PoshCode Archive  Artifact [96f9ec2b02]

Artifact 96f9ec2b02c6fd5eb764811d6add5dd2ad75985ff489d8ad4c7ee6f92db13dd9:

  • File Map-a-Network-Drive.ps1 — part of check-in [2ef3c0b47a] at 2018-06-10 13:22:38 on branch trunk — A simple function for connecting a UNC path to a specified Windows drive letter. Some other things I’d like to see added: (user: mtown_nerd size: 3360)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Map a Network Drive
# description: A simple function for connecting a UNC path to a specified Windows drive letter.  Some other things I’d like to see added:
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: mtown_nerd
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3233
# x-archived: 2012-02-18T15:43:58
# x-published: 2012-02-13T22:31:00
# 1. Better error and exception handling
# 2. Pre-process logic so it can handle input from the pipeline for better automation
# 3. Logic to dynamically use the next available network drive when one isn’t
function MapNetDrive 
    #Non-Boolean parameters (Values)
    #Boolean switches (On/Off)
    #Creates new WScript.Network object called "$map" and allows it to access MapNetworkDrive(), EnumNetworkDrives(),
    #and RemoveNetworkDrive() methods.
    $map=New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network
    #Uses EnumNetworkDrives() and "-contains" operator to determine if specified drive already exists.  If so, and "$Force"
    #parameter is not present to force an override, it outputs a message to the user.  Then uses "Try/Catch" statement to 
    #catch any other general errors that might prevent removal of drive.
    if($map.EnumNetworkDrives() -contains $DriveLetter) 
        {throw "Can't map $driveLetter because it's already mapped.  Use -Force to override."}
            Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception.InnerException -Message "Error removing '$driveLetter'
    #Maps new network drive, checking first if "$Credentials" parameter is passed.  If so, a System.Management.Automation.PSCredential object
    #called "$creds" is created and instantiated to result value of "Get-Credential" Cmdlet.  Because of its type, "$creds" has access to the
    #individual "UserName" and "Password" property values when the user submits them at the prompt.
    #"$Stay" is placeholder for "bUpdateProfile" argument of the MapNetworkDrive() method, which determines whether the new
    #drive is saved as part of the user's profile.  It's value here is determined by the presence of the "$Stay" switch.
       [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$creds=$(Get-Credential) #-Credential $($(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).UserName)
        else {$map.MapNetworkDrive($DriveLetter,$Path,$Stay.ToBool())} 
    #Opens newly created drive letter in Windows Explorer   
    $explore=New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application