# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-NaNfsExport
# description: Function that will retrieve all the NFS Exports from a NetApp SAN. Example usage of thee Ontap SDK 3.5 avaliable here http://communities.netapp.com/docs/DOC-1365….
# version: 1.8
# type: function
# author: glnsize
# license: CC0
# function: Get-NaNfsExport
# x-poshcode-id: 909
# x-derived-from-id: 923
# x-archived: 2011-09-14T19:00:10
# x-published: 2011-03-06T10:42:00
# Glenn Sizemore ~ www . Get-Admin . Com
# Example Powershell function to get the NFS Exports from a NetApp Filer
# First you'll need to download the OnTap SDK 3.5 : http://communities.netapp.com/docs/DOC-1365
# within the download your interested in .\manage-ontap-sdk-3.5\lib\DotNet\ManageOntap.dll
# Next load the library...
# $Path = 'C:\Users\glnsize\Downloads\manage-ontap-sdk-3.5\lib\DotNet\ManageOntap.dll'
# [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($Path)
# Almost there next step create a NaServer connection object
# Here we are connecting to the NetApp Filer TOASTER1, and setting the api to V1.8
# $NaServer = New-Object NetApp.Manage.NaServer("TOASTER1",1,8)
# Call the setAdminUser Method and supply some credentials
# $NaServer.SetAdminUser('root', 'password')
# Now we're ready to go simply call the function passing your NAServer object as a parameter.
# Get-NaNfsExport -Server $NaServer
# Get-NaNfsExport -Server $NaServer -Path /vol/vol0
Function Get-NaNfsExport {
Begin {
$out = @()
Process {
trap [NetApp.Manage.NaAuthException] {
# Example trap to catch bad credentials
Write-Error "Bad login/password".
#generate a new naelement request
$NaOut = New-Object NetApp.Manage.NaElement("nfs-exportfs-list-rules")
# $NaServer.InvokeElem($NaOut) -> retrieve the results of the $NaOut request
# ..($NaOut).GetChildByName("rules") -> select the rules element from results
# ..GetChildByName("rules").getchildren() -> get any child elements under rules.
$NaResults = $Server.InvokeElem($NaOut).GetChildByName("rules").getchildren()
#ForEach NFS Rule returned, serialize the output into a PSObject.
foreach ($NaElement in $NaResults) {
$NaNFS = "" | Select-Object Path, ActualPath, ReadOnly, ReadWrite, Root, Security
$NaNFS.Path = $NaElement.GetChildContent("pathname")
# This is where the OnTap SDK can get a little nuts...
# if you perfer XML then simply try $NaElement.ToPrettyString('')
switch ($NaElement) {
# if Read-Only is present
# Get all child elements
$ReadOnly = ($_.GetChildByName("read-only")).getchildren()
#Foreach elm in read-only
foreach ($read in $ReadOnly) {
# [bool] if exists "all-hosts"
If ($read.GetChildContent("all-hosts")) {
$roList = 'All-Hosts'
# Else get the name of the export!
Elseif ($read.GetChildContent("name")) {
$roList += $read.GetChildContent("name")
# add our new list to the output
$NaNFS.ReadOnly = $roList
# if Read-write is present
$ReadWrite = ($_.GetChildByName("read-write")).getchildren()
foreach ($write in $ReadWrite) {
If ($write.GetChildContent("all-hosts")) {
$rwList = 'All-Hosts'
Elseif ($r.GetChildContent("name")) {
$rwList += $write.GetChildContent("name")
$NaNFS.ReadWrite = $rwList
# if root is present
$Root = ($_.GetChildByName("root")).getchildren()
foreach ($r in $Root) {
If ($r.GetChildContent("all-hosts")) {
$rrList = 'All-Hosts'
Elseif ($r.GetChildContent("name")) {
$rrList += $r.GetChildContent("name")
$NaNFS.Root = $rrList
$Security = ($_.GetChildByName("sec-flavor")).getchildren()
foreach ($s in $Security) {
if ($r.GetChildContent("flavor")) {
$SecList += $r.GetChildContent("flavor")
$NaNFS.Security = $SecList
$NaNFS.ActualPath = $_.GetChildByName("actual-pathname")
$out += $NaNFS
End {
If ($Path) {
return $out | ?{$_.Path -match $Patch}
else {
return $out