# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Out-Html
# description: Out-HTML – converts cmdlets help to HTML format
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Vegard Hamar
# license: CC0
# function: Out-HTML
# x-poshcode-id: 3101
# x-archived: 2015-05-09T23:03:01
# x-published: 2012-12-15T15:46:00
# Based on Out-wiki by Dimitry Sotnikov (http://dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com/2008/08/18/out-wiki-convert-powershell-help-to-wiki-format/)
# Modify the invocation line at the bottom of the script if you want to document fewer command, subsets or snapins
# Open default.htm to view in frameset or index.htm for index page with links.
# Out-HTML - converts cmdlets help to HTML format
# Based on Out-wiki by Dimitry Sotnikov (http://dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com/2008/08/18/out-wiki-convert-powershell-help-to-wiki-format/)
# Modify the invocation line at the bottom of the script if you want to document
# fewer command, subsets or snapins
# Open default.htm to view in frameset or index.htm for index page with links.
# Created By: Vegard Hamar
param($outputDir = "./help")
function FixString {
param($in = "")
if ($in -eq $null) {
$in = ""
return $in.Replace("&", "&").Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">")
function Out-HTML {
param($commands = $null, $outputDir = "./help")
$commandsHelp = $commands | sort-object PSSnapIn, noun | get-help -full
#create an output directory
if ( -not (Test-Path $outputDir)) {
md $outputDir | Out-Null
#Generate frame page
$indexFileName = $outputDir + "/index.htm"
#Generate frameset
<title>PowerShell Help</title>
<frameset cols="250,*">
<frame src="./index.htm" />
<frame src="" name="display"/>
'@ | Out-File "$outputDir/default.htm"
#Generate index
<title>PowerShell Help</title>
'@ | out-file $indexFileName
$SnapIn = ""
foreach ($c in $commandsHelp) {
if ($SnapIn -ne $c.PSSnapIn.Name) {
"<a href='#" + $c.PSSnapIn.name + "'>* " + $c.PSSnapIn.Name.Replace(".", " ") + "</a></br>" | out-file $indexFileName -Append
$SnapIn = $c.PSSnapIn.Name
$SnapIn = ""
foreach ($c in $commandsHelp) {
if ($SnapIn -ne $c.PSSnapIn.Name) {
"<h3><a name='$($c.PSSnapIn.Name)'>" +$c.PSSnapIn.Name.Replace(".", " ") + "</a></h3>" | Out-File $indexFileName -Append
$SnapIn = $c.PSSnapIn.Name
"<a href='" + $c.name + ".htm' target='display'>* $($c.Name)</a></br>" | out-file $indexFileName -Append
#Generate all single help files
$outputText = $null
foreach ($c in $commandsHelp) {
$fileName = ( $outputDir + "/" + $c.Name + ".htm" )
<h2> Syntax </h2>
<code>$(FixString($c.syntax | out-string -width 2000).Trim())</code>
<h2> Detailed Description </h2>
<div>$(FixString($c.Description | out-string -width 2000))</div>
<h2> Related Commands </h2>
"@ | out-file $fileName
foreach ($relatedLink in $c.relatedLinks.navigationLink) {
if($relatedLink.linkText -ne $null -and $relatedLink.linkText.StartsWith("about") -eq $false){
" * <a href='$($relatedLink.linkText).htm'>$($relatedLink.linkText)</a><br/>" | out-file $fileName -Append
<h2> Parameters </h2>
<table border='1'>
<th>Pipeline Input</th>
<th>Default Value</th>
"@ | out-file $fileName -Append
$paramNum = 0
foreach ($param in $c.parameters.parameter ) {
<tr valign='top'>
<td>$($param.Name) </td>
<td>$(FixString(($param.Description | out-string -width 2000).Trim())) </td>
<td>$(FixString($param.Required)) </td>
<td>$(FixString($param.PipelineInput)) </td>
<td>$(FixString($param.DefaultValue)) </td>
"@ | out-file $fileName -Append
" </table>}" | out-file $fileName -Append
# Input Type
if (($c.inputTypes | Out-String ).Trim().Length -gt 0) {
<h2> Input Type </h2>
<div>$(FixString($c.inputTypes | out-string -width 2000).Trim())</div>
"@ | out-file $fileName -Append
# Return Type
if (($c.returnValues | Out-String ).Trim().Length -gt 0) {
<h2> Return Values </h2>
<div>$(FixString($c.returnValues | out-string -width 2000).Trim())</div>
"@ | out-file $fileName -Append
# Notes
if (($c.alertSet | Out-String).Trim().Length -gt 0) {
<h2> Notes </h2>
"<div>$(FixString($c.alertSet | out-string -Width 2000).Trim())</div>
"@ | out-file $fileName -Append
# Examples
if (($c.examples | Out-String).Trim().Length -gt 0) {
" <h2> Examples </h2>" | out-file $fileName -Append
foreach ($example in $c.examples.example) {
<h3> $(FixString($example.title.Trim(('-',' '))))</h3>
<pre>$(FixString($example.code | out-string ).Trim())</pre>
<div>$(FixString($example.remarks | out-string -Width 2000).Trim())</div>
"@ | out-file $fileName -Append
"@ | out-file $fileName -Append
"@ | out-file $indexFileName -Append
Out-HTML (Get-Command ) $outputDir