PoshCode Archive  Artifact [8830542d8d]

Artifact 8830542d8d99f5d47bfd9940ed63109bdb301ea50ee46b9532a8c760b1d7bb25:

  • File IPv4-Helpers.ps1 — part of check-in [aaa0113d6a] at 2018-06-10 14:27:44 on branch trunk — A collection of V1 functions to assist with most IPv4 math. A majority of the code was translated from VBScript found http://www.highorbit.co.uk/?p=270=1 (user: glnsize size: 7840)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: IPv4 Helpers
# description: A collection of V1 functions to assist with most IPv4 math. A majority of the code was translated from VBScript found http://www.highorbit.co.uk/?p=270=1
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: glnsize
# license: CC0
# function: ConvertTo-BinaryIP
# x-poshcode-id: 975
# x-archived: 2014-03-22T18:09:45
# x-published: 2010-03-27T12:34:00
Function ConvertTo-BinaryIP {
    # Convert an IP address to binary
    # ConvertTo-BinaryIP -IP
    Param (
    Process {
        $out = @()
        Foreach ($octet in $IP.split('.')) {
            $strout = $null
            0..7|% {
                IF (($octet - [math]::pow(2,(7-$_)))-ge 0) { 
                    $octet = $octet - [math]::pow(2,(7-$_))
                    [string]$strout = $strout + "1"
                } else {
                    [string]$strout = $strout + "0"
            $out += $strout
        return [string]::join('.',$out)

Function ConvertFrom-BinaryIP {
    # Convert from Binary to an IP address
    # Convertfrom-BinaryIP -IP 11000000.10101000.00000001.00000001
    Param (
    Process {
        $out = @()
        Foreach ($octet in $IP.split('.')) {
            $strout = 0
            0..7|% {
                $bit = $octet.Substring(($_),1)
                IF ($bit -eq 1) { 
                    $strout = $strout + [math]::pow(2,(7-$_))
            $out += $strout
        return [string]::join('.',$out)

Function ConvertTo-MaskLength {
    # Convert from a netmask to the masklength
    # ConvertTo-MaskLength -Mask
    Param (
    Process {
        $out = 0
        Foreach ($octet in $Mask.split('.')) {
            $strout = 0
            0..7|% {
                IF (($octet - [math]::pow(2,(7-$_)))-ge 0) { 
                    $octet = $octet - [math]::pow(2,(7-$_))
        return $out

Function ConvertFrom-MaskLength {
    # Convert from masklength to a netmask
    # ConvertFrom-MaskLength -Mask /24
    # ConvertFrom-MaskLength -Mask 24
    Param (
    Process {
        $out = @()
        [int]$wholeOctet = ($mask - ($mask % 8))/8
        if ($wholeOctet -gt 0) {
            1..$($wholeOctet) |%{
                $out += "255"
        $subnet = ($mask - ($wholeOctet * 8))
        if ($subnet -gt 0) {
            $octet = 0
            0..($subnet - 1) | %{
                 $octet = $octet + [math]::pow(2,(7-$_))
            $out += $octet
        for ($i=$out.count;$i -lt 4; $I++) {
            $out += 0
        return [string]::join('.',$out)

Function Get-NetworkAddress {
    # Get the network address of a given lan segment
    # Get-NetworkAddress -IP -mask
    Param (
    Process {
        $BinaryIP = ConvertTo-BinaryIP $IP
        $BinaryMask = ConvertTo-BinaryIP $Mask
        0..34 | %{
            $IPBit = $BinaryIP.Substring($_,1)
            $MaskBit = $BinaryMask.Substring($_,1)
            IF ($IPBit -eq '1' -and $MaskBit -eq '1') {
                $NetAdd = $NetAdd + "1"
            } elseif ($IPBit -eq ".") {
                $NetAdd = $NetAdd +'.'
            } else {
                $NetAdd = $NetAdd + "0"
        if ($Binary) {
            return $NetAdd
        } else {
            return ConvertFrom-BinaryIP $NetAdd

Function Get-BroadcastAddress {
    # Get the Broadcast address of a given Lan segment
    # Get-BroadcastAddress -IP -Mask
    Param (
    Process {
        $BinaryIP = ConvertTo-BinaryIP $IP
        $BinaryMask = ConvertTo-BinaryIP $Mask 
        0..34 | %{
            $IPBit = $BinaryIP.Substring($_,1)
            $MaskBit = $BinaryMask.Substring($_,1)
            IF ($IPBit -eq '1' -or $MaskBit -eq '0') {
                $Broadcast = $Broadcast + "1"
            } elseif ($IPBit -eq ".") {
                $Broadcast = $Broadcast +'.'
            } else {
                $Broadcast = $Broadcast + "0"
        if ($Binary) {
            return $Broadcast
        } else {
            return ConvertFrom-BinaryIP $Broadcast

Function Get-IPRange {
    # Given an Ip and subnet, return every IP in that lan segment
    # Get-IPRange -IP -Mask
    # Get-IPRange -IP -Mask /23
    Param (
    Process {
        iF ($netMask.length -le 3) {
            $masklength = $netmask.replace('/','')
            $Subnet = ConvertFrom-MaskLength $masklength
        } else {
            $masklength = ConvertTo-MaskLength $netmask
        $network = Get-NetworkAddress $IP $Subnet 
        [int]$FirstOctet,[int]$SecondOctet,[int]$ThirdOctet,[int]$FourthOctet = $network.split('.')
        $TotalIPs = ([math]::pow(2,(32-$masklength)) -2)
        $blocks = ($TotalIPs - ($TotalIPs % 256))/256
        if ($Blocks -gt 0) {
            1..$blocks | %{
                0..255 |%{
                    if ($FourthOctet -eq 255) {
                        If ($ThirdOctet -eq 255) {
                            If ($SecondOctet -eq 255) {
                                $secondOctet = 0
                            } else {
                                $ThirdOctet = 0
                        } else {
                            $FourthOctet = 0
                    } else {
                    Write-Output ("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}" -f `
        $sBlock = $TotalIPs - ($blocks * 256)
        if ($sBlock -gt 0) {
            1..$SBlock | %{
                if ($FourthOctet -eq 255) {
                    If ($ThirdOctet -eq 255) {
                        If ($SecondOctet -eq 255) {
                            $secondOctet = 0
                        } else {
                            $ThirdOctet = 0
                    } else {
                        $FourthOctet = 0
                } else {
                Write-Output ("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}" -f `