# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-NaCifs
# description: Get detailed information on every CIFS share on a NetApp Filer. Function requires the NetApp Manage OnTap SDK 3.5.
# version: 3.5
# type: function
# author: glnsize
# license: CC0
# function: Get-NaCifs
# x-poshcode-id: 924
# x-archived: 2016-04-14T16:22:28
# x-published: 2009-03-09T21:23:00
# ~Glenn
# Glenn Sizemore www . Get-Admin . Com
# Requires the NetApp OnTap SDK v3.5
# Will connect to the destination Filer and retrieve detailed information on every
# Cifs share. This function will not retrieve permissions.
# Usage:
# Connect to the filler
# $Filer = 'TOASTER'
# $NetApp = New-Object NetApp.Manage.NaServer($filer,1,0)
# $NetApp.SetAdminUser(UserName,Password)
# Call the function
# Get-NaCifs -Server $NetApp
Function Get-NaCifs {
Process {
# Establish a connection and prepair to iterate through all shares.
$NaElement = New-Object NetApp.Manage.NaElement("cifs-share-list-iter-start")
$results = $Server.InvokeElem($naelement)
$Tag = $results.GetChildContent("tag")
$RecordReturned = $results.GetChildContent("records")
$increment = 50 #How many records should we process at a time
# Loop until we get all shares
While ($processing) {
$NaElement = New-Object NetApp.Manage.NaElement("cifs-share-list-iter-next")
$results = $Server.InvokeElem($naelement)
$RecordReturned = $results.GetChildContent("records")
IF ($RecordReturned -eq 0) {
} else {
Foreach ($share in $results.GetChildByName("cifs-shares").GetChildren()) {
$S = "" | Select @{
}, @{
# From here on out we'll use add-member because default shares
# Won't contain any of these properties.
switch($share) {
$S|Add-Member 'NoteProperty' 'Caching' $_.GetChildContent("caching")
$S|Add-Member 'NoteProperty' 'Description' $_.GetChildContent("description")
$S|Add-Member 'NoteProperty' 'DirUmask' $_.GetChildContent("dir-umask")
$S|Add-Member 'NoteProperty' 'FileUmask' $_.GetChildContent("file-umask")
$S|Add-Member 'NoteProperty' 'Forcegroup' $_.GetChildContent("forcegroup")
$S|Add-Member 'NoteProperty' 'ABE' $true
if ($_.GetChildContent("is-symlink-strict-security") -eq "false") {
$S|Add-Member 'NoteProperty' 'SymlinkStrictSecurity' $False
IF ($_.GetChildContent("is-vol-offline") -eq "true") {
$S|Add-Member 'NoteProperty' 'VolOffline' $true
IF ($_.GetChildContent("is-vscan") -eq "true") {
$S|Add-Member 'NoteProperty' 'VirusScanOnOpen' $True
IF ($_.GetChildContent("is-vscanread") -eq "true") {
$S|Add-Member 'NoteProperty' 'VirusScanOnRead' $True
IF ($_.GetChildContent("is-widelink") -eq "true") {
$S|Add-Member 'NoteProperty' 'WideLink' $True
$S|Add-Member 'NoteProperty' 'MaxUsers' $_.GetChildContent("maxusers")
$S|Add-Member 'NoteProperty' 'Umask' $_.GetChildContent("umask")
Write-Output $S
$NaElement = New-Object NetApp.Manage.NaElement("cifs-share-list-iter-end")