PoshCode Archive  Artifact [7be8beeb89]

Artifact 7be8beeb89f628a6f3430c5f2505de46af5bc02ce10999f164b719f51d0b63a9:

  • File Get-TopProcess.ps1 — part of check-in [6fc50e262e] at 2018-06-10 12:56:41 on branch trunk — Returns the top processes by CPU usage (user: BSonPosh size: 5640)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-TopProcess
# description: Returns the top processes by CPU usage
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: BSonPosh
# license: CC0
# function: get-diskActivity
# x-poshcode-id: 1225
# x-archived: 2012-12-31T14:12:47
# x-published: 2009-07-23T07:29:00

    [string] $sortCriteria = "Processor", 
    [int] $Count = 5

function main 
    ## Store the performance counters we need 
    ## for the CPU, and Disk I/O numbers 
    $cpuPerfCounters = @{} 
    $ioOtherOpsPerfCounters = @{} 
    $ioOtherBytesPerfCounters = @{} 
    $ioDataOpsPerfCounters = @{} 
    $ioDataBytesPerfCounters = @{} 
    $processes = $null 
    $lastPoll = get-date 
    $lastSnapshotCount = 0 
    $lastWindowHeight = 0 
    $processes = get-process | sort Id 

    ## Go through all of the processes we captured 
    foreach($process in $processes) 
        ## Get the disk activity, based on I/O Perf Counters, 
        ## for the process in question.  Then, add it as a note.
        $cpuPercent = @(for($i=0;$i -lt 10;$i++)
            get-cpuPercent $process
        }) | measure-object -average 
        [int]$Percent = $cpuPercent.Average
        #$process | add-member NoteProperty Disk $activity  -force
        $process | add-member NoteProperty Processor $Percent -force

     $output = $processes | sort -desc $sortCriteria | select -first  $Count
     $output | format-table Id,ProcessName,MainWindowTitle,WorkingSet 

## As a heuristic, gets the total IO and Data operations per second, and 
## returns their sum. 
function get-diskActivity ( 
    $process = $(throw "Please specify a process for which to get disk usage.") 
    $processName = get-processName $process 
    ## We store the performance counter objects in a hashtable.  If we don't, 
    ## then they fail to return any information for a few seconds. 
    if(-not $ioOtherOpsPerfCounters[$processName]) 
        $ioOtherOpsPerfCounters[$processName] = new-object System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter("Process","IO Other Operations/sec",$processName)
    if(-not $ioOtherBytesPerfCounters[$processName]) 
        $ioOtherBytesPerfCounters[$processName] = new-object System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter("Process","IO Other Bytes/sec",$processName) 
    if(-not $ioDataOpsPerfCounters[$processName]) 
        $ioDataOpsPerfCounters[$processName] = new-object System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter("Process","IO Data Operations/sec",$processName)
    if(-not $ioDataBytesPerfCounters[$processName]) 
        $ioDataBytesPerfCounters[$processName] = new-object System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter("Process","IO Data Bytes/sec",$processName)

    ## If a process exits between the time we capture the processes and now, 
    ## then we will be unable to get its NextValue().  This trap simply 
    ## catches the error and continues. 
    trap { continue; } 

    ## Get the performance counter values 
    $ioOther = (100 * $ioOtherOpsPerfCounters[$processName].NextValue()) + ($ioOtherBytesPerfCounters[$processName].NextValue()) 
    $ioData = (100 * $ioDataOpsPerfCounters[$processName].NextValue()) + ($ioDataBytesPerfCounters[$processName].NextValue()) 
    return [int] ($ioOther + $ioData)     

## Get the percentage of time spent by a process. 
## Note: this is multiproc "unaware."  We need to divide the 
## result by the number of processors. 
function get-cpuPercent ( 
    $process = $(throw "Please specify a process for which to get CPU usage.") 
    $processName = get-processName $process 
    ## We store the performance counter objects in a hashtable.  If we don't, 
    ## then they fail to return any information for a few seconds. 
    if(-not $cpuPerfCounters[$processName]) 
        $cpuPerfCounters[$processName] = new-object System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter("Process","% Processor Time",$processName)

    ## If a process exits between the time we capture the processes and now, 
    ## then we will be unable to get its NextValue().  This trap simply 
    ## catches the error and continues. 
    trap { continue; } 

    ## Get the performance counter values 
    $cpuTime = ($cpuPerfCounters[$processName].NextValue() / $env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS) 
    return [int] $cpuTime 

## Performance counters are keyed by process name.  However, 
## processes may share the same name, so duplicates are named 
## <process>#1, <process>#2, etc. 
function get-processName ( 
    $process = $(throw "Please specify a process for which to get the name.") 
    ## If a process exits between the time we capture the processes and now, 
    ## then we will be unable to get its information.  This simply 
    ## ignores the error. 
    $errorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" 

    $processName = $process.ProcessName 
    $localProcesses = get-process -ProcessName $processName | sort Id 
    if(@($localProcesses).Count -gt 1) 
        ## Determine where this one sits in the list 
        $processNumber = -1 
        for($counter = 0; $counter -lt $localProcesses.Count; $counter++) 
            if($localProcesses[$counter].Id -eq $process.Id) { break } 
        ## Append its unique identifier, if required 
        $processName += "#$counter" 
    return $processName 

. main