PoshCode Archive  Artifact [9d350024a4]

Artifact 9d350024a4a5c25af026a0754b1c1a92b9509b92c8acc2875c44738073d45fb2:

  • File Get-LeaderBoard.ps1 — part of check-in [c575b20582] at 2018-06-10 13:13:25 on branch trunk — Script to retrieve the leader boards from the 2011 Scripting Games as objects. New version fixes an error with regex that caused usernames with periods or other non-english characters to be excluded (Thanks to Scott Alvarino for noticing this). Also added rankings, which unfortunately causes PowerShell to default the display to a list format, but I assume that any PowerSheller looking at the leaderboards is capable of piping the output to “Format-Table -AutoSize” :) (user: Alex McFarland size: 3619)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-LeaderBoard
# description: Script to retrieve the leader boards from the 2011 Scripting Games as objects.  New version fixes an error with regex that caused usernames with periods or other non-english characters to be excluded (Thanks to Scott Alvarino for noticing this).  Also added rankings, which unfortunately causes PowerShell to default the display to a list format, but I assume that any PowerSheller looking at the leaderboards is capable of piping the output to “Format-Table -AutoSize” :)
# version: 1.01
# type: script
# author: Alex McFarland
# license: CC0
# function: Get-LeaderBoard
# x-poshcode-id: 2631
# x-archived: 2011-04-25T16:27:22
# x-published: 2011-04-23T21:27:00
		Pulls down the leaderboards for the 2011 Scripting Games

		Quick and dirty script to pull down the leaderboards for the 2011 scripting games.  
		Can choose either beginner or advanced via a command line switch. To see the output
		in a table, you must pipe to "format-table -autosize" or "out-gridview"
		The leaderboard to parse

		Get-LeaderBoard -Level Beginner
		Retrieves the beginner leaderboard.

		Get-LeaderBoard -Level Advanced
		Retrieves the advanced leaderboard
		Get-LeaderBoard Advanced | Format-Table -Autosize
		Retrieves the advanced leaderboard and returns values in a table
		Get-LeaderBoard Advanced | Format-Table -Autosize
		Retrieves the advanced leaderboard and displays a table.
		Get-LeaderBoard Advanced | where { $_.UserName -eq "My Name" }
		Retrieves status for user "My Name"	
		NAME:      Get-LeaderBoard
 		VERSION:   1.01
 		AUTHOR:    Alex McFarland
 		LASTEDIT:  04/23/2011
	 	-Added rankings to output.  This unfortunately requires use of ft - auto to get 
		 decent looking output.
		-Incorporated regex changes to to issues points out by Scott Alvarino. Was
		 missing foreign language characters and periods.
function Get-LeaderBoard 
			Position = 0,
			Mandatory = $true,
			HelpMessage = "Leaderboard to parse.  Advanced, or Beginner")]
	# create a webclient
	$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
	# download the page
	$LeaderPage = $WebClient.DownloadString("http://2011sg.poshcode.org/Reports/TopUsers?filter=$Level") 
	# create a horrific looking regular expression
	$RegEx = '<a href="/Scripts/By/\d{1,3}">(?<UserName>[\w\s\S]*)</a>\s*</td>\s*<td>\s*(?<TotalPoints>\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2})\s*</td>\s*<td>\s*(?<ScriptsRated>\d*)'
	# initialize counter for ratings
	$i = 1
	# split the page into seperate objects so we can parse each invidual
	$LeaderPage -split "<tr>" | ForEach { 
		# match the regex
		$_ -match $RegEx | Out-Null
		# create a new PSObject, supply a hashtable with the properties
		if (-not $Matches.UserName -eq "") 
			New-Object PSObject -Property @{
				"Ranking" = $i++
				"UserName" = $Matches.UserName
				"ScriptsRated" = $Matches.ScriptsRated
				"TotalPoints" = $Matches.TotalPoints
				"AverageRating" = if  ($Matches.ScriptsRated -gt 0) 
					# get average round to two decimal places
					"{0:N2}" -f ($Matches.TotalPoints / $Matches.ScriptsRated)
		# clear matches
		if ($Matches) { $Matches.Clear() }
		# get our objects in a specific order.
	} | select -Unique Ranking,UserName,ScriptsRated,AverageRating,TotalPoints