# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Find-String
# description: Yet another find text in text files, this time with context, too.
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 1096
# x-archived: 2009-10-25T15:24:51
Searches text files by pattern and displays the results.
Searches text files by pattern and displays the results.
Based on versions from http://weblogs.asp.net/whaggard/archive/2007/03/23/powershell-script-to-find-strings-and-highlight-them-in-the-output.aspx and from http://poshcode.org/426
Makes use of Out-ColorMatchInfo found at http://poshcode.org/1095.
#requires -version 2
param (
[regex] $pattern,
[string] $filter = "*.*",
[switch] $recurse = $true,
[switch] $caseSensitive = $false,
[int[]] $context = 0
if ((-not $caseSensitive) -and (-not $pattern.Options -match "IgnoreCase")) {
$pattern = New-Object regex $pattern.ToString(),@($pattern.Options,"IgnoreCase")
Get-ChildItem -recurse:$recurse -filter:$filter |
Select-String -caseSensitive:$caseSensitive -pattern:$pattern -AllMatches -context $context |