# encoding: utf-8
# api: powershell
# title: finddupe.ps1
# description: Find duplicates in <directories/files> comparing size then SHA-512 hash of files. Usage: finddupe.ps1 <directory/file #1> <directory/file #2> ... <directory/file #N> [-delete] [-noprompt] [-recurse] ; -delete will prompt to delete duplicates. -delete and -noprompt together will delete duplicates without prompting. -recurse looks in all subdirectories of all listed directories. The first file in a duplicate pair will not be deleted ever.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: James Gentile
# license: CC0
# function: Get-SHA512
# x-poshcode-id: 2617
# x-derived-from-id: 3328
# x-archived: 2017-04-30T12:38:04
# x-published: 2011-04-16T11:55:00
function Get-SHA512([System.IO.FileInfo] $file = $(throw 'Usage: Get-MD5 [System.IO.FileInfo]'))
$stream = $null;
$cryptoServiceProvider = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512CryptoServiceProvider];
$hashAlgorithm = new-object $cryptoServiceProvider
$stream = $file.OpenRead();
$hashByteArray = $hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash($stream);
## We have to be sure that we close the file stream if any exceptions are thrown.
if ($stream -ne $null)
foreach ($byte in $hashByteArray) { if ($byte -lt 16) {$result += “0{0:X}” -f $byte } else { $result += “{0:X}” -f $byte }}
return [string]$result;
write-host "FindDupe.ps1 - find and optionally delete duplicates. FindDupe.ps1 -help or FindDupe.ps1 -h for usage options."
$matches = 0 # initialize number of matches for summary.
$filesdeleted = 0 # number of files deleted.
$bytesrec = 0 # Number of bytes recovered.
if ($args -eq "-help" -or $args -eq "-h") # check for help request, if found display usage options...
" PS>.\FindDupe.ps1 <directory/file #1> <directory/file #2> ... <directory/file #N> [-delete] [-noprompt] [-recurse] [-help]"
" -recurse recurses through all subdirectories of any specified directories."
" -delete prompts to delete duplicates (but not originals.)"
" -delete with -noprompt deletes duplicates without prompts (but again not originals.)"
" -hidden checks hidden files, default is to ignore hidden files."
" -help displays this usage option data, and ignores all other arguments."
" PS>.\finddupe.ps1 c:\data d:\finance -recurse"
" PS>.\finddupe.ps1 d: -recurse -delete -noprompt"
" PS>.\finddupe.ps1 c:\users\alice\pictures\ -recurse -delete"
# build list of files, by running dir on $args minus elements that have FindDupe.ps1 switches, recursively if specified.
$files=(dir ($args | ?{$_ -ne "-delete" -and $_ -ne "-noprompt" -and $_ -ne "-recurse" -and $_ -ne "-hidden"}) -recurse:$([bool]($args -eq "-recurse")) -force:$([bool]($args -eq "-hidden")) |?{$_.psiscontainer -eq $false})
if ($files.count -lt 2) # if the number of files is less than 2, then exit
"Need at least two files to check.`a"
for ($i=0;$i -ne $files.count; $i++) # Cycle thru all files
if ($files[$i] -eq $null) {continue} # file was already identified as a duplicate if $null, so do next file
$filecheck = $files[$i] # backup file object
$files[$i] = $null # erase file object from object database, so it is not matched against itself
for ($c=$i+1;$c -lt $files.count; $c++) # cycle through all files again
if ($files[$c] -eq $null) {continue} # $null = file was already checked/matched.
if ($filecheck.fullname -eq $files[$c].fullname) {$files[$c]=$null;continue} # If referencing the same file, skip
if ($filecheck.length -eq $files[$c].length) # if files match size then check SHA512's
if ($filecheck.SHA512 -eq $null) # if SHA512 is not already computed, compute it
$SHA512 = (get-SHA512 $filecheck.fullname)
$filecheck = $filecheck | %{add-member -inputobject $_ -name SHA512 -membertype noteproperty -value $SHA512 -passthru}
if ($files[$c].SHA512 -eq $null) # resulting in no file being SHA512'ed twice.
$SHA512 = (get-SHA512 $files[$c].fullname)
$files[$c] = $files[$c] | %{add-member -inputobject $_ -name SHA512 -membertype noteproperty -value $SHA512 -passthru}
if ($filecheck.SHA512 -eq $files[$c].SHA512) # Size already matched, if SHA512 matches, then it's a duplicate.
write-host "Size and SHA512 match: " -fore red -nonewline
write-host "`"$($filecheck.fullname)`" and `"$($files[$c].fullname)`""
$matches += 1 # Number of matches ++
if ($args -eq "-delete") # check if user specified to delete the duplicate
if ($args -eq "-noprompt") # if -delete select, and -noprompt selected
del $files[$c].fullname # then delete the file without prompting
write-host "Deleted duplicate: " -f red -nonewline
write-host "`"$($files[$c].fullname).`""
del $files[$c].fullname -confirm # otherwise prompt for confirmation to delete
if ((get-item -ea 0 $files[$c].fullname) -eq $null) # check if file was deleted.
$filesdeleted += 1 # update records
$bytesrec += $files[$c].length
$files[$c] = $null # erase file object so it is not checked/matched again.
} # And loop to next inner loop file
} # And loop to next file in outer/original loop
write-host ""
write-host "Number of Files checked: $($files.count)." # Display useful info; files checked and matches found.
write-host "Number of duplicates found: $matches."
Write-host "Number of duplicates deleted: $filesdeleted." # Display number of duplicate files deleted and bytes recovered.
write-host "$bytesrec bytes recovered."
write-host ""
write-host "Time to run: $(([datetime]::now)-$starttime|select hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)"
write-host ""