# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: New-ElevatedTask
# description: Creates a new “On Demand Only” scheduled task to run an “Elevated” application, and a shortcut to launch it on demand, so you can bypass UAC prompting on specific apps.
# version: 2.6
# type: function
# license: CC0
# function: New-ElevatedTask
# x-poshcode-id: 907
# x-archived: 2009-03-07T23:35:52
#requires -version 2.0
## Version History
## 2.0 - First version with shortcut support
## - Still weak on documentation of the arguments, sorry ...
## 2.5 - Improved defaults and documentation (run with -?)
## 2.6 - CTP 3 version, with AutoHelp and CmdletBinding
function New-ElevatedTask {
Creates a new "On Demand Only" scheduled task to run an "Elevated" application, and a shortcut to launch it.
New-ElevatedTask creates a scheduled task on Vista or Windows7 which runs "On Demand" with full priviledges (Elevated) and then creates a shortcut to launch it on demand.
It works by exploiting the import from XML feature of schtasks.exe /Create /XML ... and the ability to run tasks on demand via schtasks.exe /run /tn ...
You may specify the shortcut path as a folder path (which must exist), with a name for the new file (ending in .lnk), or you may specify one of the "SpecialFolder" names like "QuickLaunch" or "CommonDesktop" followed by the name. The shortcut feature depends on the New-Shortcut function (a separate script).
NOTE: You MUST run this in an elevated PowerShell instance.
New-ElevatedTask C:\Windows\Notepad.exe
Will create a task to run notepad elevated, and creates a shortcut to run it the current folder, named "Notepad.lnk"
New-ElevatedTask C:\Windows\Notepad.exe -Shortcut QuickLaunch\Editor.lnk -FriendlyName "Run Notepad" -TaskName "Elevated Text Editor"
Will create a task to run notepad elevated, and names it "Elevated Text Editor". Also creates a shortcut on the QuickLaunch bar with the name "Run Notepad.lnk" and the tooltip "Elevated Text Editor"
Must be run from an elevated PowerShell instance
Some features depend on New-Shortcut (which is also available on the repository: http://PoshCode.org/search/New-Shortcut)
$TargetPath = ""
, $Arguments = ""
, $WorkingDirectory = $(Split-Path -parent (Resolve-Path $TargetPath))
, $FriendlyName = $(Split-Path $TargetPath -leaf)
, $TaskName = $( "Elevated $friendlyName" )
, $IconLocation = $null
, $ShortcutPath = $null
, $Hotkey = $Null
, $UserName = $null
, $password = $null
$credential = $null
$SchTasks = Join-Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("System")) "schtasks.exe"
if(-not (Test-Path $SchTasks) ) {
$SchTasks = Read-Host "You need to set the correct location for the SchTasks.exe application on your system"
if($args -contains "-?" -or $TargetPath.Trim(" ").Length -eq 0 -or (-not (Test-Path $TargetPath) )) {
if( -not($args -contains "-?")) { Write-Error "TargetPath must be an existing file for the scheduled task to point at!" }
Write-Host $UseMessage
$xml = @"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.2" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">
<Description>Run {0} "As Administrator"</Description>
<Triggers />
<Principal id="Author">
<Actions Context="Author">
$xFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
# if they specify a user name, assume they want to do password authentication
if($UserName -ne $null -and $password -ne $null) {
$xml -f $friendlyName, $TargetPath, $arguments, $WorkingDirectory, $UserName, "Password" | set-content $xFile
&$SchTasks /Create /XML $xFile /TN $taskname /RU $UserName /RP $password
# if they didn't include a password, prompt them for one ...
} elseif($UserName -ne $null -and $password -eq $null) {
$xml -f $friendlyName, $TargetPath, $arguments, $WorkingDirectory, $UserName, "Password" | set-content $xFile
&$SchTasks /Create /XML $xFile /TN $taskname /RU $UserName /RP
# if they supplied credentials instead, use that
} elseif($credential -ne $null) {
$xml -f $friendlyName, $TargetPath, $arguments, $WorkingDirectory, $($Credential.UserName), "Password" | set-content $xFile
&$SchTasks /Create /XML $xFile /TN $taskname /RU $credential.UserName /RP $($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
} else {
# if they suppplied neither user nor credentials, lets assume they want the "current" user
$UserName = ([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name)
# if they passed a password, use that
if($password -ne $null) {
$xml -f $friendlyName, $TargetPath, $arguments, $WorkingDirectory, $UserName, "Password" | set-content $xFile
&$SchTasks /Create /XML $xFile /TN $taskname /RU $UserName /RP $password
# otherwise, there are no special credentials needed, "Interactive" means only "this" user can run it.
} else {
$xml -f $friendlyName, $TargetPath, $arguments, $WorkingDirectory, $UserName, "InteractiveToken" | set-content $xFile
&$SchTasks /Create /XML $xFile /TN $taskname
if($IconLocation -eq $null -or $IconLocation.Length -eq 0) {
$IconLocation = $TargetPath
if(([IO.FileInfo]$ShortcutPath).Extension.Length -eq 0 ) {
$ShortcutPath = "$ShortcutPath\$FriendlyName.lnk"
$Description = $TaskName
} else {
$Description = $FriendlyName
## New-ShortCut $TargetPath $LinkPath $Arguments $WorkingDirectory $WindowStyle $IconLocation $Hotkey $Description
if(Get-Command New-Shortcut -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
New-Shortcut -Target $SchTasks -LinkPath $ShortcutPath -Arg "/Run /TN `"$TaskName`"" -WorkingDirectory $WorkingDirectory -Window "Minimized" -Icon $IconLocation -Hotkey $Hotkey -Description $Description