# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: play-note(s)
# description: code to play distinct “musical” notes using Console.Beep allowing you to specify the note/octave/duration as well as speaking
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: karl prosser
# license: CC0
# function: Play-Note
# x-poshcode-id: 835
# x-archived: 2017-04-30T12:22:22
# x-published: 2009-01-30T02:06:00
# -Karl Prosser
function Play-Note([string]$note,[int] $duration = 5)
if (!($note -match '(\d+)')) { $note+='4' };[void]($note -match '([A-G#]{1,2})(\d+)')
[console]::Beep((440 * [math]::Pow([math]::pow(2,(1/12)),
(([int] $matches[2]) - 4)* 12 + $( switch($matches[1])
{ 'A' { 0 } 'A#' { 1 } 'Bb' { 1 } 'B' { 2 } 'C' { 3 } 'C#' { 4 } 'Db' { 4 }
'D' { 5 } 'D#' { 6 } 'Eb' { 6 } 'E' { 7 } 'F' { 8 } 'F#' { 9 } 'Gb' { 9 }
'G' { 10 } 'G#' { 11 } 'Ab' { 11 }
}))),$duration * 100 )
function Speak-words ([string]$words,[bool]$pause = $true)
{ $flag = 1
if ($pause) {$flag = 2}
$voice = new-Object -com SAPI.spvoice
$voice.speak($words, [int] $flag) # 2 means wait until speaking is finished to continue
function Play-Notes
$defaultduration = 5;if($args[0] -is [int]) {$defaultduration = $args[0]}
for($i = 0;$i -lt $args.length;$i++)
{ $duration = $defaultduration
if ($i -lt $args.length-1) { if ($args[$i+1] -is [int]) {$duration = $args[$i+1] } }
if ($args[$i] -is [string]) {
if ($args[$i].startswith("!")) { speak-words $args[$i].replace('!','') } else
{ play-note $args[$i] $duration }
play-notes A B C 20 E 10 B 10
play-notes A B C 20 E 10 B 10
play-notes F5 2 E5 2 D5 2 C5 2 B5 2 A5 2 G 4 F5 2 E5 2 D5 2 C5 2 B5 2 A5 2 G 4
play-notes 2 F5 E5 D5 C5 B5 A5 G 4 F5 E5 D5 C5 B5 A5 G 4
play-notes 4 F5 E5 D5 C5 B5 A5 G F5 E5 D5 C5 B5 A5 G
play-notes "!here we go now" Db5 Db Eb Gb Ab "C#" 6 !YEAH
play-notes A "!$([datetime]::now)" C