PoshCode Archive  Artifact [9b6079a6b5]

Artifact 9b6079a6b538ab0a0c3366368ae074b60d358b855e0a0b5c391e7f9783c294d0:

  • File Get-MailboxImportRequest.ps1 — part of check-in [6e825b697f] at 2018-06-10 13:15:39 on branch trunk — This Exchange 2010 MailboxImportRequest cmdlet is to help identify imports that may never complete successfully or are taking a long time to complete so they can be suspended and other imports in the queued can complete in a timly manner. (user: Jon Webster size: 4053)

# encoding: utf-8
# api: powershell
# title: Get-MailboxImportRequest
# description: This Exchange 2010 MailboxImportRequest cmdlet is to help identify imports that may never complete successfully or are taking a long time to complete so they can be suspended and other imports in the queued can complete in a timly manner.
# version: 1.0
# type: script
# author: Jon Webster
# license: CC0
# function: Set-DefaultProperties
# x-poshcode-id: 2783
# x-archived: 2013-11-23T13:38:24
# x-published: 2013-07-11T15:08:00
# .Synopsis
#   Use the Get-MailboxImportRequestProgress cmdlet to view detailed information about pst import progress.
# .Description
#   The Get-MailboxImportRequestProgress cmdlet displays statistics on imports currently in progress that help determine if a import is likely to complete successfully. To accureately evaluate the current progress of an import examine the durration it has been running and the number of times the estimated number of items have been transferred.
#   The following may indicate an import is stalled and will neither Complete or Fail:
#   * Item % is over 200
#   * ItemsLeft is -2000 or lower
#   * BytesTransferred is under 1MB and Durration is over 2 hours
#   Using ScanPST may repair the damange to the pst and allow it to complete successfully. Otherwise, the only other option is to use the full Outlook client.
# .Example
#   Get-MailboxImportRequest -Status InProgress|Get-MailboxImportRequestProgress
# .Example
#   Get-MailboxImportRequestProgress|ft -auto

	# We need this because 2.0 broke adding default properties the old way.
	# https://connect.microsoft.com/PowerShell/feedback/details/487938/v2-0-rtm-defining-default-properties-for-custom-objects-no-longer-works
	Function Set-DefaultProperties {

		$name = $Object.PSObject.TypeNames[0]     
		$xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><Types><Type>"
		$xml += "<Name>$($name)</Name>"
		$xml += "<Members><MemberSet><Name>PSStandardMembers</Name><Members>"
		$xml += "<PropertySet><Name>DefaultDisplayPropertySet</Name><ReferencedProperties>"

		foreach( $default in $DefaultProperties ) {
			$xml += "<Name>$($default)</Name>"

		$xml += "</ReferencedProperties></PropertySet></Members></MemberSet></Members>"
		$xml += "</Type></Types>"

		$file = "$($env:Temp)\$name.ps1xml"

		Out-File -FilePath $file -Encoding "UTF8" -InputObject $xml -Force

		$typeLoaded = $host.Runspace.RunspaceConfiguration.Types | where { $_.FileName -eq  $file }

		if( $typeLoaded -ne $null ) {
			Write-Verbose "Type Loaded"
		else {
			Update-TypeData $file

	# Mailbox Import requests were piped in
		if($_.Identity.GetType() -eq [Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.RequestJobObjectId])
			$temp = $_|Get-MailboxImportRequestStatistics|select,@{n="ItemsLeft";e={$_.estimatedtransferitemcount - $_.itemstransferred}} @{n="Item %";e={[int]($_.itemstransferred/$_.estimatedtransferitemcount * 100)}},@{n="Total %";e={$_.percentcomplete}},@{n="Durration";e={$_.TotalInProgressDuration}},*
		} else { Write-Warning "Invalid Mailbox Import Request ID" }

	# We just want all imports in progress
	} else {
		$temp = Get-MailboxImportRequest -status InProgress|Get-MailboxImportRequestStatistics|select @{n="ItemsLeft";e={$_.estimatedtransferitemcount - $_.itemstransferred}},@{n="Item %";e={[int]($_.itemstransferred/$_.estimatedtransferitemcount * 100)}},@{n="Total %";e={$_.percentcomplete}},@{n="Durration";e={$_.TotalInProgressDuration}},*

	# Define the default property set
	$temp |% {
	Set-DefaultProperties @($temp)[0] @(�TargetAlias','StatusDetail','BytesTransferred','ItemsTransferred','ItemsLeft','Item %','Total %','Durration')