# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Pomodoro Module
# description: a pomodoro module in PowerShell allowing you to run Pomodoros in powershell with sounds being played, and live update in the progress bar
# version: 0.1
# type: module
# author: karl prosser
# license: CC0
# function: Stop-Pomodoro
# x-poshcode-id: 3078
# x-archived: 2015-05-04T23:14:00
# x-published: 2012-12-03T23:08:00
#PomoDoro Module (make sure its a PS1)
#12-3-2011 Karl Prosser
#import-module C:\amodule\Pomodoro.psm1 -force
#Start-Pomodoro -ShowPercent -Work "coding" -UsePowerShellPrompt
#future todos
# -limit , a number (by default 0 meaning forever) that will only run the pomodoro that many times
# -Confirm (after one is finished it will ask questions like whether you want to do another and whether you were successful)
# -StartSound - path to it - with the current ones as default
# -BreakSound -path to it -with current ones as default
# possibly some custom sounds and the module gets distributed as a zip.
# document all the functions fully with standard powershell help techniques.
# -useprompt - create a prompt instead and update that each time instead..
# Pomo 4:21> (means we are in the pomodoro with that many minutes left.. if work is specified like "watchlogs" then it could be
# watchlogs 4:21>
# and when its a break then Break 4:21>
# support reason for stopping
# when no progress is shown, do a write-host to state changes.
$script:DefaultLength = 25;
$script:DefaultBreak = 5;
$script:timer = $null
$script:showprogress = $true
function Stop-Pomodoro
Unregister-Event "Pomodoro" -ErrorAction silentlycontinue
$script:timer = $null
function Set-PomodoroPrompt
param ()
$script:promptbackup = $function:prompt
$function:prompt = { Get-PomodoroStatus -ForPrompt}
function Restore-PomodoroPrompt
param ()
$function:prompt = $script:promptbackup
function Show-PomodoroProgress
$script:showprogress = $true
function Hide-PomodoroProgress
$script:showprogress = $false
function Get-PomodoroStatus
$prefix = "Pomodoro - $script:currentwork"
$pomotime = new-object system.TimeSpan 0,0,$script:currentlength,0
$prefix = "Having a Break from work - $script:currentwork"
$pomotime = new-object system.TimeSpan 0,0,$script:currentbreak,0
$diff = (get-Date) - $script:starttime
$timeleft = $pomotime - $diff
$endtime = $starttime + $pomotime
switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
"summary" { "{5} for {4} minutes from {0:hh:mm} to {1:hh:mm} - {2}:{3:00} minutes left." -f $starttime,$endtime ,$timeleft.minutes, $timeleft.seconds ,$pomotime.minutes,$prefix}
"remaining" { $timeleft}
"From" {$script:starttime}
"Until" { $endtime }
"Length" {$pomotime}
"ForPrompt" {
if ($script:pomoorbreak)
if($script:currentwork -and ($script:currentwork.trim() -ne [string]::Empty))
"{0} {1}:{2:00}>" -f $(if($script:currentwork.length -gt 8) { $script:currentwork.substring(0,8)} else {$script:currentwork} ),
$timeleft.minutes, $timeleft.seconds
"{0} {1}:{2:00}>" -f "Pomo",$timeleft.minutes, $timeleft.seconds
"{0} {1}:{2:00}>" -f "Break",$timeleft.minutes, $timeleft.seconds
"No Pomo>"
function Start-Pomodoro
param (
[int]$Length = $script:DefaultLength
[int]$Break = $script:DefaultBreak
$script:currentlength = $length
$script:currentbreak = $break;
$script:currentshowpercent = [bool]$showpercent;
$script:currentwork = $work
if($HideProgress) { $script:showprogress = $false } else { $script:showprogress = $true }
#if pomoDoro Already running then stop it
Unregister-Event "Pomodoro" -ErrorAction silentlycontinue
$script:timer = $null
$script:pomoorbreak = $true
$script:starttime = get-Date
$script:timer = New-Object System.Timers.Timer
$script:timer.Interval = 1000
$script:timer.Enabled = $true
$null = Register-ObjectEvent $timer "Elapsed" -SourceIdentifier "Pomodoro" -Action {
$breakmode = & (get-Module Pomodoro) { $script:PomoOrBreak }
$starttime = & (get-Module Pomodoro) { $script:starttime }
$break = & (get-Module Pomodoro) {$script:currentbreak}
$length = & (get-Module Pomodoro) { $script:currentlength }
$work= & (get-Module Pomodoro) { $script:currentwork }
$prefix = "Pomodoro - $work "
$pomotime = new-object system.TimeSpan 0,0,$length,0
$prefix = "Having a Break from work - $work"
$pomotime = new-object system.TimeSpan 0,0,$break,0
$diff = (get-Date) - $starttime
$timeleft = $pomotime - $diff
$endtime = $starttime + $pomotime
$timeleftdisplay = "for {4} minutes from {0:hh:mm} to {1:hh:mm} - {2}:{3:00} minutes left." -f $starttime,$endtime ,$timeleft.minutes, $timeleft.seconds ,$pomotime.minutes
if (($pomotime - $diff) -le 0)
write-Progress -Activity " " -Status "done";
$sound = new-Object System.Media.SoundPlayer;
if ($breakmode)
sleep 1
sleep 1
iex "& (get-module pomodoro) {`$script:starttime = get-Date; `$script:pomoorbreak = ! `$$breakmode } "
if ( & (get-Module Pomodoro) { $script:showprogress } )
if (& (get-Module Pomodoro) { $script:currentshowpercent} )
$perc =100 - ( [int] ([double]$timeleft.totalseconds * 100 / [double]$pomotime.totalseconds))
write-Progress -Activity $prefix -Status "$timeleftdisplay" -PercentComplete $perc
write-Progress -Activity $prefix -Status "$timeleftdisplay"
if($UsePowerShellPrompt) { Set-PomodoroPrompt }
export-ModuleMember -Function "*"
$myInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.OnRemove = {
if ($script:promptbackup) { $function:prompt = $script:promptbackup }