# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Updated CloneVM from CSV
# description: Takes a fixed format CSV and pumps out clones from a template. Easily modified to do clones of a VM or create new VMs. Some of the restrictions mentioned in the notes appear to be fixed with VMware ESX v4.1.
# version: 4.0
# type: script
# author: monahancj
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 2051
# x-archived: 2014-06-20T05:01:37
# x-published: 2011-08-05T10:23:00
Param ($servercsv)
# $servercsv is the input file
Mass cloning of virtual machines
Mass cloning of virtual machines from a template using a CSV file as a source.
1- Assumes template only has a C: drive and that only a D: will be added from the CSV file. Additional drives will have to be done manually.
2- Input CSV file format is at the bottom of this file.
3- When testing use this command to mass delete the VMs created with the script.
import-csv inputfile.csv | % { Remove-VM -DeleteFromDisk -VM $_.Name -RunAsync -Confirm:$false }
4- Folder is not set due to the likelihood of duplicate folder names in large environment. There's no good, consistent, and easy way that I could figure out to handle that.
5- Creating the additional disk fails with PowerCLI 4.0 U1. Reference URLs on the next two lines:
6- Setting the guest network fails with PowerCLI 4.0 U1. I've posted the issue.
** UPDATE- Issue with dvSwitches not supported in PowerCli yet. Workaround here- http://www.lucd.info/2010/03/04/dvswitch-scripting-part-8-get-and-set-network-adapters/
1- Set the guest network config. with either Copy-VMGuestfile and Invoke-VMScript, or Set-VMGuestNetworkInterface.
2- Clean up unnecessary output during script run.
3- Create script to validate CSV file. Possibly to be run by Project Managers.
4- Create Excel spreadsheet with dropdown lists of cluster locations and other info to assist Project Managers.
C:\Temp> C:\ops\posh\VMware\Clone_Template_fromCSV.ps1 inputfile.csv
# ** Verify server names are unique **
$VMTargets = Import-CSV $servercsv
$VCs = "vcenter101.ma.tmpw.net","vcenter102.ma.tmpw.net","vcenter201.be.tmpw.net"
$VCs | % {
Connect-VIServer $_ | Out-Null
$AllVMs = Get-VM | Sort
$i = 0;
while ($VMTargets[$i]) {
$j = 0
while ($AllVMs[$j]) {
If ($VMTargets[$i].Name -eq $AllVMs[$j].Name) {
Write-Host "Requested VM name" $VMTargets[$i].Name "is in use. `n"
$DupeNames = $true
} # end If
} # end while
} # end while
} #end %
If ($dupenames = $false) {
$serverlist = Import-CSV $servercsv
$serverlist | Format-Table -Autosize
# ** Clone new VM
$serverlist | % {
Connect-VIServer $_.VC #| Out-Null
sleep 5
New-VM -Confirm:$False `
-Name ($_.Name).ToLower() `
-Template $_.Template `
-DiskStorageFormat Thin `
-ResourcePool (Get-ResourcePool -location $_.Cluster | Where { $_ -match $_.ResourcePool } | get-random) `
-Description $_.Description `
-VMHost (Get-VMHost -location $_.Cluster | Sort $_.CPuUsageMhz -Descending | Select -First 1) `
-Datastore (C:\ops\posh\vmware\Get-DatastoreMostFree.ps1 $_.Cluster).Name
Set-VM -Confirm:$false `
-VM $_.Name `
-NumCpu $_.NumCpu `
-MemoryMB ([int]$_.RAMSizeGB * 1024)
New-HardDisk -vm $_.Name -CapacityKB ([int]$_.D_DriveSizeGB * 1024 * 1024) -ThinProvisioned -Confirm:$false
Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $_.Name | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $_.VLAN -Confirm:$false
Set-CustomField -Entity $_.Name -Name "Clearquest #" -Value $_.CQTicket
Set-CustomField -Entity $_.Name -Name Environment -value $_.Environment
Set-CustomField -Entity $_.Name -Name Owner -value $_.Owner
Get-FloppyDrive -VM $_.Name | Remove-FloppyDrive -Confirm:$false
Get-UsbDevice -VM $_.Name | Remove-UsbDevice -Confirm:$false
} # end %
# } #end If
# Input file format
vcenterxxx.fqdn.com,Bed-QADevIntv35,QA-DBHYPESS201,Hyperion QA DB,w2k8_std_x64_r2_tmpl,Normal,1,3,50,VLAN350,DEV00451152,QA-Hyperion,Hyperion