PoshCode Archive  Artifact [86baa682b8]

Artifact 86baa682b83dd3d3d8c04f0e07345f9fe7f9fde26ed3aba94c236642a55b8ee6:

  • File Flatten-hashtable.ps1 — part of check-in [4b39ce1963] at 2018-06-10 13:57:18 on branch trunk — Flattens a hashtable, removing ‘unnecessary’ levels of nesting. (user: Ross J Micheals size: 4497)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Flatten hashtable
# description: Flattens a hashtable, removing ‘unnecessary’ levels of nesting.
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Ross J Micheals
# license: CC0
# function: ConvertTo-FlatterHashtable
# x-poshcode-id: 5573
# x-archived: 2014-11-17T22:49:56
# x-published: 2014-11-06T16:20:00

    Flattens a hashtable, removing 'unnecessary' levels of nesting.


    This command takes as input, a (Powershell) hashtable and outputs a new hashtable
    in which 'unnecessary' levels of nesting are removed. A hashtable contains an 'unnecessary' level 
    of nesting if that hashtable either *is* or *contains* a hashtable with a single key-value pair 
    and that value is also a hashtable.
    The command is run in either 'parent biased' or 'child biased' mode. In 'parent biased' mode,
    the command will preserve the key of the parent-most level of a flattened hashtable. In 'child
    biased' mode, the command will preserve the key of the child-most level of a flattened hashtable.
    Consider the hashtable @{x=@{y=@{z=1}}}. This hashtable contains a doubly nested hashtable.
    The outer hashtable contributes to an unnecessary level of nesting because it has a single (key, value) 
    pair (x, {y=@{z=1}}) where the value, {y=@{z=1}}, is also a hashtable. The nested hashtable {y=@{z=1}} 
    similarly contributes 'unnecessary' nesting. The innermost hashtable @{z=1} does not contribute 
    to 'unnecessary' nesting; it does not contain another hashtable.
    In 'parent biased' mode, @{x=@{y=@{z=1}}} flattens to @{x=1}. In 'child biased' mode, it flattens 
    to @{z=1}.


    Required. The hashtable to be flattened.

.PARAMETER ChildBiased

    Optional. Flattens the source hashtable in 'child biased' mode. If this switch is absent, then then
    command defaults to 'parent biased' mode.


    Flatten a nested hashtable using the default ('parent biased') mode.

    PS C:\> @{a=@{b=1}} | ConvertTo-FlatterHashtable

    Name                           Value                                                                                                
    ----                           -----                                                                                                
    a                              1  


    Flatten a nested hashtable using 'child biased' mode.

    PS C:\> ConvertTo-FlatterHashtable -Source @{a=@{b=@{c=1}}} -ChildBiased

    Name                           Value                                                                                                
    ----                           -----                                                                                                
    c                              1  

function ConvertTo-FlatterHashtable {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$True)] [Hashtable] $Source, 
        [Switch] $ChildBiased
    BEGIN {}

        function ConvertTo-ChildBiasedFlatterHashtable([hashtable] $Source) {
            $ht = @{}
            foreach ($key in $Source.Keys) {
                $value = $Source[$key]
                if ($value -and $value.Count -eq 1 -and $value -as [Hashtable]) {
                    $ht = ConvertTo-ChildBiasedFlatterHashtable $value
                } else {
                    $ht[$key] = $value

        function ConvertTo-ParentBiasedFlatterHashtable([hashtable] $Source) {
            function FlattenHashtable($start) {
                if ($start -and $start -as [Hashtable] -and $start.Count -eq 1) {
                    FlattenHashtable $start[[string]($start.Keys[0])]
                } else {

            $ht = @{}
            foreach ($key in $Source.Keys) {
                $ht[$key] =  FlattenHashtable $Source[$key]

        if ($ChildBiased) {
            ConvertTo-ChildBiasedFlatterHashtable $Source
        } else {
            ConvertTo-ParentBiasedFlatterHashtable $Source

    END {}