PoshCode Archive  Artifact [80f5f170d9]

Artifact 80f5f170d920d15fa75f0cd8f88c2cf5705bf03cd1348c9d35c487d89deccb65:

  • File Show-ADObject.ps1 — part of check-in [2ac169d16c] at 2018-06-10 14:23:19 on branch trunk — This is a modification of the Get-ADMapObject (http://poshcode.org/706). This script uses the Show-NodeXLMap script (http://poshcode.org/733) to display the hierarchical relationship between Active Directory objects of the selected classes. Running this script with the -ShowADClass switch lists out the different classes or types of AD objects available. (user: Steven Murawski http size: 5958)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Show-ADObject
# description: This is a modification of the Get-ADMapObject (http://poshcode.org/706).  This script uses the Show-NodeXLMap script (http://poshcode.org/733) to display the hierarchical relationship between Active Directory objects of the selected classes.  Running this script with the -ShowADClass switch lists out the different classes or types of AD objects available.
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Steven Murawski http
# license: CC0
# function: Write-Help
# x-poshcode-id: 734
# x-archived: 2017-03-12T01:08:20
# x-published: 2009-12-15T14:51:00
# Author: Steven Murawski http://www.mindofroot.com
# This script requires the modified Show-NetMap script (originally from Doug Finke)
# Show-NodeXLMap which can be found on http://poshcode.org/733
# and the NodeXL files
# These can be found at http://www.codeplex.com/NodeXL/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=20494
# Also required are the Quest AD Cmdlets.

#requires -pssnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement
param ($ADClass, $MapLayout= "circular", [switch]$help, [switch]$ShowADClass, [switch]$Colorize, [switch]$NoTest)

function Write-Help()
	$ExampleUsage = @'
To use this script, you will need the Show-Netmap script from Doug Finke,
along with the NodeXL DLLs.
Downloadable from http://www.codeplex.com/NodeXL/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=20494
.\Show-ADObject.ps1 -ADClass [(AD Type Name || Array of AD Type Names}] [-Colorize]
.\Show-ADObject.ps1 -ShowADClasses

.\Show-ADObject -ADClass group, organizationalunit -Colorize 

	Write-Host $ExampleUsage

#Check to see if the required files are present to run the script.
function Test-Prerequisites()
	$required = @{ShowNetMap = 'Show-NodeXLMap.ps1';
		NetMapApp = 'Microsoft.NodeXL.ApplicationUtil.dll';
		NetMapControl = 'Microsoft.NodeXL.Control.dll';
		NetMapCore =  'Microsoft.NodeXL.Core.dll';
		NetMapUtil =  'Microsoft.NodeXL.Util.dll';
		NetMapVisual =  'Microsoft.NodeXL.Visualization.dll'
	$report = @()
	foreach ($key in $required.Keys)
		$file = $required[$($key)]
		if (Test-Path $file )
			Write-Debug "Found $file"
			$report +=  "Missing $file"
	if ($report.count -eq 0)
		Write-Debug "All prerequisites were found."
		return $true
		Write-Host "Missing files: "
		$report | ForEach-Object { Write-Host "`tMissing $_" }
		throw "Please move the needed files into the current directory!"


#If all the prereq's are in the local directory and the script was not run
#with the -help switch, load everything up!
if ($NoTest -or (Test-Prerequisites))
	[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")   | Out-Null

	#This is just a helper function to find the parent of an object based on the parent's distinguished name
	function Get-ParentFromDN()
			$root = '^DC=(\w+),DC=(\w+)$'
			$pattern = '^(OU|CN)=(\w+?),.*?DC=\w+?,DC=\w+?$'
			$dn = $_
			if ($dn -notmatch $root)
				$dn -replace $pattern, '$2'
				$dn -replace $root, '$1.$2'
	#This will return an array of all the Object Classes in your Active Directory
	function Get-ADObjectClassName()
		Get-QADObject -SizeLimit 0 | Select-Object -property @{name='Name';Expression={$_.type}} -unique | Sort-Object name
	function Get-ColorList()
		[System.Drawing.Color] | Get-Member -memberType property -static | foreach {$_.name}
	function Get-RandomColor()
		$count = $ListOfColors.count-1
		$rand = New-Object System.Random
		$value = $rand.next(0,$count)
	function Get-ADMapObject()
		param($TypesToMap=$(Throw 'One (or more object types as an array) are required to run this function'), [switch]$Color)
		$script:ColorKey = @{}
		if ($TypesToMap -is [string])
			if ($color)
				$MapColor = Get-RandomColor Get-ColorList
				$script:ColorKey["$TypesToMap"] = $MapColor
				Get-QADObject -Type $TypesToMap | select Name, @{name='Parent';Expression={$_.ParentContainerDN | Get-ParentFromDN}}, @{name='Color';Expression={$MapColor}}
				Get-QADObject -Type $TypesToMap | select Name, @{name='Parent';Expression={$_.ParentContainerDN | Get-ParentFromDN}}
			$colorList = Get-ColorList
			foreach ( $type in $TypesToMap )
				if ($color)
					$MapColor = Get-RandomColor $colorList
					$colorList = $colorList | ? {$_ -ne $MapColor}
					$script:ColorKey["$type"] = $MapColor
					Get-QADObject -Type $type | select Name, @{name='Parent';Expression={$_.ParentContainerDN | Get-ParentFromDN}}, @{name='Color';Expression={$MapColor}}
					Get-QADObject -Type $type | select Name, @{name='Parent';Expression={$_.ParentContainerDN | Get-ParentFromDN}}
	#Helper function stolen from Doug Finke and used to create the objects to feed to 
	function New-SourceTarget ($s,$t,$c) 
		New-Object PSObject |
			Add-Member -pass noteproperty source $s |
			Add-Member -pass noteproperty target $t | 
			Add-Member -pass noteproperty color $c 
	if ($help)
		if ($ShowADClass)
			#Add the Show-Netmap functions from Doug Finke
			. .\Show-NodeXLMap.ps1
			if ($Colorize)
				$MapObjects = Get-ADMapObject -TypesToMap $ADClass -Color |  % { New-SourceTarget $_.Name $_.Parent $_.Color }  
				Write-Host "Color Key: "
				$MapObjects = Get-ADMapObject -TypesToMap $ADClass |  % { New-SourceTarget $_.Name $_.Parent }
			$MapObjects | Show-NodeXLMap -layoutType $MapLayout