# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Parse youtube links
# description: Function takes search term and number of pages as input parameters. Depending on number of pages given
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Syslq
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 5922
# x-archived: 2016-04-20T01:32:00
# x-published: 2016-07-07T22:49:00
# function will return all direct video url from these pages for given search parameter. If filePath is
# specified the function will write links to file instead of outputing them to screen.
# It is implemented via web page parsing, not via REST API, so script does not need OAuth Authorization
# Powershell v3 or higher is assumed as it relies on Invoke-Webrequest
Gets direct youtube links for given search term
GetYoutubeLinks [-searchTerm <String[]>] [-numOfPages <Int[]>] [-FilePath <String[]>]
Function takes search term and number of pages as input parameters. Depending on number of pages given
function will return all direct video url from these pages for given search parameter. If filePath is
specified the function will write links to file instead of outputing them to screen.
It is implemented via web page parsing, not via REST API, so script does not need OAuth Authorization
Powershell v3 or higher is assumed as it relies on Invoke-Webrequest
GetYoutubeLinks -searchTerm 'I like powershell' -numOfPages 3
GetYoutubeLinks -searchTerm 'I like powershell' -numOfPages 7 -filePath "D:\ILikePowershell.txt"
function GetYoutubeLinks ($searchTerm, $numOfPages, [string]$filePath)
$youtube = 'https://www.youtube.com'
$allLinks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Function DedupeArrLst($resultArrLst)
$deduped = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($entry in $resultArrLst)
if (!($deduped.Contains($entry)))
return $deduped;
function ParseLinks($web_links)
foreach($link in $web.Links)
if(($link.href -like '*/watch?v=*') -and ($link.href -notlike '*;list=*'))
$linkEntry = $youtube + $link.href
if($numOfPages -eq 1)
$youTubePage = "$youtube" + "/results?search_query=" + $searchTerm
$web = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$youTubePage"
ParseLinks -web_links $web
for($i=0; $i -le $numOfPages; $i++)
$youTubePage = "$youtube" + "/results?search_query=" + $searchTerm + "&page=$i"
$web = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$youTubePage"
ParseLinks $web
if($filePath.Length -lt 1)
foreach($i in DedupeArrLst($allLinks))
if($i -match '^http.*')
$i >> $filePath