascript) commands via InternetExplorer.Application COM object,
	after initial injection of JQuery reference in header section. 
	Useful to utilize JQuery selectors and functions for IE automation.
        	Initialized InternetExplorer.Application COM object
    .PARAMETER Command
        	JQuery/Javascript to Invoke
    .PARAMETER Function
        	Function to add in header section
    .PARAMETER Initialize
        	Switch to initially inject JQuery in header section.
	$ie = new-object -com internetexplorer.application
	$ie.visible = $true
	# Wait for page load
	while($ie.busy) {start-sleep 1}
	#add addtional div to store results
	$div="<div id='myResult'>"
	$ie.Document.body.innerHTML += $div
	#hide anchor tags
	Invoke-JQuery $ie '$("a").hide();' -Initialize
	#change innerhtml of div
	Invoke-JQuery $ie 'var str=$("p:first").text();$("#myResult").html(str);'
	#retrieve the value
	$result = $ie.document.getElementById("myResult").innerHtml
	function SelectText(element) { 
		var text = document.getElementById(element); 
		var range = document.body.createTextRange(); 
	Invoke-JQuery $ie -Function $jFunc
	Invoke-JQuery $ie 'SelectText("myResult");'  
        [parameter(position=0, mandatory=$true)]
	if ($Initialize -or $Function){
		$document = $IE.document 
		$head = @($document.getElementsByTagName("head"))[0] 
		$script = $document.createElement('script') 
		$script.type = 'text/javascript'
	if ($Initialize){
		$script.src = $url 
		$head.appendChild($script) | Out-Null

	if ($Command){$IE.document.parentWindow.execScript("$Command","javascript")}

	if ($Function){
		$script.text = $Function
		$head.appendChild($script) | Out-Null