# encoding: utf-8
# api: powershell
# title: Dell Open Manage Racadm
# description: Configure Dell OM racadm IP and MSI install if needed.
# version: 0.1
# author: Robert Bordeaux
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 6270
# x-archived: 2016-10-24T17:03:36
# x-published: 2016-03-28T18:39:00
# Install Dell OpenManage 32bit
# Configure racadm to the subnet
# Robert Bordeaux 11/25/2015
#configuration node
$node = 252
#subnet mask
$subnet = ""
$mask = $subnet.ToString()
#installer and racadm paths
#$installer = "C:\Temp\OpenManage\windows\SystemsManagement\SysMgmt.msi"
$racadmexe = "C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\idrac\racadm.exe"
#Get server Subnet and add $node
$ServerOctetOne = ipconfig | where-object {$_ –match “IPv4 Address”} | foreach-object{$_.Split(“:”)[1].Trim()} | foreach-object{$_.Split(“.")[-4]}
$ServerOctetTwo = ipconfig | where-object {$_ –match “IPv4 Address”} | foreach-object{$_.Split(“:”)[1].Trim()} | foreach-object{$_.Split(“.")[-3]}
$ServerOctetThree = ipconfig | where-object {$_ –match “IPv4 Address”} | foreach-object{$_.Split(“:”)[1].Trim()} | foreach-object{$_.Split(“.")[-2]}
$ServerCFGNode = $ServerOctetOne + "." + $ServerOctetTwo + "." + $ServerOctetThree + "." + $node
$cfgnode = $ServerCFGNode.ToString()
#$ServerCFGNode.ToString() | Write-Host
#Get Server Gateway
$Gateway = ipconfig | where-object {$_ –match “Default Gateway”} | foreach-object{$_.Split(“:”)[1].Trim()}
$ServerGateway = $Gateway.ToString()
#$ServerGateway | Write-Host
#if (-not(Test-Path)) {}
#Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList /i,$installer,/qn -wait
& "C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\idrac\racadm.exe" setniccfg -s $CFGNode $mask $ServerGateway