# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: MIFParser.ps1
# description: Parses Management Information Format (MIF) files. See http://chadwickmiller.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!EA42395138308430!522.entry
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Chad Miller
# license: CC0
# function: ConvertTo-MIFXml
# x-poshcode-id: 1447
# x-archived: 2011-08-27T18:41:37
# x-published: 2011-11-02T12:42:00
param ($fileName, $computerName=$env:ComputerName)
function ConvertTo-MIFXml
param ($mifFile)
$mifText = gc $mifFile |
#Remove illegal XML characters
% { $_ -replace "&", "&" } |
% { $_ -replace"'", "'" } |
% { $_ -replace "<", "<" } |
% { $_ -replace ">", ">" } |
#Create Component attribute
% { $_ -replace 'Start Component','<Component' } |
#Create Group attribute
% { $_ -replace 'Start Group','><Group' } |
#Create Attribute attribute
% { $_ -replace 'Start Attribute','><Attribute' } |
#Create closing tags
% { $_ -replace 'End Attribute','></Attribute>' } |
% { $_ -replace 'End Group','</Group>' } |
% { $_ -replace 'End Component','</Component>'} |
#Remove all quotes
% { $_ -replace '"' } |
#Remove MIF comments. MIF Comments start with //
% { $_ -replace "(\s*//\s*.*)" } |
#Extract name/value and quote value
% { $_ -replace "\s*([^\s]+)\s*=\s*(.+$)",'$1="$2"' } |
#Replace tabs with spaces
% { $_ -replace "\t", " " } |
#Replace 2 spaces with 1
% { $_ -replace "\s{2,}", " " }
#Join the array, cleanup some spacing and extra > signs
[xml]$mifXml = [string]::Join(" ", $mifText) -replace ">\s*>",">" -replace "\s+>",">"
return $mifXml
} #ConvertTo-MIFXml
ConvertTo-MIFXml $fileName | foreach {$_.component} | foreach {$_.Group} | foreach {$_.Attribute} | select @{n='SystemName';e={$computerName}}, `
@{n='Component';e={$($_.psbase.ParentNode).psbase.ParentNode.name}}, @{n='Group';e={$_.psbase.ParentNode.name}}, `
@{n='FileName';e={[System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($FileName)}}, ID, Name, Value